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Everything posted by zippychance

  1. RT @iamcolinquinn: Everybody talking about the deficit, but nobody talks about what we have in abundance........Laughter. Friendship. Enjoy…

  2. I'm at Metro 29 Diner (Arlington, VA) http://t.co/RlzmTshQZn

  3. It took Danica Patrick 8 seconds to crash. That has to be a record #nascar

  4. Well silly me. I knew the G2 was but I was under the impression the nexus was not.
  5. The worst part about being on the fence between the G2 and the nexus is that the government shutdown has shut down the FCC. To my knowledge, it hasn't been approved. Hopefully this all gets straightened out soon (and not for our phone dirt, but everyone around here out of work) and we get a concrete release date. I guess they could hold a press event saying "release pending congressional resolution"...
  6. Patrick Roy rules

  7. Where the hell else would it have started? http://t.co/awzVX6nvBA

  8. I'm at Fort Ethan Allen Community Canine Area (Arlington, VA) http://t.co/wDh3ZJZsUO

  9. I also replaced the coaxial cable and now A&E HD works #goodnewsday

  10. I have successfully networked the rick.felt lounge using the following tools:-Milk Crates-Hockey Stick-Box cutter-@NattyBohs

  11. Seven Corners would be a 24/7 fiesta

  12. Watching hockey in an arena built before television is brutal

  13. Sort of on topic, but does anyone have any dirt on the new G2's sister the Gpad being available in a cellular version?
  14. I've been getting it up and down Little River for the most part between 495 and Old Town, I'm working near the corner of little river and pickett. Faint 4G on Fairfax Blvd out by golfsmith too.
  15. Chipotle was a lot better before ins ruined it

  16. As a former delivery driver, I can appreciate the disappoint of not being able to talk on speaker and have waze tell me if there is a better way to navigate between stops. It stinks that "business-friendly" sprint built out a system that doesn't allow voice and data simultaneously. Makes about as much sense as direct connect not working on LTE. Even using direct connect and google maps at the same time was difficult on the torque when I had one. Either way, I'm gonna try and get to a AT&T or Verizon store this weekend and get my hands on one. I stopped by an AT&T store on launch day and they didn't even have a dummy phone out. Oh well.
  17. It's a real pain in the dick that the closest cracker barrel is like... 40 miles away

  18. 2 grand worth of stereo equipment was meant for blasting sexy bitch throughout the house via xm

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