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Everything posted by zippychance

  1. Just hold 1 on the dialer and set up your mailbox. You won't get notifications though.
  2. I understand roku is free and they have to make money somehow, but I've seen this sick bitch rip her cheek off for menthols 8 times already

  3. Nice to see the penguins lining up for a handshake this time around #StadiumSeries

  4. Here's to feelin good all the time

  5. I will never understand how mad rose draws a crowd

  6. More fairfax updates. Same standards: Inside Trader Joe's at Little River/Pickett, stationary - 2 bars, -101dbm 39asu. cnn.com article via android news app took 20+ seconds to load Little River Turnpike, headed eastbound - 3 bars, -89dbm, 51asu. Did not test website, just did a screenshot (I was driving) Little River at NVCC, headed eastbound - 1 bar, -106dbm, 34asu. Did not test website Little River at 495, headed eastbound - 3G, -75dbm, 8asu cdma ehrpd. Did not test website. Sprint still has plenty of work to do in Fairfax!
  7. White folks have no idea how to make a good burrito. That's why we have California tortilla

  8. So the long-awaited City of Fairfax updates. I took three samples along Old Lee Highway on a non-rooted nexus 5, running the .23 baseband and using the android settings data (not signalcheck). Shopping center at Old Lee/Main St (Walgreens, Ace, Qdoba etc) stationary in parking lot- 3/4 bars, -92db 48asu, phonearena.com took 14 seconds to load though Old Lee in front of St Leo the Great, moving eastbound - All bars illuminated, -84dbm 56asu, grubgrade.com took 17 seconds to load Fairfax Circle, stopped at signal - One bar, -108dbm 32asu. I headed east on 50 towards Pickett and lost my 4G signal before m.weather.com could load Not the best performance by the network today. I'll take some more samples tomorrow and/or sunday.
  9. Got a 2 hour delay for work tomorrow. Dialing that alarm up from 345 to 545 #winning


    http://t.co/jykEQ3MRJL RT @Leroy421 Won't somebody please think of the children!?!?!

  11. I keep forgetting to screenshot my trips around the area. I can say that service was below average in Merrifield today, not sure if Sprint needs to play catch-up with the influx of people or there was work, but basic gchat and tweeting took 2-3x as long.
  12. RT @JimNorton: Not to speak ill of the dead, but this song fucking sucks.http://t.co/0VY4oINUP9

  13. I wonder if I can hire the slap chop guy to go to job fairs on my behalf.

  14. RT @OpieRadio: I believe with all my heart that we landed a space rover on John Kerry's face.

  15. I work in the eastern end of Fairfax City, I typically pull 3-4 bars on LTE. I will report on signal strength on Friday.
  16. RT @AnthonyCumia: Watching Peewee's Big Adventure. Look! RIP Large Marge who died on a night, just like tonight, 40 yrs ago today. http://t…

  17. Motherfucker... Good

  18. I think pineapple burps are the worst kind

  19. I'm going to take a guess as to who will be starting in Minnesota and I'm going with "not Grubauer"


  21. I've had enough with the football puns

  22. There's a woman in her late 40s at Exxon that can't pump her own gas. I'd like to be kidding

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