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Everything posted by MarshieZ

  1. I thankfully didn't see the Narwahls one, just a lot of the one with Kevin and the one where the Verizon customers are having fun with power tools... That's what I'm hoping too!!
  2. Don't forget Sensorly and LTE Discovery! Welcome to S4GRU!
  3. I'm not one to typically watch the Oscars at all, but I've had it on since the start and have seen many Sprint commercials already. I'm kinda surprised to see so many!
  4. Well to be fair, the towers I tested were when they just got converted and at non-peak hours. So my guess would probably be 20's-30's in normal times.
  5. From the towers I've checked, I've gotten anywhere from low 30's to about 40 on B41, usually with only a -90 to -110 dbm. I know most probably still need backhaul provided to them.
  6. Well, around here... the Spark for Appleton is surprisingly... accurate. But I will call BS on the orange, there are still a cluster of 4 towers still on 3G only that they are claiming are doing LTE. No way. Nuh uh. I drive past them all frequently and I'm on 3G. It still needs to be purple. Overall though, Spark is moving quickly and that's a GREAT sign!
  7. I think I jinxed my post... a good chunk of Wisconsin has a total service blackout according to downdetector.com... Going on 4 hours now of roaming! Edit: A quick message to Sprint on Facebook actually helped... they didn't realize the tower here was having an issue... about 1/2 hour later... boom. Back up and running. And they even messaged me to even ask if I had service. THAT is good customer service. Go Sprint!
  8. YAY! It's official! Appleton has come soooo far! Now if they can finish the couple straggler towers, it'll be perfect.
  9. It would be kick ass if they did either, but with Verizon being very dominant in the NFL it would be IMO tough to get them to switch. But hey, money talks! I'd honestly rather see them go after MLB. Again, just my opinion but I would think there is a bigger market in MLB. But I could be wrong.
  10. I know... but hey, one can dream! Actually, there will be one out of 3 locally that will be converted. However, I doubt that's the reason because the corporate store and one other Sprint store is actually about a mile from the mall. The one that will be converted is at least 4 miles away from the mall kiosk that they took down. Unless they're going to one up Verizon and US Cellular and buy one of the four vacant store fronts in the mall! Again... one can dream.
  11. Kind of off topic... But I went to my local mall here (Fox River Mall) and noticed something missing as I was walking past stores... they took out the Sprint kiosk. While granted, they had a Best Buy Mobile not even 250 feet from it... there were still people there, even on non busy times. So now leaves Best Buy Mobile, U.S. Cellular... and Verizon. And of course you could wander into Target as well. My first and only happy thought to this was, if Sprint "happens" to purchase US Cellular... they'll get a nice kiosk. I am kinda bummed they took it out... it was in a good location.
  12. I don't think any "data only" plans can get discounts. But possibly with Marcelo saying new plans are coming, that might change. As of now though, no.
  13. It would be nice if they stuck with the yellow/black, gold/charcoal gray style. From a marketing standpoint, the human brain remembers yellow on black before any other color combination. Even I saw a better a customer response from doing my own marketing research two years ago and changing my business colors and using white and gold on black. It sticks with people better than other colors and combinations.
  14. Actually, I hope to leave that last one open so I can add another line to add an iPhone for myself!
  15. YAY! 7 people just joined my Framily and my bill just magically dropped by $25! $15 well spent!
  16. I'm on the last stretch of finishing up the base layout of the spreadsheet, and was wondering if you could both take a look at it for me? I'm still not 100% sure I have the whole "how to find GCI's" properly, but I put a few in that I'm a 100% sure are correct. I will also need help on how to properly embed it and how to do the maps properly too. Any help is much appreciated!! I have the premier thread here!
  17. I was thinking the very same thing! While I feel bad for Radioshack and all the employees who may lose their jobs, it's chilling and amazing at the same time to think what my local Shack's will look like if they get rebranded... Like Wal-Mart, have Pepper be their door greeter?
  18. Premier thread is up! Very basic for now, but I don't want to accidentally give away any important information in this thread!
  19. I think what I'll do is setup the thread this weekend - it'll be messy at first - but that way I can attempt to embed what I have in a post and so everyone can see what I have thus far. Plus that way we can quickly comment too. Thank you both btw! The more hands on deck I have with this, the faster (and better) it will be!
  20. Quick update... I'm about 1/3 of the way done with the spreadsheet. Still need to start the map. I'm attempting to make it as detailed as possible, for most I'm giving an exact address and I hope to link the coordinates to the site ID as well. I'm playing the very difficult game of "lets find the hidden cell tower" on Google Maps, NOW I understand why some are still 3G and/or why backhaul could be an issue for some of these... Boy, oh, boy do they have them in some "unique" places!
  21. I guess you need to ask yourself, is an iPad with only 2GB of data worth doubling your bill over? What would you be using it for? Would you be able to achieve what you want by purchasing the 6 Plus?
  22. Awesome!! Yes, any help would be much appreciated! I'm still working on the spreadsheet as of now - which is the time consuming part right now - once I have the layout and info put in, I'll PM you.
  23. Exciting news! I've received the thumbs up from Robert and with the help of uecker87 to get started, I'll be creating a premier North Wisconsin map/spreadsheet thread for all of us to keep tabs on our towers and join in the B41 tracking fun! I'm still in the early stages of creating everything. But for the time being - so you can play along at home - we can start to track and getting confirmation on bands, GCI's, TAC's, and as we go along we can tweak it. Especially since I'm still learning as I go to. Happy hunting!
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