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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. I was thinking of starting a thread like this. I can't remember all my phones that I have had, there are a couple phones that I will probably leave off, but I'll do my best to remember. Samsung Uproar-Not sure if this was my first phone, but if I had something before this, it was not memorable. This was the first ever MP3 phone and was really cool back in 2001 with its 64mb of storage for mp3s. Sanyo SCP-6000-Super thin, I called this phone "the tampon" as it was .39 inches thick and roughly the shape of a tampon. Sanyo SCP-4900-Phone broke, Sprint rep talked me into this phone which was one of the first color screen phones, but the screen broke almost the minute I walked out the door. Sanyo SCP-8100-Basic Flip phone with a camera. Samsung SPH-A600- Not just a flip phone but the screen also rotated so you could close it with the screen exposed...Pure junk. Samsung VGA1000- This got the most use of any phone. It was durable and had some lasting power. Either phones didn't progress much or I didn't care. Some 3rd world Nokia (maybe 5165)-Had this while I was deployed. $0.40 per minute on a prepaid, I didn't use it much. Motorola i265 - First Nextel work phone. This thing took a bath several times and kept on ticking, but it got scratched so bad I could barely read the screen and I begged for a flip phone. Samsung MM-A920 - Personal phone. Great combo of features, it got plowed into a snowbank at work and I called it, heard it ringing and dug it out of the snow. Never worked right after that, but the company reimbursed me $400 for a new one. Motorola i530 - Work phone. The ultimate durable Nextel phone. This was a tank. Motorola ic502 - Work phone tester. Sprint/Nextel Hybrid. Not that great, but it was decent. Motorola Renegade - Personal phone. SDC worked like garbage and killed the battery. I gave up on direct connect after owning this phone. It was a giant disappointment coming from the i530 and ic502. It didn't help that the wife had a "smart" phone and I was stuck with a flip phone. HTC Hero - I thought it was cool for a few months until the Evo blew it out of the water. The only way it was usable was with custom ROMs. I credit this phone with teaching me to root phones out of necessity. HTC Evo 3D - Had this for a few months, bought it off Craigslist to save my upgrade for LTE phones, then upgraded to the E4GT and gave this to my sister. Samsung Epic 4G Touch - Amazing phone, I could have easily kept this for the entire period until my next upgrade and possibly longer. Samsung Galaxy Nexus - This phone took the sting out of giving up my E4GT. I keep finding new things to love about this phone. LTE, AOSP, ICS, no shutter lag, good battery life. I don't know how I waited this long to own a Nexus. Love it. There was also a Motorola DPC-550 in there somewhere as a temporary work phone.
  2. Well, I tested out how the Nexus' focus would work with fast picture taking. I took 7 pictures as fast as I could inside with lower light than is usually optimal and 2 were out of focus. Then I walked out to the deck and took about 30 in bright light and didn't really notice any that were out of focus. The E4GT takes really good pictures, I'm not trying to take anything away from that, but I like the ability to quickly snap a picture. In fact, I gave away a $300 point and shoot camera to my sister in law because it took too long between pictures then I went out and bought a new one that I tested in the store to find the quickest shutter lag. I could have cared less if one took slightly better pictures or had more megapixels. But to each his own. There are always some things that someone will like more about camera "A" and things that other people prefer about camera "B". I have to admit, when I first learned that there was a 5 MP camera in the nexus, I was very surprised. All the top phones were coming out with 8 MP cameras, but this camera is so much better than the 5 MP on my HTC Hero. I still use a 3.1 MP point and shoot from time to time and that still takes good pictures so It's not all about MP. All things aside, I bought the nexus not for battery, camera, processor, or any other stat. I bought it so I could be in complete control of my phone experience, be able to make any adjustments I wish, and be assured prompt upgrades with every new version of Android. The 720p screen was a nice bonus though.
  3. Are you speaking from personal experience or are you judging the nexus camera strictly on megapixels? My experience with the nexus camera is that it is really good quality for a 5 MP and has zero shutter lag. It gives smaller files is about the only difference between it and the E4GT. I would take nexus camera over E4GT any day. And I have had both phones. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  4. Funny, because the wife told me tonight that she WILL NOT put up with the RAZR MAXX for a minute longer, and wants a nexus now! Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  5. Maybe if they were updating conus towers instead of Puerto Rico, they would keep customers... Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  6. It seems the amount committed to Apple keeps falling. The latest estimate is that Sprint has to sell around 24 million iPhones to meet the $15.5 billion, four year deal with Apple revealed in their 10K filing. Considering Sprint sold 1.8 million phones in 4Q 2011, they would need to keep that pace for just under 3 and a half years to sell their 24 million iPhones. They also revealed that network vision will cost approximately $10 billion over 2 years in the following quote: "Our accelerated timeline coupled with our capital needs to maintain and operate our existing infrastructure are expected to require approximately $10 billion in total capital expenditures over the two year period ending December 31, 2013."
  7. These are not the pictures you're looking for... Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  8. Those show up as "Posted Image" does it work to link to box?
  9. I do like large internal storage, but a SD card makes it so much easier to swap all your pictures, music and video from one phone to another. Then there is the whole bootloader/ODIN thing. Bootloader is way easier to load a ROM or recover from a boot cycle. ODIN isn't hard to use, but I like tossing a ROM on the SD card and plugging it into the phone. I guess everyone's desire to copy Apple's success is leading them to copy all the things that Android purists hate about the iPhone. Non-removable batteries, external storage, what's next? Are we going to lose our widgets, big screens and vast array of choices? YOU GET THIS "ONE" MODEL TO CHOOSE FROM. LIKE IT LIKE IT LIKE IT...
  10. I never was much of a fan of the "Evo" branding. They worked hard to build it though. No two Evos are the same, there is the original Evo, the slider Shift, a 3D version, and an international version in the Design. While the Shift and Design may not have been gamechangers, they didn't tarnish the brand. Now, I think Sprint's HTC fans will probably buy the next HTC flagship no matter what it happens to be called. I just find it hard to believe that they would ditch the Evo name. It could be a "One" with a different case and name. I do think it is rediculous that Sprint and Verizon expect phonemakers to make them a whole special model of phones. It just ends up taking the manufacturer longer to release updates when they have 12 different models of the same phone like the Samsung Galaxy SII. Maybe this will change when all the carriers are on VoLTE.
  11. PC Mag uncovered why the Tegra 3 isn't in the HTC One phones that were announced. The U.S. won't initially see one of One's announced innovations, the Nvidia Tegra 3 quad-core processor. That's because "Nvidia doesn't have very solid LTE which is ready for the market yet," Kodera said. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2400774,00.asp
  12. I think windows phone will destroy RIM in market share when they release flagship phones on all the carriers instead of the turds they dropped on shelves before Nokia came into the picture. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  13. That's funny. I remember having a sprint personal phone and Nextel work phone and it seemed like they never both worked in the same place Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  14. I'm glad I have 4G everywhere that is densely populated that I go. Once I leave 4G area, it is sparsely enough populated to have good 3G speeds.
  15. It's not that great everywhere. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  16. I don't get 45 hours and I was on WiFi for a good part of the 40 hours, but the nexus isn't too bad on the battery either. I upgraded to the 2100 mAh battery though.
  17. What kind of use was the 45.5 hours? Heavy? Moderate?
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