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Posts posted by JossMan

  1. I wonder why the media hasn't publicized this a lot yet. If it were another carrier, they'd be all over this.


    Edit: Now they're picking up. The comments are either "B.S. this is a gimmick." or "Finally! This is great, thanks Sprint."


    It's really quite obvious who the haters are.


    • Like 2
  2. I apologize if this has been discussed, I haven't read all 102 pages of this thread! :-)


    how about an option in the settings to choose how the band is displayed.... IE "Band 25", "Band 26", "Band 41" or "B26", etc. as "LTE 800", "LTE 2600", "LTE 1900", etc? It's nit-picky but aesthetically I'd rather see something like "LTE 800" rather than "B26".


    Just a thought.... great app!

    PLMN IDs handle this for the most part i.e 310120 is Band 25, 311490 is Band 41 (except for the strange reason for Virgin Mobile using this ID for Band 25).  Mike's app pulls the PLMN ID then populates with the matching band, I don't think Android spits out "LTE 800, LTE 1900, etc." 


    Right now the only way to identify the different bands is threw the PLMN IDs which has taken a lot of time too see what Sprint uses for the different bands.  All of this could go out the window if Sprint ever decided to consolidate PLMN ID numbers.   Having LTE 800/1900/2600 would create a lot of screen clutter, in my opinion.   :P


    Happy Easter!

    • Like 1
  3. Now I'm even more confused; that screenshot showed no LTE provider at all. The PLMN (numbers after the provider) is the only way the app can identify the Sprint LTE band.


    Are you saying that PLMN 311490 indicates Sprint band 25 in your area? This would be the first I've heard of that.. until now, I have understood that 311490 either indicates Virgin Mobile or Sprint B41. The latest version of SignalCheck can recognize the differences between the two.



    If this holds true and he is on Band 25 (1900) showing PLMN 311490 on Sprint, you know what that means...back to square "A" again or there is no concrete PLMN indicating the different LTE connections. ;)


    Also Mike, I have been doing some extensive research during my off times regarding PLMNs and Sprint's LTE network if it all holds true I'll shoot you a PM regarding my findings.

  4. This is no surprise, Hesse has done a great job as CEO of Sprint.  If it wasn't for Hesse where would Sprint be today, possibly bankrupt or folded into another wireless provider, we will never know thanks to Mr. Hesse.  He has implemented ongoing network vision operations, improved network performance, deployment of LTE, secured cash flow through SoftBank, the list goes on and on.  


    As a small business owner I get paid more based on my own growth and performance just as Mr. Hesse, why shouldn't he get a raise.  He has a obligation to make shareholders money and he is doing that. 

    • Like 4
  5. I'm trying to find a good company that will fix an iPad 2. My wifi adapter seems to be broken. I somehow made it fly and hit the ground hard (screen not broken at least)



    There is actually a company here in my town that works on iPads, I have provided the link below.  I don't exactly what kind of work they do I don't own anything Apple but it wouldn't hurt to give them a call.  Hope this helps!



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