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Posts posted by JossMan

  1. It would be nice if they can tweak this a little because you walk into a house with clear sight to the tower and your full bars are gone. LTE still provides 2-4 MB's down but not the 15 MB's you see outside the house and we are talking just one wall.

    While 1900 LTE is nice, 800 LTE (Band 26) will help with in-building penetration.  What you see is what you get with 1900 PCS LTE, 2-4Mb/s is very usable for a smartphone plus I'd use WiFi if it was available instead of LTE, helps keep the network healthy and take some of that unnecessary bandwidth usage and give to someone else who may need it.   

  2. I have seen the 1x signal at -70 while the LTE signal remains at -103. I noticed that the penetration of the LTE signal is very weak when you go indoors. The tower is about 1 mile away and it's a residential neighborhood were my friend has his house.

    The LTE signal is more fragile than 3G EVDO and 1x RTT.  1x RTT and 3G EVDO are measured in RSSI (Recieved Signal Strength Indication) while LTE is measured in RSRP (Reference Signal Received Power) which is LTE specific.  -103 RSRP for LTE is a very usable signal while if it was 1x or 3G EVDO it would be very close on the unusable side if measured in RSSI.


    Also signal levels will vary between you and the cell site depending on obstructions, topography, weather, etc.  

  3. There aren't really Sprint trucks.  Sprint has outsourced its network maintenance to Ericsson.  You most likely see Ericsson trucks going around to Sprint sites.



    White Chevy Silverados with blue "Ericsson" marking on them, I see them driving all the time around here.  Just saw one at a Sprint only site yesterday, I thought it was the guy I knew but was a different employee.  He was integrating the 3G at the site that has only been "4G Complete" it should be making its way too your acceptances within a few weeks.  

    • Like 1
  4. What about..


    "Band Class: 10 (800 MHz)" or

    "Band: 25 (1900 MHz)" etc.


    ..and if I got the actual frequency somehow (like on the HTCs), replace the default marker with that. I'd I don't have enough info to display it accurately, nothing extra appears.





    This is what I was trying to explain in my post above  :P,  I understand you can't get the frequencies on all phones...i.e Samsung doesn't like to play well.

    • Like 1
  5. Mike how about this.


    1x RTT 1900 


    1x RTT 800 


    That should help people from getting confused and letting them know that both are for voice service.


    People that do not visit this site that buy your app just to be curious are going to get confused when they see "Sprint 800" under provider thinking they are connected to 800 LTE.  Plus with the different MCC-MNC floating around for LTE I would personally leave "Sprint" as the provider.  

  6. Mike, I did a double take and saw I was getting a beta update for SignalCheck last night.  I have a question regarding the update, when I enable the "Show Site Hints" what is the selection for "Sprint 1" and "Sprint 3" do?  "Sprint 1" will not even enable on my phone and when I enable "Sprint 3" it shows the Sectors as "0" instead of 1, 2, and 3 when I go around a site.  

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