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Everything posted by davidtm

  1. Hey, Mike, I've been enjoying your program (Pro) for some time. I posted the attached screenshot on the nTelos thread in Markets, and someone suggested I post it here for your feedback on what it means. Any wisdom? I was looking for LTE in a possible new update market with my Sprint One, and this happened when my mobile network setting was CDMA/LTE. Here in nTelos territory, I usually lose data connection on this setting, so it was no surprise at the time. I usually have to use CDMA Only. TIA, David Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
  2. I made it to W'boro today, and found NO 4G love. There was robust 1xRTT and eHRPD (which, as usual, kicked me off a data connection) and no LTE according to Signal Check. I tried toggling Airplane mode several times (what a pain now, thanks to 4.3!), but no luck. The first 2 screenshots are when I switched back to CDMA mode to make sure I could get data at all, and the 3rd shows what happened on CDMA/LET mode: Nada. Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
  3. I'm afraid you're right, but I really hope you aren't. I'll try to swing by W'boro sometime in the next few days and scope it our on my Sprint One.
  4. This is not very far from me, but it out of the way. If I get there, I'll check it out!
  5. Can't say about Waynesboro, but I've been able to stay on CDMA/LTE setting in C'ville without getting kicked off data which makes me wonder if something's afoot. (Hope springs eternal)
  6. AHA! This also explains why the Airplane Mode toggle in Power Toggles sends me to the Settings to turn Airplane mode on. PITA!
  7. I'm not addicted, just driven to keep checking in by the insane belief that nTelos will upgrade their network before I'm too old to use my Sprint One on it.:-) Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
  8. That's been my experience in Central VA on Sprint using nTelos towers. I can turn the Mobile Networks setting on to CDMA/LTE or Automatic and see eHRPD on Signal Check, but it kills my data connection. I have to switch back to CDMA Only to restore it. nTelos - still a 4G wasteland!
  9. "What a great question!" Sheesh! This had the same uppity tone as his previous statement - I'd file under "Doesn't know what he's talking about"
  10. I had the same problem last night, but it seems fine now. (Although, I did have to sign in again)
  11. Please clarify: does this refer to the same LTE that we Sprint folks in nTelos land might access on our phones, or is this something different??
  12. Great news! Can't wait 'til the work spreads over here in Central VA!
  13. I'm not as concerned with the corporate infrastructure outcome, as long as we start getting NV upgrades around here! This, along with the Cramer interview of Hesse, gives me a little hope, anyway . . .
  14. I'm very interested, living in the nTelos wasteland of Central Va.
  15. Yeah, I live in the giant 4G "hole" you see on the Virginia maps because of this. Can't say I'm feeling too optimistic. *sigh*
  16. So, will the stock 55015 PRL on my HTC One "see" 800 if and when it gets here?
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