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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Wow! I hope that's all or mostly WiFi usage...
  2. They would almost have to create a new plan for it if it does have voice. Even though you can easily use more data tethering a phone to your computer, no cell carrier wants tablets with unlimited data. It would burn through data like crazy.
  3. I'd like to see someone walking around with a 10 inch tablet to their ear, LMAO. Can you imagine, unlimited data on a 10 inch tablet because it is also a phone? That would be awesome!
  4. I remember using sprint's app before google maps and it would shut off as soon as you lost coverage for 5 seconds... It sucked
  5. It is certainly frustrating when you are using a navigation app and it shuts off because there is no data connection. Copilot is changing that, they are offering offline maps for free, so your cellphone virtually becomes a standalone GPS. If you want voice navigation and 3D maps, it is a one time $20 charge and real time traffic updates will tack on $10 per year. But it's pennies if you figure what you save on buying another GPS for when you drive into the non cellphone wasteland when you cant even call anyone to get directions. http://www.engadget.com/2012/02/26/copilot-gps-app-ios-android/
  6. A swedish blogger uncovered the 10.1 inch galaxy note promotional materials at the hotel the Samsung reps were staying. There are also giant billboards around Barcelona promoting a 10.1 inch Note. It appears the official announcement will be in the next day or so. I wonder if this giant slab will also function as a phone? http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57385252-1/samsung-galaxy-note-10.1-unveiling-imminent-in-barcelona/ http://www.androidcentral.com/samsung-outs-galaxy-note-101-barcelona
  7. Does this have their own processor in it? I saw that they have their own processor division...
  8. My brother in law has the bionic and loves it
  9. I hear you. I am used to double and triple checking what I write, because at work I catch so much heck for any mistake because I'm always doing everyone else's editing.
  10. The carrier bloatware is some of the most uninspired engineering ever. IMO it's mainly just put on there so that people who don't know where to get the good apps can still have some functionality of a smartphone. Verizon uses it to nickel and dime you to death. Sprint uses it to fill up your internal memory...
  11. We don't know the full stats on the tegra 3 yet though. If done the way they are saying, it could have huge power savings with the companion core and mega power when it needs it. I wouldn't dismiss it just yet.
  12. And I also hate the fat extended batteries. In 2 of my last 3 phones, I have bought "slim" extended batteries that are the same size or just a hair larger than stock. Some of those extended batteries are insane. I really don't want to add 3/8 inch to the thickness of my phone...
  13. That is definately tolerable. A phone has to get me at least 16 hours of moderate to heavy use.
  14. And, judging by what I see on Amazon, 4000 mah extended batteries.
  15. I don't think they had a choice, people want thin and light. HTC's classic mold is thick and heavy. Plus their batteries have never been big enough. They must think people want to use their phone for 3 hours per charge.
  16. Euros are worth more than the dollar.... Maybe thats why LMAO
  17. It probably works fine for iOS because nobody changes anything on an iPhone "Apple got it perfect when they stole the phone from the heavens" :puke: But Motorola NEEDS the ability to pull the battery, without a doubt. The wife has had her MAXX since Wednesday and it is entirely too buggy for a 3-day old phone that is complete stock with a half dozen programs on it. It's not like the OS is new either. It's gingerbread with the exact same software as the RAZR, they should have worked out the bugs by now. I am VERY unimpressed with Motorola after seeing this pure junk. Then you add that they scare off all the good developers with a locked bootloader. Motorola might know how to make radios, but they have no clue on software. My sister has the RAZR MAXX and complains about the battery life. The main selling point of the phone... probably because the software is awful. Also- I had to do a software reset already on her phone to try to resolve issues with a earpiece that is what I would consider level 1 but is turned up all the way.
  18. Not to be a grammar Nazi, but it is "Do" not "Due" away with data caps... Just thought I would point that out if you want this to be taken seriously and go somewhere. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  19. Yeah, you could put a full body invisible shield on it. I had one on my HTC Zero and it never had so much as a scratch. The film did yellow over time though. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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