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Everything posted by Galaxyguy

  1. My wife just got the update last night and it took her a few restarts and a battery pull to get it working right. She also has a Spigen flip case with the view window and she used to be able to answer her phone either by sliding across the window or by hitting the home button. After the update, she can no longer hit the home button to answer but the slide across the window still works. Interestingly, if she has the flip case open, she can answer the phone by hitting the home button, but not with the flip case closed. Any ideas? I think I may do a factory reset on it this weekend since she's gotten 2 updates since she's had the phone but other than that, not sure what else to try. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  2. My phone stayed on 1900 until I went into my office at work which is in the basement of a brick building. Once inside it switched to 800 and has stayed there ever since. I guess this is just opposite of the way it was before the new PRL update came out. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  3. I just received a new PRL update today. Went from 25017 to 25018 on my GS3. Seems this new version scans for 1900 first. I'm curious why they changed it. The old PRL scanned 800 first. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  4. I'm not very impressed by the S5. I can't believe they didn't even up the RAM from the S4. I think I've narrowed my list to S4t, a Note 3 (only if a new tri-band version is released), or possibly a Nexus 5. My upgrade (if it still exists) is in July. I could always try to wait for the Note 4 but I don't know if I can hold off that long. It would be a 2 to 3 more months to wait. Not sure if I have that much self control. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  5. I haven't heard that but since just anybody can't join accounts together who already have service, I doubt it would hurt them too much. Also, you would think they would want to get rid of phone subsidies. That has to cost them a good bit up front when starting a new line of service. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  6. So who else lost service tonight? Looks like everything is back working again. I heard from a source at Shentel that a fiber line went down which caused the outage. Not really sure how accurate that is though. Weird thing was I couldn't make any calls on my work phone which is a 1900mhz only phone but my personal phone was able to make calls on 800. Not sure why. All data was down though for everyone. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  7. I have an upgrade coming in July (if upgrades still exist) and right now I'll be between the S4T and the S5 (assuming it's tri-band). I really like the Note 3 but I won't buy it without tri-band. If they add a Note 3T, I would definitely consider it.
  8. From what I read, the press release says it's free on most plans, $5 on others. Not sure which plans qualify for "free" but I thought I would point that out.
  9. For those of us who weren't willing or able to watch the constant clapping, what was the mention about?
  10. I had a conversation in the past few days with a Shentel/Sprint technician. This is a tech who works on the towers, not one in a store. He said LTE800 should go live very soon as all the hardware is in place and it's a simple upgrade to make it go live. LTE2500 equipment is "in" and should start going up soon but he didn't have an exact timeline. I asked him if Shentel and Sprint redid the contract since the last I knew Shentel's current agreement didn't include 2500 but he didn't have any info on that. The fact the equipment has come in, it sounds like a clue to me. As far as some other towers that seem to be in limbo, he said there are so many reasons why that can happen. He told me about one tower in particular that the tower owner is putting up a new tower next to the old one and Shentel is waiting to replace the equipment until the new tower is built. Seems like Shentel is doing well and keeping up the quick pace that they had during NV 1.0.
  11. It's amazing how inept cellular reps can be. I've dealt with similar reps who had no technical knowledge whatsoever. I would rather they just say they don't know than make up something that's completely wrong. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  12. I no longer live in Allentown but visit every few months. I've noticed the towers in the city seem to be the ones not getting the LTE updates. I'm wondering if it's a permit issue since towers outside the city limits have been getting upgraded.
  13. I know you may just be throwing that frequency out there but isn't 450Mhz reserved for public safety in the US? I know in my area, public safety uses 453 and 458 Mhz.
  14. No, that was right when I went to bed. By the time I woke up around 8:30, it was back to 4G. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  15. I noticed our phones all switched from 4G to 3G last night right at 1AM. Hopefully that's a sign Shentel may be working on some upgrades, hopefully LTE800. Anybody have any information if Shentel started any work on LTE800? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  16. Yeah, starting with the 2014 model year vehicles, IIRC. All previous models will still use VZW. I'm somewhat surprised they agreed to that since I'm sure it will severely hurt Onstar if VZW just decided to ditch them.
  17. "AT&T Mobility President and CEO Ralph de la Vega, who also spoke at the media event, said that AT&T will allow customers to add their LTE-enabled vehicles to their Mobile Share plans as an additional device, similar to a tablet or smartphone. AT&T said it will announce pricing for LTE-enabled vehicles when they debut this summer."
  18. It makes sense they are using AT&T since they already have a contract with them for Onstar. It would, however, be nice if car manufacturers just included a sim card slot and then let the consumer pick which carrier to go with.
  19. Is anyone else bothered by Engineering being spelled "Enginerring"? I guess Samsung forgot to spell check it.
  20. I've actually been impressed with the speeds in Woodstock lately. My closest tower is about 3 blocks away and that tower has been slow compared to the others. I would consistently get between 5 and 8 mbps download and about 3 mbps upload. In the past few weeks I've been getting 15-22 down and about 8 up. Not sure what they did but I'm happy with those results. I'm very pleased with Shentel's wireless division. The wired side of the business is another story though. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  21. I'm in between 2 towers at my in-law's house. One has 1x800, the other, which is a little closer, has 1xRTT. I wish it had 800 because the signal is weak here and it might make it just a little better. Maybe next time I visit it'll be upgraded. The tower I'm referring to is just east of the blue route and in between Swarthmore and Woodlyn. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  22. I highly recommend the factory reset after updating. My phone is behaving better than ever. I picked up a galaxy gear pretty cheap and can confirm it does work with the S3 after the update. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  23. It's way too much for me to put out at $300 but due to points I had earned at the site, I only paid $120 out of pocket for it. For that price, I figured I would give it a try.
  24. Personally, I'm more looking forward to them getting the 2600 band up and running. That should provide some amazing speeds. I know they have to rework their contract with Sprint to do so but I doubt it'll be a problem.
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