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Everything posted by zippychance

  1. RT @RowdyGentleman: A Rowdy Gentleman wishes he could pee on your Farmville crops.

  2. Does @target realize people over 11 get prescribed cough syrup? I look like one of the ASPCA ad animals feeding myself w/ a plastic syringe

  3. Well 1-2 miles SW of the Cemetery would put you near Shirlington, which is a pretty sweet place at night. Lots of bars and restaurants of varying style. There's a strip of restaurants and bars on S. 23rd St in Crystal City that are all very nice. Monuments, cherry blossoms bla bla bla. Coverage in Arlington is pretty good, downtown is a crapshoot. None of the buildings are very tall but they're almost all stone facades which doesn't do your phone any favors.
  4. I wish you all could see the face I'm making trying to unlodge a raspberry seed from behind one of my tonsils

  5. RT @RowdyGentleman: As a kid, a Rowdy Gentleman brought his own putter to putt-putt.

  6. Attention twitter - Mean Girls just started on MTV. And they're not doing that annoying bit where they crop the picture either, full HD!

  7. AGAIN with the blind people commercials. On tv. Still don't get it.

  8. What he says at house parties RT @BKeat_BCM Alright! This white devil thing has gone far enough!

  9. First goal and it doesn't even count aint that a bitch #capskings

  10. Some will say to incorporate google voice to your device, I haven't. Holding the 1 button will work but you have to set your mailbox up.
  11. RT @iamcolinquinn: March Madness is a negative name. How about the CRSE?? Campus Roundball Spectacular Escapades!

  12. Didn't Anaheim already take a timeout? #CapitalsTalk

  13. Someone come nurse me back to health. Or put me out of my misery. I could go either way at this point

  14. There's an outside chance I'm dying

  15. RT @Puddinstrip: asked IHOP waitress for secret ingredient in the Shamrock Pancakes, she told me her stepson is molesting cats again and gr…

  16. I can't really tell the difference between the two

  17. Not to be confused with the good snow crunching sound. Like if Styrofoam was less noisy and cold crunching sound.

  18. I'm at Whole Foods Market (Arlington, VA) http://t.co/AECTJDg9Gn

  19. Anyone else been through tysons lately and suffered the fate of ABYSMAL data? I was in Tysons Galleria today and couldn't hold voice or any data (maybe it's a building issue), but cutting behind on International and Spring Hill to go to Walmart I had bars but couldn't push texts out or get any data whatsoever. I originally thought it was a capacity issue but my service was fine in Tysons 1, plus I was in the seedy underbelly of Tysons Corner using Spring Hill and Tyco...
  20. Where all the white women at? Hopefully Whole Foods, because that's where I'm going tonight

  21. Brouwer hacks at Fleury, the entire team goes in. Crosby hacks at Halak, Jack Hillen asks him to stop. That's whats wrong with the #caps

  22. What time did you check? I set my alarm for 7:50a and it sounded at 8:50a
  23. So my phone needed a reboot for the clock to show the correct time. I also needed a damn good excuse why I hadn't showered, eaten breakfast, or arrived to work on time today... Not thrilled. Anyone with a second handset on sprint notice a delay in updating the time or was this device specific?
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