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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. I'll get the 5.5. I'm like Josh, I want the best of the best. -Anthony
  2. Now that, I don't disagree with. That makes sense. I had a different idea in my head. I thought we were saying the existing 5x5 carrier would be extended to a 10x10, rather than having a 10x10 in PCS A-F AND a 5x5 in PCS G. I had the wrong idea in my head, I apologize. Thanks for pointing that out. -Anthony
  3. Some things don't work like they should. For example, I tried adding a number to an existing contact through the messages app and it would let me add it, but wouldn't let me confirm the changes I made to the contact. Also there are small things were you will read a message in the messages app and you will go back to the main messages screen, but it will still show the message as unread. There are a few other things, too, but I can't think off them off the top of my head. My advice: If you want to give the beta a try, back up your phone and update to it. Try it out for a couple days, and see if it is stable enough for you. If not, restore back to iOS 7 and use your backup, no harm no foul. I use it on my daily driver, which is an iPhone 5S also, and I'm able to use it without much frustration. So by all means, go ahead and give it a shot. But make sure you have your UDID registered first or you risk your device not registering with Apple's servers. -Anthony
  4. My thoughts on iOS 8 Beta 5: MUCH more stable than beta 4. Still kinda buggy, but it's much more usuable. That's pretty much the only thing I have to say about it. I can answer any questions if anyone has any. -Anthony
  5. Oh, I know. I've been following this website for a while now. -Anthony
  6. No, they wouldn't. If the current 5x5 carrier was widened to a 10x10 carrier, the devices in question wouldn't connect at all. The only way to add the capacity without leaving said devices in the dark is to add a second 5x5 carrier. Which means there would be 2 5x5 carriers rather than 1 10x10 carrier. -Anthony
  7. Mine is set to the default. I never called Airvana to have them up the square footage. Never felt like dealing with them haha. The default works fine for me in my 2 story 3300 square foot house. I can even get signal at my mailbox ~50 feet from my house. It works pretty well for me. -Anthony
  8. Just did the same thing with my 5S: Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  9. Sure, they may be in the minority, but if Sprint were to make their current 5x5 carrier in Chicago into a 10x10 carrier, all of those "crappy" Samsung devices would instantly go from having LTE to only being able to connect to 3G. Sprint is already hated enough by most people in the country; how much more do you think they will be hated if they all of a sudden make it so that all those Samsung devices couldn't connect to LTE? The media would lose their minds if that were to happen. -Anthony Edit: Removed St. Louis because AJ stated a 10x10 wouldn't be possible there.
  10. You probably read correctly. I just looked, and it has been released. So actually, my apologies. I've been traveling all day so I wasn't able to keep up. I'll see what's new and report back. -Anthony
  11. Beta 4? No. As far as I know, beta 4 has not been released yet. It will most likely be out tomorrow or sometime next week. -Anthony
  12. I seem to be having the same problem others are having. I scan the code, the scanner disappears, and I'm not joined into any new groups. Any suggestions? PIN is: 79DD6210 -Anthony
  13. I'll be on vacation for the first one, but it is late enough that I probably won't be doing anything at the time. I look forward to (hopefully) being there! -Anthony
  14. The section where it says the CPU is quad core is contrary to most rumors and reports that I have seen. I have heard it will stay dual core, but have a higher than 2 GHz clock speed. But of course, that's just a rumor. -Anthony
  15. It came with iOS 7 on it. The Golden Master of iOS 7 (the final version that is released to developers and would later be released to the public) was released on September 11th. iOS 7 officially came out to the public on September 18th. Every iPhone that has ever been released has usually been officially available to the public 2 days after the public (keyword: public) iOS update came out. Apple usually has the Golden Master of the OS ready for about a week and a half before the device comes out. When they put their finishing touches on the final beta of the OS, they create the Golden Master, and they first load that onto all of the inventory that they have built up over the past few months. They have millions of devices plugged into computers designed specifically to load the OS on the device in their factories in China. All that inventory doesn't just sit in a couple hundred Apple stores for a few weeks. It usually arrives at the stores a day or two before the device is publicly available. -Anthony EDIT: Also, when Apple does a keynote for a new iPhone, and you see them demoing the new device, that device is running the Golden Master of the new iOS.
  16. That's what I was thinking it was. Awesome! Thanks! -Anthony
  17. (I numbered parts of your post so that I can clearly answer them ) 1) If it were set up this way (even if the public side was limited to 100 mbps), I would be 100% on board with the idea. 2) If my network was Gigabit, and the public speed was limited to 10 mbps (or 100 mbps), I would want either a discount of more than 5 dollars per month, or no discount at all. 5 dollars doesn't really mean much when your cable bill is 250 bucks, so i would be okay with it if there was no discount at all, just a capped public speed. 3) I would say what you are saying, that I'm only against the way that Comcast has implemented it. I don't like their implementation of it. I would be open to a capped public speed like you said. 4) I'm a Time Warner customer, so I have no experience with Comcast, and my speeds and network reliability on Time Warner has been pretty darn good, so I have had no problems with that. -Anthony
  18. Things like using Safari to browse S4GRU for about 30 minutes and the battery goes from 82% to 80% over that time span. And I can play a 3D game (CSR Racing) for an hour and the phone only goes down from 78% to 67%. That's much better than what I was getting on iOS 7. -Anthony
  19. Hopefully it all gets fixed! I mean, the battery life I'm getting is excellent! But the stabilty is terrible! Haha -Anthony
  20. I don't know what in God's name Apple did to the iOS 8 beta in between beta 2 and beta 3, but Holy Crap it freaking sucks! I've never used a worse iOS beta in my life! Things freezing, not functioning right, and a plethora of other things. Anyone who isn't on this beta version, do NOT upgrade to it until a newer one is out. (Sorry about the rant. This warning came out to be a little ranty) -Anthony
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