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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. I agree but when my smartphone becomes a dumbphone everywhere but on Wi-Fi, I'm finding a carrier that works. When it comes to business, you either sink or swim. If you stop treading water, you're going to sink. Sprint stopped treading water in my town. They can either drown, or get back above water and compete again. If it was even close, I would still be with sprint, but they are so far behind ALL the other carriers here, I can't justify paying them good money for a garbage connection. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  2. Root vegetable Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  3. Google has publicly stated that they will continue to issue updates for CDMA devices. They removed the CDMA devices from their "support" page because custom ROMs, if built from AOSP instead of based on the official update, can lose functionality. The CDMA files need to be signed by the platform key or the correct code will not be transmitted to the carrier and calls and data connections will not function. Google determined that this was too complex to try to communicate to would be developers and removed the AOSP files from their support page. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  4. Sprint seems to have a good relationship with HTC, Samsung, LG, and RIM who keep Sprint supplied with a steady stream of Smartphones. Motorola is getting cozy with Sprint as well as the new partnership with Apple. I'm sure nobody would argue with new offerings from Nokia or Sony. It seems like good money that Nokia will soon make it to Sprint with Microsoft pushing the WP platform the best they can. Sony would be a very nice addition to the lineup. That leaves Huawei, Pantech, Sharp, Casio, Palm (if they make a resurgence) and Lenovo as the rest of the current smartphone makers who could possibly start delivering Sprint phones. Huawei seems like the most desirable out of this crop with their new line of phones raising a lot of attention. Lenovo makes a "tabphone"or "phoblet" similar to the Samsung Note. Casio is known for tough devices that are a bit lagging in modern technology. Palm has offered phones on Sprint in the past but have dropped virtually out of competition with the rest of the field. Amazon and Facebook could enter the market, but wouldn't likely release a premium, high end type phone. If Sanyo decides to reenter the game, they always seemed to make good phones. What manufacturer(s) would you most like to see deal their devices on the now network?
  5. The second generation of microwave devices will provide smaller, lighter, faster and more energy efficient devices to provide site to site backhaul. Hopefully they can get these to market before NV is done. Huawei is really building themselves a name in the tech section. I am actually excited to see their flagship line of phones when they come to market. Initially I thought they might just be another wanna-be producing shoddy knock-offs. Their design for at least one of their phones is eerily similar to the SGSII, but at least it's not just like the iPhone, or they would already be in court. http://www.lightreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=218300
  6. lmao Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  7. Yeah, but what happened to good old fashioned "the customer is always right?" Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  8. I asked for a phone from the back. They didn't have any razr maxx in stock and no employees even had the phone and they wouldn't take a nexus out from behind lock and key until I said I was buying it. I had to wait until my second visit when another employee with the nexus was there and then I could see it without tether and crappy thick purple rubber case. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  9. That should go on your resume, that is impressive Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  10. The nice thing about the nexus is that Google promises to update the nexus line for the life of the phone or approximately 2 years Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  11. Yeah. I almost went with the 5gb plan which doubled to 10. I didn't want to spend the $20 per month when I used between 1 and 3 gb per month on sprint with unlimited data. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  12. My bill with sprint after they "streamlined" my billing with my discount was $201. My monthly bill with Verizon with 4gb data per line is $206. Same amount of minutes and 3 Android phones with insurance. Not to mention I can now use my phone at work and I have LTE. I miss sprint's awesome customer service, knowledgeable sales reps at the corporate store and unlimited data, but they left me no choice. My data was unusable other than rural areas and on Wi-Fi and I was roaming on Verizon's network at work. Hopefully I can go back to sprint in 2 years because I loathe everything Verizon except the network. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  13. QBKing is the first to try everything out. How many phones does that guy have???
  14. Who is going to make it? I'm hoping Asus. I don't know who else Google would choose. If they keep choosing Samsung, the other manufacturers will cry foul. Asus is pretty much king of Android tablets right now.
  15. Verizon has the attitude of "we have the best network and if you don't like _______, you can go languish at one of the other crappy networks."
  16. Wow, that is pretty harsh. I can say that I helped bring down the average of what Americans spend on Apple.
  17. I hate when the store has EVERY model tethered down with a 8 gauge cable. I want to feel it in my hand and see for myself if it is a fit or if it is too small or large. It was like pulling teeth when I bought my nexus to get one without a tether pulling it out of my hand or a case on it.
  18. I can use my phone with one hand, 4.7 inch screen and all. The thing is, I don't want to use it with one hand. My wife has a iPhone 4S as a loaner phone until her new phone comes off backorder. I was playing around with it and it just seems too small to operate with one hand. My thumb gets in the way, I have to enlarge part of the screen to select things because I keep fat fingering everything. I prefer large screens with lots of real estate.
  19. They don't want their customers to have freedom of choice. Is this why their color is red? Communists are also red... Interesting.
  20. Well, I brought the wife's razr maxx back to the store and the booger eating morons were flabbergasted that a razr was malfunctioning. The maxx is back ordered 2 weeks and the salesman expected her to go without a phone that whole time. After I nearly went into "hulk angry" mode and about an hour of him calling the manager, they gave her a loaner iPhone. We'll see how the replacement behaves. Maybe I'm just negative on Motorola after my moto renegade was a complete worthless pile...
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