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Everything posted by zippychance

  1. I'm at Hard Times Cafe (Arlington, VA) http://t.co/ijHa2kAoPz

  2. Of course he does RT @HVJLaw: Steny Hoyer urges Dems to oppose Lois Lerner contempt http://t.co/NGpxh0Cu5Z via @POLITICO

  3. Happy Jeff schultz day everyone! Rock out! #caps http://t.co/tcdrPQYwVn

  4. That was an interesting/terrifying way to wake up

  5. My parents brought a palmetto bug with them from South Carolina. I know that because it's on my shoulder right now #fun

  6. Given the aids patient amount of pills I just took to try and clear my allergies, betting the over on me waking up at 10:45 is strong

  7. If 4.4.2 has bugs involving dropping data, the camera bug, battery drain etc, and they have devices running 4.4.2 (not just the nexus), they would want 4.4.3 to be released sooner rather than later so they can push it to their customers so their customers can stop calling support or going to stores complaining of said problems.
  8. Whoops. First goal counted.

  9. I would hope the OEM's and the big 4 would put pressure on them to push out an update, especially if it fixes data connection problems, so at the very least they don't have to hear about it from customers that have 4.4.2.
  10. Hopefully that was a pizza goal in Los Angeles

  11. RT @RowdyGentleman: As a child, a Rowdy Gentleman always ran through his third base coach's "stop" sign.

  12. Does the One having a google play edition model come in to play with this HTC article? Perhaps that is the holdup? Or is it Nexus > GPE Handsets > Dispersed to big 4 EDIT - And there I go reading the entire article and figuring it out for myself.
  13. It's really hard to turn off IFC when they go from Beverly Hills Ninja to National Lampoons Vacation... but seinfeld is on

  14. There's an Asian family eating Indian take out at Costco. The questions I have are piling up


    http://t.co/czbjbyVVNc this is a trend I can get behind (tee hee hee)

  16. RT @BarstoolNate: Donald Sterling leaking mix tapes on back to back days, huge power move.

  17. Thats my boy is on starz and I cant change the channel because my FiOS box is updating. This is my katrina

  18. RT @RowdyGentleman: A Rowdy Gentleman can spot a cop or a golf course marshal from a mile away.

  19. I finally found a hat that fits http://t.co/kIvjtZoMYn

  20. Why is there a god damn prop plane flying around my neighborhood at half past midnight

  21. RT @loriara: #MWAA CEO Jack Potter makes it official: #SilverLine "substantially complete" -- calls it a significant milestone.

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