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Posts posted by JossMan

  1. Just out of curiosity at home I am getting a rouge LTE signal but its at -115dBm phone will switch in and out of 3G and 4G LTE.  I'm hoping this isn't permanent and picking LTE up from a tower from the other side of town.  My 1X signal from the phone's DEBUG menu shows it around -74 Rx Pwr on 1900MHz PCS band, assuming they haven't upgraded the tower I am connecting to for 1X to LTE yet will I get good in house signal for LTE assuming my 1X connection is good since LTE will be on 1900MHz PCS?   


    Can you have your dad call in and make them put a ticket in or something?  He's not the only one with an issue, but if not enough people call they may never get around to fixing it.

    He already has Sprint says it has to do with Network Vision, even though CSR probably has no clue when and where they are actively working on towers.  Either way there is a trouble ticket for it to be investigated.  

  3. Anyone else having an issue in the past few days where text messages received have a time stamp an hour behind?  This seems to only happen when I am connected to Sprint towers in the Tri-Cities or Greeneville.  Works fine in Knoxville, or if I'm roaming, or if I'm on the Airave.  We have 3 HTC Ones all running the latest software in our house, and everyone is having the same issue.  My friend with his iPhone is not, however.

    My dad has the HTC EVO 3D has the same problem text message time stamps are an hour behind, started doing it a week or two ago.  Possibly working/upgrading towers, or isolated to just HTC devices.  I am on the Galaxy S3 not having that issue.    

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