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Everything posted by irev210

  1. I am going to get a droid DNA to play around with and compare to the nexus 4. I'll let you know AWS vs. PCS T-Mobile.
  2. Yeah, that's a bummer. My dead zones are a few 100 feet or so. I still suspect that ESMR should vastly improve your user experience.
  3. The ETF is the price you agreed to pay if you early terminated. There are people that scam there way out of ETF, but not really the appropriate thing to do. I don't know of anyone negotiating the price down outside of outright scamming.
  4. I can't imagine that an area built for PCS still won't have coverage under ESMR. There must be miles of holes?
  5. Yeah, they launched Sprint prepaid for people with poor credit who can't qualify for a postpaid sprint plan yet still want the premium Sprint experience (vs. a prepaid carrier like Virgin or Boost).
  6. Agreed. With running LTE on PCS, their spacing isn't quite right. I am thinking they'll be in excellent shape once they deploy LTE on ESMR. Spacing will provide solid coverage everywhere under the existing sprint footprint.
  7. No, don't think so. Sprint buy-back is 94 bucks. Your offer $94.00
  8. Deadweight or something to support legacy users who are profitable? I am guessing you will see 1x on ESMR for a LONG time, probably a single 1x on PCS as well. In the long run, they'll probably leave those two along with one PCS EVDO channel and move everything to LTE. If you are running LTE, why would you go backwards and deploy anything else? LTE seems like the way to go.
  9. What's a MCC block? When I scan I can see T-Mobile and AT&T, I just can't connect because of the simlock.
  10. Yeah, it's just a cheaper solution as I can get a DNA for fairly cheap nowadays. Ideally, I would like to have a Sprint HTC One that I can run CDMA on and keep my T-Mobile SIM loaded and switch between CDMA and HSPA under settings as I desire. For 70/month I would have a far superior user experience than anything AT&T and/or Verizon could offer for more. I called Sprint and asked if they would unlock my phone for international use. I am hoping that maybe, just maybe, I can use a T-Mobile SIM (guessing not).
  11. The speedtest reports cellular and speeds go from crap to 8mbit+. I can be in the same spot, toggle from WCDMA only to auto and run a speedtest and it will go from very slow to blazing fast. It has different cell info under 4636 and runs great. I am thinking a droid DNA is the way to go... that's PCS only and might be the best for me in Boston on T-Mobile.
  12. Well, getting caught up in the world of wireless, sure... getting caught up in things that wont happen? Not sure...
  13. No, there was no specific option. I thought I could force it by switching it around but it didn't seem to stick. I would love a PCS only option :-/
  14. In downtown Boston, T-Mobile's carriers are actually pretty overloaded, at least relative to areas around downtown. For example, where the Boston bombings took place, that area is notoriously overloaded (it's the area where I work, so I am very familiar). Sprint for the past 5+ years has been completely burdened and has trouble breaking 100kbps/sec over 3G. T-Mobile is also burdened but I'll typically get over 1000kbps (when my nexus 4 latches onto T-Mobile's unburdened PCS band, performance is about 8Mbit in the city). When I get about a mile outside of Boston, speeds on Sprint's 4g LTE network average about 8Mbit while T-Mobile's DC-HSPA+ average 14-18mbit. It's scary because Sprint's LTE network is fairly new and I'm watching the speeds flip around where uploads are faster than downloads... which isn't good at all. All carriers seem to be pretty slow in Boston proper. Too many people, not enough cells, not enough spectrum. Go 1-2 miles around the city and things fly.
  15. I wouldn't get so caught up in it, guys. It's just business. There is a process involved to get SoftBank to up the offer. Basically, Dish can't afford to pay any more than they already offered. Softbank just needs to kick in a few more billion, which is EXTREMELY likely. At that point, it's game over - DISH can't pay any more. Once that happens, Charlie laughs and goes after the next thing. It's not really a huge deal for Softbank. Not ideal, but not a deal breaker either.
  16. My observation is that the One will hold it, though performance will be extremely poor (which would be expected at >120dB). The EVO 4G LTE would be more likely to revert back to 3G. Did you notice the same thing?
  17. One option is the Sprint Seasonal standby. You can put your plan in hibernation for something like 7.99 a month and try another carrier. I was in your exact same situation and as much as I love sprint, T-Mobile has been absolutely solid where I live. All carriers are going to be different, best to just try it out for 30/month and make a better decision. I've been extremely happy with my T-Mobile service. In my area, the DC-HSPA+ is consistently faster than Sprint LTE. Your math is off... stop double counting. It's really simple - 80x24 and 70x24. Also, sprint gives people discounts for just about anything (credit union, PTA, etc). This is sort of a moot point. You can easily counter by saying Sprint is going to have LTE on ESMR way before T-Mobile finds, acquires and builds out anything meaningful on sub-1GHz spectrum.
  18. you really can't compare Wimax to sprint LTE in Boston. Where are you testing in the area? I can share some interesting info.
  19. not sure. guessing just pcs. I compared EVO to one and LTE signal is about the same.
  20. Well, for the record my HTC ONE picks up both AT&T and T-Mobile in Boston, as expected. I am hoping that the simlock can eventually be removed (legally). Additional functionality is never a bad thing. I compared the 1x signal to my old EVO 4G LTE and it was about 1dB difference in favor of the new One. I would say that the EVO 4G LTE seemed to jump around a bit more while the One held a lot more consistent. Overall, the One holds onto LTE forever; I am not sure how practical that is at -127dB but no complaints. Seems promising, so far so good.
  21. Nothing a sim adapter couldn't fix, or a new SIM. It would be VERY interesting to see what would happen
  22. Well, blinkfeed is stupid. Yay lots of pictures for illiterate people! Yeeehaw! I hate the flipboard/blinkfeed/current/anything else with a picture because people are too lazy to read. I've shuffled that over into oblivion.
  23. I've been torn over getting the Sprint HTC one or the unlocked developer edition. I originally ordered one of each (one for me, one for the wife) but now I am thinking I would be better off getting two sprint versions. It would be a no-brainer if sprint's units came unlocked like Verizon... Choices choices... anyone notice that costco.com seems to be the best place to order? They waive activation, which seems cool.
  24. It always says that - that's normal. It's overnight, not 2nd day air.
  25. Just a heads up, looks like Sprint did it differently this time... no early delivery Will be delivered tomorrow.
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