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Everything posted by Feech

  1. I went south today and didn't get anything at all where we initially mapped. Easy come easy go. I swear these Ericsson techs are watching sensorly more than us. If I catch one I will make him tell me all his secrets. I'm still trying to figure out why they were on the tower around the corner from my house on Thursday night. Pitch black out and they are climbing like they got nothing to do.
  2. Spence when I was doing some testing thats the screen I would see right before I dropped back to EHRPD
  3. Then what would be the best test then? In a market that is not as built out yet? Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  4. I'm not sure if it corresponds cuz I'm on Tapatalk but post number 321 will show you pics of configurations we are seeing in this market Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  5. Dang, that was good. You sure you're not taking lessons from Master S4GRU
  6. See if you can see the meters at the site. Usually they will be marked with the carrier names. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  7. Yeah we got our hands full and you ain't nowhere to be found.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  8. You would be surprised. I thought I had this area pretty well mapped out between myself and you doing some riding on this side of town. My LTE record is telling me something different though. I got a feeling that Pinellas is lit up under my nose and I had no idea. If the BSID is for different sites then I have at least 7 different ones Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  9. Picked up a brief 4G hit on 5th Ave N and 34th st/19N. Didn't get a chance to run sensorly Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  10. So what do you think then when I can see the LTE signal strength from the network screen but the network will not connect except when in CDMA only Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  11. I know of 3 sites in Largo/Seminole that have panels up, 2 of them appear ready to go Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  12. Mr Goats. In this thread there are some good pictures of what you should be seeing in a completed site Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  13. There is a difference I think between them turning it off and the mobile network being disconnected on the phone. Were you still able to connect to 3G? Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  14. I didn't get it either but my network screen showed I was in a LTE area. What phone do you have? Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  15. Thats exactly what I was thinking. It was at 2 separate sites too. The one thing I didn't do was toggle from CDMA only back to LTE/CDMA at the site to see if it would connect or do the stutter thing again with the disconnect network. I may go back again today to see, but at a bare minimum I would have thought it would at least be on 3G. I also have a EVO 4G that I will use to record it and maybe post so you guys can see
  16. I'm not sure about the specifics but they had to do it. Something about the spectrum having to be used. I'm not sure exactly but WIMAX I think was absolutely necessary.. On another note though and olny speaking about Pinellas county and from my very few and short experiences with LTE. When Pinellas gets all the towers done we will have excellent coverage here based on tower locations. Somewhere on this site it was mentioned about usable LTE and from what I have seen on my network screen and when it drops back to 3G we will be well served by Sprint in a matter of months here.
  17. I believe that site showed up on his completed list last week. I think we had a missed update, then that site showed up on sensorly. Then I asked about if that site would have shown on an update and he said no it wasn't there for the update we missed. Last Sunday though it showed up Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  18. I went to a site that I had mapped on sensorly the previous night, but was not able to connect. The network screen was clearly showing LTE but my mobile network stayed disconnected. Toggle didn't work, power cycle didn't work. I also tried to disconnect the mobile network and reconnect and it would do a stutter to connecting. connecting then fall back to disconnect. I'm pretty sure this site was not blocking connections because when I drove away and started to toggle again eventually it connected and I turned back around and mapped some more. Today I had the same thing happen at another site too. I was under the impression that if they blocked the connection you would still have 3G (in my case I had no data at the site unless I toggled to CDMA only, at that point the mobile network connected) I also have a EVO LTE but this sounds different from the other issues people have had. It wouldn/t default to 3G at all
  19. I don't think Robert will complete a tower unless it shows up in his update. He will mark it as in progress though.
  20. I had to go over there this morning. I couldn't connect but clearly I was connected to the LTE network based on the network screen. I stayed on it from the intersection of 19 and 22nd N all the way to about 5th or so I believe. I think then the hand off would go to the tower we have already mapped. I'm not sure why I was not able to connect though. I'm gonna start another thread for that. Which phone were you using by the way.
  21. I'm not believing that one tower is flaming south St. Peter like that.. There is another tower live Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  22. Really you had LTE on the bridge? I just saw it on Sensorly. You are the man!! There are a few sites over that way. I'm not sure its coming from where we mapped last night though, possibly though. If you are staying on the beach and not getting a signal there are a few sites we can rule out I think. You should post in the SW market thread too. The line of site on the bridge is a pretty clear shot in all directions so it may have come from their side of the bridge too.
  23. AT&T I believe uses something similar but I believe the use a single RRU mounted to the back of the panel, instead flag mounting that Sprint is using (where it looks like a flag fully extended from the pole) I haven't seen it but people say that Sprint will use as little as 2 RRUs on a site.
  24. I was searching on the beach this past weekend but it is hard because most of that stuff is on the rooftops and you can't tell I didn't see anything though. I went what would be considered north of the Thunderbird so if you are in the opposite direction you may find something I wasn't looking for.
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