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Posts posted by JossMan

  1. Q2 2014 should be the completion of Network Vision 1.0 but not the completion of 1900 PCS LTE.  I wish there was a approximate date and I'm pretty sure S4GRU community would agree but there is no telling when.  Essentially all NV gear should be installed on all of Sprint's CDMA sites but along with backhaul sites need to be inspected and integrated before LTE goes live which will all take time.  Sprint should start thinking of finding alternate backhaul vendors in markets for the ones that are being stubborn or go with microwave and be done with it.  Only time will tell and we will see where Sprint is by summer... 


    Not to mention if you donate you can access the Network Vision maps, plus help donate to S4GRU.  Robert has put a lot of his personal time and effort into this site and needs help to keep it running not to mention all the others that help him as well.


    Welcome to S4GRU!

  2. The LTE dead zone could be due to a site lacking LTE at the current moment.  Looking at your picture of Sensory it looks like the signal is weak to the South and to the East.  LTE will coverage gaps will fill in as more sites get turned on.

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  3. And more questions: Is eHRPD implemented at the MSC level, or the tower level? And is there a specific engineer/job position responsible for enabling it? Or is it just any Ericsson engineer that happens to be at the office that day? And is eHRPD at all dependent on legacy equipment? Our legacy vendor is Motorola. Thanks in advance.

    I encourage you to read the following which should help you better understand eHRPD.  


    eHRPD EV-DO & LTE Interworking by Bill Chotiner "Ericsson CDMA Product Managment" 

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