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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Yeah, I loved my E4GT, but I love the Nexus even more. I think part of why I prefer the Nexus, is that I REALLY prefer AOSP over a skinned version. I also love the fact that the stock software is better than any custom ROM I could put on here. I was always looking for something better out of a ROM on the E4GT, but I am perfectly content with ICS.
  2. I had heard that it would be late 3rd quarter or 4th quarter for the RAZR and MAXX. That is really weak for a flagship. When I was shopping for phones when I switched, the salesman pushed the RAZR line as though it was the end all be all of smartphones. Then I started spitting stats and facts comparing the Nexus and RAZR like the screen, bootloader lock, update frequency, replaceable battery, processor and current software he changed his tune. Don't get me wrong, the RAZR line has good phones, but there is a heaping portion of hype along with it. If Motorola didn't make, or have a reputation for making superior radios, they would be ostracized for their locked bootloaders and lack of timely updates.
  3. Welcome to the forums! I haven't seen anything about Google applying for a patent, but I hope they do. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  4. Something like that, but they don't allow submissions...
  5. Samsung Uproar-Not sure if this was my first phone, but if I had something before this, it was not memorable. This was the first ever MP3 phone and was really cool back in 2001 with its 64mb of storage for mp3s. Sanyo SCP-6000-Super thin, I called this phone "the tampon" as it was .39 inches thick and roughly the shape of a tampon. Sanyo SCP-4900-Phone broke, Sprint rep talked me into this phone which was one of the first color screen phones, but the screen broke almost the minute I walked out the door. Sanyo SCP-8100-Basic Flip phone with a camera. Samsung Something- Not just a flip phone but the screen also rotated so you could close it with the screen exposed...Pure junk. Samsung VGA1000- This got the most use of any phone. It was durable and had some lasting power. Either phones didn't progress much or I didn't care. Some 3rd world Nokia (maybe 5165)-Had this while I was deployed. $0.40 per minute on a prepaid, I didn't use it much. Motorola i265 - First Nextel work phone. This thing took a bath several times and kept on ticking, but it got scratched so bad I could barely read the screen and I begged for a flip phone. Samsung MM-A920 - Personal phone. Great combo of features, it got plowed into a snowbank at work and I called it, heard it ringing and dug it out of the snow. Never worked right after that, but the company reimbursed me $400 for a new one. Motorola i530 - Work phone. The ultimate durable Nextel phone. This was a tank. Motorola ic502 - Work phone tester. Sprint/Nextel Hybrid. Not that great, but it was decent. Motorola Renegade - Personal phone. SDC worked like garbage and killed the battery. I gave up on direct connect after owning this phone. It was a giant disappointment coming from the i530 and ic502. It didn't help that the wife had a "smart" phone and I was stuck with a flip phone. HTC Hero - I thought it was cool for a few months until the Evo blew it out of the water. The only way it was usable was with custom ROMs. I credit this phone with teaching me to root phones out of necessity. HTC Evo 3D - Had this for a few months, bought it off Craigslist to save my upgrade for LTE phones, then upgraded to the E4GT and gave this to my sister. Samsung Epic 4G Touch - Amazing phone, I could have easily kept this for the entire period until my next upgrade and possibly longer. Samsung Galaxy Nexus - This phone took the sting out of giving up my E4GT. I keep finding new things to love about this phone. LTE, AOSP, ICS, no shutter lag, good battery life. I don't know how I waited this long to own a Nexus. Love it. There was also a Motorola DPC-550 in there somewhere as a temporary work phone. P.S. 4ringsnbr started a similar thread here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/368-cell-phone-memory-lane/
  6. Itemized deduction Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  7. A sport where they let people fight until one falls... Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  8. Bill collector Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  9. It's hard to ignore that NHL towns in general have been shunned by Sprint in their Network Vision rollout with only 2 NHL cities represented in the first round and only 8 NHL cities announced so far in the second round of deployment. 13 NHL cities remain to be announced while 7 NHL cities have been blacklisted altogether by Sprint. After digging further and figuring in the rankings of "Hockey Towns" where the sport of hockey is ingrained into the lifestyle of the residents, and smartphones are purchased for the exclusive use of checking the score and streaming highlights of hockey games, the outlook is much darker. Only 2 of the top 10 hockey towns are represented in the already announced markets, and both of them are in the second round of NV deployment. The top 4 hockey towns are still waiting for some Sprint love, as well as such legendary hockey towns as Buffalo NY and Denver CO. Take the top 3 American hockey towns, St. Paul MN, Pittsburgh PA and Detroit MI. The residents of these cities chomp down bandwidth from October to May streaming the best goals, saves, hits and fights. They spend the other 4 months YouTubing the best hockey fights of all time and watching Al McGinnis slapshots when they aren't searching for the latest roster moves and draft analysis. So what is it? Is Sprint afraid that their expensive Network Vision equipment will see a wild slapshot or two clang off it like that stinking crossbar clang that mocks hockey fans with a sound that makes hockeytown vomit up their beer and nachos when they hear it in overtime? Or is it just that Sprint hates missing teeth and mullets? The brass at Sprint sure is taking a chance by alienating Detroit from both WiMax and Network Vision so far. We know what hockey fans are capable of when they don't get what they want...
  10. Woman driver...oh, that's the same as Josh wrote Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  11. pyroscott


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