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Everything posted by supert0nes

  1. Lots of that going around the forums. Hopefully if a real issue sprint can get it fixed up real quick or they maybe have to bring 800 up in clusters too or worse call up Qualcomm/Samsung. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  2. And what if Dish counters? What? How would we know that? Also what opening do you see for dish to counter? Sprint added a lot of secure assurances this time around through backout fees, individual minority shareholder deals, moved up shareholder meeting and governance changes that allow for 50 percent approval. Dish's only shot is to make an offer SPRINT can't refuse or drag things out in court. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  3. At $5.05 wouldn't is be good to get out above $5? I don't understand these financial mergers real well.
  4. And with the expedited shareholder meeting and all the other changes, even if this transaction fails, it would be over quickly.
  5. Dish is going to make some good money on this actually. They bought a bunch of Clearwire stock and Sprint is going to have to pay off the debt.
  6. Dish owns a lot of Clearwire debt. Even Sprint thinks Dish has a great shot at it by their remarks in the lawsuit. The quote of the paper for me is a short one. 125. "Sprint has no adequate remedy at law." - Clearwire is a bunch of dummies and we can't fix it. Even if we win we lose.
  7. Dish does not value the EBS at all. Or at least Sprint doesn't think so. My new most likely worst case, bankruptcy:
  8. Sprint wont be doing 10x10 any time soon. Some/Most? of their current phones don't support 10x10. If they were to use more spectrum, it would be to add another 5x5 in the PCS a-f blocks. This is ignoring the 5x5MHz in 800 and 20MHz+ TDD BRS/EBS they will also be adding soon.
  9. http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=12124 I don't see any reason why AT&T can't purchase a lot of this spectrum. It's not like T-Mobile needs it and Verizon may be limited in that auction with the enormous amount of AWS they have yet to deploy. I don't think many agree with me that AT&T will do this, but it's certainly a possibility.
  10. They can wait until the next aws auction and jump back in in a big way. sent from phone
  11. Has anyone gotten CDMA 800 in the twin cities? Especially if they haven't gotten it before the last couple weeks?
  12. What spectrum could they deploy on world wide? I wonder if it has to be below 1ghz or not. sent from phone
  13. Clearwire's ability to afford running a Wimax network may decrease significantly if Sprint can move move most/all customers off of the network before usage based billing kicks in.
  14. It's too bad they didn't put 3g on 800... Ok I can't leave that, someone will believe it.
  15. You really want a partnership with Clearwire/Ergen after 1. Existing Clearwire mess where Sprint can't get spectrum deployed where their customers need it? 2. Ergen has shown how much of a control freak he is? At the very least, I want the Clearwire name gone and Sprint to get their BRS spectrum back for themselves. Anything less is a major disappointment to me.
  16. Clearwire going into bankruptcy, or Sprint giving in and giving up BRS spectrum. Also Dish owning 25% of Clearwire would be pretty crappy too.
  17. Greatest thing Sprint did, and Clearwire was financially forced to accept, was the monthly financing converted to ownership. Sprint is getting 65% by this fall and an veto everything else until then. No articles have been able to prove anything different yet.
  18. How many bands in Europe are currently planned for LTE? Do those bands overlap with the US? I feel that we aren't seeing this problem in Europe yet because they are just beginning to deploy LTE in the new bands.
  19. Welcome to the US wireless game. I'd rather see everything switch over to standard networks technology and bands. Have the majority of sales setup like Europe. Contract free offers for everything with identical plans just at a lower price point since the company is not recouping cost for device subsidy, but you can choose to pay for the device entirely up front instead. None of this separate prepaid/postpaid garbage we have now with carrier subsidies being the majority to keep consumers "in line". What does switching to the same bands mean to you? The original cellular bands are all used up. That's why new ones are created for more bandwidth. It's not practical for all carriers to have a small amount of spectrum in all bands either. And countries have different legacy uses for spectrum that might not let them all use world standard bands. sent from phone
  20. LTE is just one part of Network Vision. EVDO gets a terrible rap thanks to legacy sites being hooked up to t1 lines.
  21. Can they really update their coverage maps with so many phones not supporting CDMA-800 still out there?
  22. Everyone's just being a stickler today. Some markets, like Samsung markets, this is the case, others will need more work.
  23. No need to play games just keep Clearwire alive till then. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
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