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Everything posted by JossMan

  1. I personally know an Ericsson employee (Network Technician) he keeps everything running in my area from Johnson City, Kingsport, and Bristol to Atkins, VA roughly 200+ sites. He came from Sprint's network management team before Sprint handed network maintenance over to Ericsson. He has said nothing but good things about Sprint when it comes to their network especially Sprint's LTE network which will closely match Verizon's 700 LTE network once 800 has been completed fully and optimized according to him. He explained that Sprint's site density in their mature markets beat Verizon's due to Sprint's 1900 PCS spacing setup coupled with 800 being on the same 1900 sites will provide for dense LTE coverage.
  2. I agree with you, with most of the hardware upgrades complete and 1x Advanced coupled with HD Voice there really is no reason to have VoLTE at the moment.
  3. After I read your first post are you insinuating that people that use Sprint's prepaid services have poor credit? I choose to use "Sprint Prepaid" because I don't want to be tied down to a contract, I didn't have to sign a contract to get my cable and internet so why should I have too for wireless service? I know there are people that have no choice but to use prepaid because their credit rating is poor but its not the case for everybody.
  4. So any takers on how much money Google will be paying Sprint to use their network? This could really help out Sprint's Band 41 deployment, future Network Vision upgrades, and money for the 600MHz auction.
  5. I'm curious how Sensorly detects which provider you have, is by the PLMN ID? If so they need to add 312530 for Sprint as well. I have not been able to map LTE for weeks now. Edit: Just to update, I took a screenshot of Sensorly under the "Details" page and this is what it shows.
  6. The site close to my house had 800 turned on a few months back, its now swamped during the evening hours with speeds averaging 1-5Mbps. My phone use to stay parked on 800 but for the last week its now favoring 1900 LTE with speeds 15Mbps+ most of the time no matter what time of the day it is. Hopefully within a few months they will have the final few sites lit up with LTE here which will help out dramatically.
  7. I was going post an AJ like comment regarding the title of this thread but, you beat me to it.
  8. Speaking of Band 41, is there a national map showing how much of the spectrum Sprint owns in each of the MTA/BTAs?
  9. Well the boat hasn't sunk...yet. Considering they are going to file for restructuring bankruptcy (Chapter 11) they can emerge as a more lean company, now if they were filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy "liquidation" well then they are past the stage of restructuring and it would be safe to say the boat has sank, this is not the case...yet.
  10. Someone is going to have to buy Radioshack here in the near future as they are on the verge of bankruptcy.
  11. If your referring to Band 41 when it is initially turned on, yes it needs to be optimized. The first Band 41 8T8R site here couldn't even reach a couple blocks and the signal was strongest when I was almost directly under the site, a few weeks later it almost matches up with PCS LTE. Just a note this is my experience with Band 41 and every situation will be different. Some sites are designed to cover a few city blocks and others are designed to cover miles. I believe they will try to maximize every ounce of coverage with Band 41 to make customers data sessions more enjoyable.
  12. Just to update on my recent purchase of this device I am quite impressed with the performance and the build quality of this phone. The bezel-less screen looks great not to mention the display looks very sharp and crisp with the colors popping out at you, Sharp really nailed it. What is the most impressive is the performance of the radio, on LTE 1900 I see a stronger signal by -5dBm and on LTE 800 it shines with a -12dBm gain! On my LG Volt I couldn't do any better than -99dBm in my house on LTE 800, with the Sharp Aquos Crystal I see a -87dBm connection! It seems like Sharp got the signal bars configured correctly on LTE as well, this will definitely be a keeper.
  13. Just picked this phone up a little while ago, feels like a solid device. Ill report back once I play around with it for a while.
  14. Thinking about picking this phone up, looks really nice. For those of you that own this device what do you think of it? Does it play well with SignalCheck Pro? Thoughts?
  15. Sprint has native coverage in Virginia, just opposite ends of Virginia somewhat. Sprint's sites end once you leave Atkins, VA and they pick back up just south of Harrisonburg, VA and just about the entire Virginia coast is covered with native coverage. West Virginia however is a different story.
  16. I don't know if this is being discussed anywhere but I found an article saying that CEO Marcelo Claure said that the carrier’s management is currently evaluating the 2.5 GHz spectrum holdings, and might be interested in selling the airwaves. Article found here.
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