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Everything posted by dkyeager

  1. I have even found Dish sites in small towns outside out Columbus, OH. I wonder if bringing them all up as protection sites is an option? Initial service just to public beta members may also be an option until they get the system bugs shaken out.
  2. Three NR spectrum bands being put up now: Band 71 (600MHz), Band 66 (AWS) and Band 70 (AWS-4) source: https://www.lightreading.com/the-edge/the-time-i-visited-dish-5g-cell-site/a/d-id/775576
  3. We have a lot of sites in Columbus OH. They appear to be targeting only high density areas with large aparment buildings and the poorest parts of town.
  4. How does this work? What about over home wi-fi? What if you switch sims to another carrier? How long is required?
  5. Historically T-Mobile would only add bands to sites when really needed. Is that changing?
  6. New security update on S21 Ultra factory unlocked today for April 1.
  7. Cleaning up a rooted Moto G7 power that I really only use for signal hunting. Does SignalCheck Pro work better with Android 9 or 10?
  8. Here in Columbus, Sprint site decommissioning has been going on for a while. Bare poles rising in some cases. Dish has been building new sites like crazy. Permits indicate many of the bare pole sites won't stay that way. The one area that I think will largely be dropped is power sites (plus small cells unless T-Mobile uses them for n77). We also have Starry.com, a mmWave WISP on many sites, done during the last year. Columbus continues to grow rapidly and Intel's new fab here should keep that going. There is still cell carrier and phone interest here, but most of that is on Google Hangouts. Occasional reports. Simply not the same without Goggle Fusion Maps. We cover all carriers now.
  9. Hopefully T-Mobile gives Shentel land more time for conversions. But they are no longer the cuddly uncarrier, rather a large corporation. They could send in a large number of crews to work on their desired sites at the end. T-Mobile has historically done rural areas last. I would watch the markets that now cover the area. For West Virginia that appears to be Cincinnati and Pittsburgh based on T-Mobile market maps. Likely Richmond on the east side and DC. Maybe Philly etc. Less likely Columbus. I would watch Huntington, Charleston, and Roanoke iirc. I think we all would have preferred that Shentel been kept as an affiliate. Would have given them a model for large parts of the west where T-Mobile does poorly. Analogous to regional carriers for the major airlines.
  10. Are you on an original Sprint sim or the TNX sim? I personally expect T-Mobile to accelerate the shutdown of Sprint only sites where it has no conversion plans. The number of new T-Mobile permits in Columbus this year is greatly reduced, while Dish permits have greatly increased. Pressure on Sprint users has been occuring for a year or so. Priority of Sprint plans was reduced. Video throttling in Sprint plans with no throttling. Test shutdowns of parts of the Sprint network. At some point soon I expect "free" 5g phones to disappear. Automatic conversion of Sprint to T-Mobile billing has now started according to a Reddit post. The train is leaving the station. T-Mobile is now focused on getting their synergies. Have they handled the network conversion properly? We should know by early fall, if not sooner. First up will be rural coverage with the loss of 1x800. Hopefully n71 will be enough. Hopefully there is enough capacity in urban areas. Hopefully any holdouts have an alternate carrier chosen if T-Mobile leaves them in the dust of abandoned Sprint sites. T-Mobile is trying to avoid falling on their sword like AT&T did with their 3g conversion and VoLTE allow list snafus especially with MVNOs. Business can be brutal.
  11. I expect more issues like this until they finally kill off the Sprint network. In the fall we will finally know the true T-Mobile network holes.
  12. Verizon maps are very inaccurate for UW in northwest Columbus OH. Might be competive pressure. Hopefully a future oriented map by like 3 months or so.
  13. If you can easily repeat the issue, I would try for a replacement.
  14. Perhaps in here:https://www.edn.com/3gpp-release-16-what-are-the-key-enhancements-and-new-features/ Found it interesting thecrelease 16 introduces so many new features rather than just bug fixes.
  15. To hunt for n77 with US Mobile black sim, a Verizon MVNO, with the latest factory unlocked release, only allow for band 66 and n77 using the the Samsung Band Selector app or equivalent. if you allow n78 as well SCP and cellmapper will fail to see it. Of course you can also tell by doing speed tests, which are basically needed to trigger it. Open to suggestions on less data intensive methods.
  16. Was on ed1500 and had same issue. T-Mobile is sort of like dealing with the Russians on this. Switched to Sprint Magenta Max. Really would like to be on T-Mobile billing, esim, better phone deals,etc,but...
  17. New security update on s21 ultra unlocked:https://doc.samsungmobile.com/SM-G998U1/VZW/doc.html
  18. This would be quite useful in hurricane prone areas.
  19. Still seeing AT&T HPSA+ here as well, although changing the network type to wcdma only gave temporary results. Had to turn off all LTE to fully force it this time. Interesting that even the 100Mhz of n41 failed to have decent upload. How far were you from its site? Wondering if n71 upload will be able to help just at a distance or will be required for the entire cell range. n41 upload at 100MHz should be at least 5x what Sprint could offer for band 41 LTE, plus supposedly they can temporarily shorten the download time frame to boost upload but not certain this was ever implemented. On the small cell performance, I wonder if there are still lingering issues from the van? bombing a while back in downtown Nashville. Was there any sort of festival occuring?
  20. What specific aspects of Release 16 does it require? Surprised they just didn't go the n77 super band, n78.
  21. Last in the pecking order here in Columbus OH. Quite nice to lock into it in Dublin Oh around St Patrick's day. Dropped from many sites.
  22. There is also n78. Even the Samsung Galaxy A32 5g has both.
  23. Hopefully once they are done with the marketing check boxes, they will go for more density, not only with n41 but also with n71.
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