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Posts posted by JossMan

  1. The purpose of the graphic was not to show post NV Sprint native network coverage. You are looking for more than what that image represented.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


  2. Bottom line, Verizon's commercial can't keep up with Sprint's 1900 LTE nationwide deployment.  A rough average of 30 Sprint sites have been lit up with LTE everyday for the last two years *4G only, 3G/4G, and 3G/800/4G,* so a week of airing this useless commercial Sprint turned on 210 LTE sites, this just shows how rapid Sprint is in deploying their LTE coverage.  I've seen this commercial many times, if you read the fine print it shows nationwide providers LTE coverage based from January - June, 2013 and clearly Verizon is using a map for Sprint from Jan. 2013.  Verizon, you should use a Sprint LTE coverage map from January 2014, it would paint a much different jaw dropping picture.   :hee:

    • Like 4
  3. Moon Zombies







                                  Lol @ Call Of Duty Zombie Labs

  4. Thanks AJ, just wanted to know if I could flash a Sprint PRL that has 800 priority too see if its around me.  I didn't know if it would mess up my phone service when trying to make a call, send texts, etc.  33030 seems to have BC 10 enabled so maybe I'll just leave it alone.

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