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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. I'm pretty sure what Robert is saying is that the contractors will install all the equipment that each tower is scheduled to have installed. Only certain towers will receive LTE on 800, and that has already been determined when they wrote up the Network Vision plan, but all the appropriate equipment for each tower will be installed. They will test everything and then go live with what the current handsets can support. Enhanced 1900 CDMA and 800 CDMA will go live. Depending on if there are LTE handsets released, the 1900 LTE will go live as well. The only variable will be if Sprint's LTE handsets can support LTE over 800. Until Sprint has a device that can access 800 LTE, it will be shut off. When they release a capable device, they will flip the switch at their headquarters and remotely activate the 800 LTE. Part of the Network Vision plan is to give Sprint enhanced control of the remote equipment from their headquarters.
  2. I can post in the forums and bulletin board, but not on blogs.
  3. I'm having trouble posting comments on blog entries. Is this common or expected? I can write everything out, but when I hit the post button, it does nothing. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  4. He is receiving HSPA+, not LTE. http://news.cnet.com/8301-30686_3-57393828-266/has-ios-5.1-turned-the-iphone-4s-into-a-4g-device-overnight/
  5. Everyone wants their market to be upgraded ASAP. There are a pile of larger markets than Long Island that have not been announced yet. At this point, the markets that are announced will be complete within months of each other.
  6. Expensive vodka Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  7. They have done a lot with M2M. They even partnered with Orange for global coverage.
  8. That certainly links Huawei to corperate espionage. Thanks. I really didn't know much at all about Huawei until just recently.
  9. I'm not justifying them stealing technology from other companies, and I don't think it is right. What I was saying is that it is a part of business. As per the research that I have done, there is not a single shred of evidence that supports your claim that Huawei has stolen. Furthermore, you have not presented anything supporting the claim that Huawei has engaged in stealing technology. Just because they are a Chinese company, and the chinese have engaged in corperate espionage, doesn't mean that they are involved. At this point, without any facts, your assertions are nothing more than slander.
  10. Great grandfather Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  11. Just like everyone wanting 4G. I would be fine with sustained 1mbps 3G speeds.
  12. There are also a lot of people using Clear's WiMax for their home internet. I actually heard someone complaining about their Clearwire speeds getting worse today. This is the 3G Clearwire service. He was saying that he doesn't really have much else of a choice, but he wished that his service would stay the same as it was. Clear might keep good support to keep people using WiMax, or once they roll out LTE in all their markets, they might leave WiMax to rust away, effectively forcing all the current customers to switch to LTE. I would think that it is 20 months down the road before you see that happen though, so it might be fine. There is also the fact that when mass amounts of LTE devices are sold to owners of the Evo, Evo 3D, E4GT, Photon, Nexus S, E4G, etc you will see craigslist/ebay saturated with WiMax handsets, and supply and demand will push the price down. It is possible that someone who can't "upgrade" to a new phone can buy a used WiMax phone that is an upgrade from their current device to wait it out until LTE hits their market or until phones are released with multiple band LTE support and maybe even LTE advanced. I picked up an Evo 3D off craigslist the day before the iPhone was released from someone who was upgrading her 3 month old phone to an iPhone.
  13. Looks like it is "due to requirements related to copyright protection." Google should do a search using their own search engine and they will find pirate movies all over the place. As http://www.androidce...-rooted-devices
  14. Yeah, I didn't even think about Netflix. That is available on all handsets, not just non-rooted ones. DRM was the reason it took so long to come to Android when it was on iOS for a long time.
  15. If someone travels internationally, the Photon would still be an excellent buy. It might be some time before there is an international phone offered by Sprint that also has LTE, but I can't be sure. I wouldn't think there would be room for all the antennas.
  16. I think there were numbers posted somewhere here that T-Mobile actually had the most subscribers in the KC market. Might have been in a chat. I think AJ posted it. I will see if I can dig it up.
  17. I wonder what Sprint Employees carry. Sprint, T-Mobile? Or maybe they have Airraves floor to ceiling...
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