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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. A friend of mine on AT&T ordered a 128 GB 6 Plus on 10/4. His estimated ship date was 11/18-11/28. AT&T just updated his order page to an estimated delivery of 12/12-12/19. That's over 2 months of waiting for the device. Safe to say he is very aggravated. -Anthony
  2. Does the law only apply to cell carriers, or to anyone? I would sure hope that Apple wouldn't be allowed to go and make locked phones because of a technicality. -Anthony
  3. No. Only devices manufactured after February 2015 will be subject this policy. Any device before is fair game. -Anthony
  4. Yeah I installed it. I'm probably going to revert back to normal because I haven't noticed any change from before. -Anthony
  5. Just installed the Sprint bundle on my 5S. Will report back any issues/improvements. I'm not stuck with "No Signal", so that's a plus. -Anthony
  6. I believe it was this one: As usual, my memory playing tricks on me caused me to think you had said that the reason was because of the slotted mode, rather than the single RF path and no e/CSFB. My apologies! -Anthony
  7. What I did was I donated to the developer (so that I'm technically purchasing it, even though he doesn't deserve it since he hasn't updated the app since iOS 6 and the iPhone 5) and add the Sinful iPhone Repo (http://sinfuliphonerepo.com) and download it from there. -Anthony
  8. Yes, it's *3001#12345#*. If you want to know the GCI, look at Cell Identity. Convert that decimal number to hexa-decimal (either on your own or with a converter on the internet) and you have your GCI. -Anthony
  9. Nah, I like it. It works well, and I haven't had any problems with it. I learned about it from a website that I trust, and they have never steered me wrong so far. If worse comes to worse I just boot up in safe mode and uninstall the tweak. -Anthony
  10. The jailbreak is working great for me. Nice and stable. I downloaded a jailbreak tweak called Upscale that makes my phone load everything in the 6's resolution rather than my 5s's normal resolution. It works really well. -Anthony
  11. Easy pay isn't made for people who are looking to pay less every month. It's made for people who don't want to spend $50 to $500 up front when they get a new device. It's for the people who like to finance things, rather than have to pay up front. -Anthony
  12. I love it. Very simple yet very useful. One suggestion that I have: in the settings app where you change the preferences of the tweak, I would suggest adding a Respring button for when we change the our preferece of the design of the signal bar. -Anthony
  13. Is there a repo I can download this from? -Anthony
  14. From what I have seen on my 5s, it does. My phone no longer clings onto an unusable 1900 signal. So... Progress? -Anthony
  15. Oh shoot! I totally forgot about those threads. Sorry about that! Thanks for the help -Anthony
  16. Band 26 hasn't been optimized yet, so that is why we are experiencing that. Once optimized, we should be able to connect when we need Band 26 and stay connected until we don't need it anymore. -Anthony
  17. As much as I want a 6 Plus, I still love my 5S. It's an amazing device. The battery life for me is very good, the design is great, and it performs as if it were a brand new device. The A7 chip is truly something amazing, and it doesn't stutter at all. -Anthony
  18. That was why I didn't make a thread for them. Since we're a Sprint oriented site, I only included Sprint compatible models -Anthony
  19. I connect to Band 26 more than I do Band 25, due to my proximity from the towers. It's a wonderful thing to have -Anthony
  20. DANGIT! I knew I forgot something!! -Anthony (Can a mod please add the 5C to the title please )
  21. *Sigh* So, you still have an iPhone 4 or 4S? I can't lie, I feel really bad those of you that do. But, you're real people too, so I figured you guys could use a thread also. Feel free to discuss what it's like to only be on EVDO all the time (without complaining ), what you think it'll be like when you decide to get an LTE capable smartphone (maybe you'll soon be moving to the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus User Thread? Or the 5 and 5S thread? ), any problems you're having, how much you (somehow ) love your phone, etc. etc. Discuss! -Anthony
  22. So, we all know about the lovely iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus User thread, and there are many different device focused threads across S4GRU, but there are none for us older iPhone users. So, why should they get to have all the fun? This thread is dedicated to anything and everything about our beautiful (Spark-less) iPhone 5's and 5S's. Discuss anything like jailbreaks, hardware problems, how much you love your device, how great it is to have at least one LTE band compared to the folks who still have 4's and 4S's, ask questions and maybe you can get some answers, etc. etc. Discuss! -Anthony
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