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Everything posted by MarshieZ

  1. MarshieZ

    LG G3

    So... I have not read through all 33 pages of this thread yet, but I broke down and bought one. And after owning it for about 8 hours, I'm liking it quite well! Any quick notes or things I should be aware of? I'll read up on this thread this weekend when I have a little more time.
  2. I wonder what they are considering the "target-market" for these? If the price is right I could see this being a great Xmas gift for a kid. Is there something business related that people could/would buy these for?
  3. As I'm not a Premier sponsor, I can't say if there is a spreadsheet in there. But I don't think I have seen one for our area, no.
  4. Wow. *claps in the background* Sprint did REALLY well with this video!!!!
  5. Okay, I'm really confused. Somehow it's telling me I'm on B41 yet my phone isn't triband!? http://imgur.com/fIWJWN7 I'm assuming a hiccup in the program? Kinda makes me want to upgrade to the S5 to "actually" get B41.
  6. Unfortunately, the link doesn't work either, saying that the file doesn't exist or the web address is mistyped.
  7. The graph isn't displaying for me, just in FYI. I wouldn't mind having the hotspot, because when others can't get service and ABSOLUTELY need it like wedding planners, cake decorators, photographers, etc and they can't get data when I can, I can talk up Sprint more so then I already do! And people complain that Sprint isn't creative or doing things differently. BS! Here's proof right here.
  8. Honestly I like it BUT in my field the lumen output is probably just a bit too dim to work for what I REALLY want to do with it. I'm not sure if I have ever mentioned on here, but I own and operate my own mobile DJ business. What would be really nice to use this for is outdoor weddings to do slideshows, power points but also play music videos without having a massive projector - because small and portable is key - every inch counts especially when you're transporting equipment. Now add lighting (and sunlight) that may overpower this to where its not visible. I'm sure I could make it work for "on-the-fly" events though. I wonder if the bulb is LED as well or if there is a physical bulb. Also, is it replaceable or is that the catch of it? Definitely would need to see it in action before I would say yes to it. If somebody does do a review PLEASE let me know, because if it would work, I would get two right off the bat.
  9. ^^^ What he said. Talk is cheap. People want to see actual results. Not just B.S..
  10. Yeah, that's what I meant. I know there is only one down in Menasha that technically needs to be "upgraded."
  11. Here ya go: http://www.virginmobileusa.com/shop/mobile-broadband/broadband-2-go/netgear-mingle/features/ The Netgear Mingle is Tri-Band and they offer 3 plans: $5 per day for 250 MB $25 a month for 1.5 GB $55 a month for 6 GB
  12. Forgot to mention too, I wonder if all the road construction is what's part of the hold up for upgrades.
  13. No new news but just wanted to say I'm quite bummed that Door County didn't get LTE yet. With it being such a huge tourist attraction this time of year for so many, it would have been awesome for the Sprint users who don't live there - but come up for vacation in the summer - to be wowed by the difference of old sites to the brand spankin' new sites that we are all growing to love. But at least Sturgeon Bay was taken care of. Oh well... plus I know there are more important sites and areas then this too. Maybe for summer 2015!?
  14. I actually have had both (Playstation and Xbox) and by far I have loved Xbox since day 1. The original Xbox was super cool for it's time and Halo made it that much more epic. When the 360 came out, I was stoked about that and now that I have the One I'm amazed at how far technology has come! As for Playstation, I had the original and the Playstation 2, wasn't overly impressed with it especially when the 3 came out. Mostly for some of the above reasons. Price, Hardware, Game Selection (aka no Halo) Xbox Fan-boy for life right here... nothing more awesome than taking my phone or tablet and bringing up Smartglass through it!!
  15. ^^^^ This was long overdue, but I too never had to worry about it. To add to this, the Xbox One is also going to be broken up from the Kinect as a solo console for $399. If anybody has hesitated to get one, GET ONE!! They're awesome!!
  16. So if my mom and I were to go to our normal rep and asked her to switch us over she'd do it no problem?
  17. Again it's hard for me to keep up with everyone, so if this has been discussed please let me know. If not, I was feeling "rebellious" and decided to go through the Sprint site's forums. Mostly because I wanted to see how misinformed people are, but I cam across this forum in particular: https://community.sprint.com/baw/thread/159596?start=15&tstart=0 We all know an existing Sprint customer can't join forces with another, but they state if you change your address you can be accepted in? Did anyone know about this and/or has anyone attempted to do this? I ask because my mom's boss actually switched to Sprint from Verizon to start a Framily, well my mom and I both have accounts through Sprint and if this would work we could than get a Framily of 6!! From what I read, even Sprint Care is okay with doing it??
  18. Yet another channel's view from it... The comments at the bottom of the page are a riot!! http://fox11online.com/2014/05/04/neighbors-protest-green-bay-church-over-cell-phone-tower-deal/
  19. Okay, glad I'm not the only one getting my shorts in a bunch over this... I seriously was so frustrated after hearing this. Some people just shouldn't talk, save themselves from embarrassment.
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