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Posts posted by JossMan

  1. Galaxy S3 is on PRL 33030, does 800 have priority over 1900 PCS or does 1900 have priority?  Also, can you flash other PRLs while using VM, I don't know how this works since VM doesn't have roaming and only uses Sprint's native coverage.

  2. Thanks for the clarification, didn't realize I was getting 1900 Voice/Text on 1xRTT.  I do get a strong 1x800 signal in my office where my LTE is weak and borderline fallback, so right there in that instance the idea of 800LTE will probably broadcast a stronger more useable signal there.  Even if as you 800LTE will fall somewhere between 1900LTE and 800 voice, it will be a considerable upgrade in not only my office, but many high rises and urban structures downtown.  To bad I don't have a B26 device.  Oh well.

    We are all here to help, if we keep gaining knowledge from each other we will be able to maintain Sprint's new network once all the new hardware goodies are installed and 100% completed.  :lol:  But yes 1x RTT stands for "1 times radio transmission technology," which is 1900MHz PCS.  1x 800 will do a good job penetrating walls, buildings, dense areas, etc...but has its downs as well just as other higher frequencies.  I use to be a police officer/firefighter for 5 years and we utilized a county-wide radio system that was a Motorola 800 trucked system, every time we had to go down into a parking garage or apartment tower no radio service which was a safety issue.  But again this was a radio system and I'm 90% sure site/repeater spacing was the biggest culprit.  Sprint has plenty of sites here and 1900 does a good job around here so hopefully 800 will just make the experience even better.

  3. Heading to Knoxville/Oak Ridge today from OC. I'm really not ready to trade my beach attire for jackets and gloves as I'm a beach bum.


    I will report on my experience and how it compares to OC. From the looks of it, I'm in for a pleasant surprise.


    I'm going to ORAU and Energy Solutions for training and benchmarking.

    Enjoy your trip to Knoxville/Oak Ridge, Tennessee!  Its a shame your not going in the Spring/Early Summer very beautiful around here when everything doesn't look dead.  I have family in Oak Ridge, you should swing by the Y-12 National Security Complex (bad idea don't do that :lol:) and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory which won't disappoint.  

  4. Got it.. are you able to see anything popping up in logcat when it happens? You can try going back into the app and sending me a diagnostic report right after, but it might clear out the log on a restart.



    I'll send a report when/if it happens again, I've tried exiting out of SignalCheck many times and it hasn't been freezing up lately.  It could have just been my phone acting quirky.   

  5. I hadn't heard of that specific issue, but the freezing/crashing reports have been wildly inconsistent so it is probably all related. Did you have any alerts enabled? That seems to be the biggest culprit, but I'm not convinced it's the only one.


    The version I have been testing the past couple of days suddenly seems stable.. not sure if it was something I did or something Google quietly fixed in the background, but it seems much better. Fingers crossed.. been spending hours and hours on this with little to show for it.



    I disabled the alerts as you instructed me to do last week or so when the app was crashing every few days, since then the has been behaving.  Instead of hitting the back button to close the app to the background but actually tell the app to exit is when it has been crashing.  

  6. Been ready for spring, my business gets slow (lawn and landscaping) in the winter except for the commercial clients which require me to come out to their premises once a week to "tidy up." ;)  Counting down the days for spring, did I mention I am pro global warming.    

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