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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. Hmm is it me or if Tmobile buys the AWS spectrum in the upcoming auction, where will they get Money for the 600MHz auction? Let T-Mobile over bid, go in debt more, and then leave the 600MHz for sprint to gobble up. They can't afford both

    I don't know if the AWS-3 will be able to be deployed shortly after the auction. I know I read on this forum that the 600mhz band would be able to be used until 2017. So T-Mobile may be thinking near term. T-Mobile doesn't have cash for buying spectrum and sitting on it for 2+ years either.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

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  2. That's what I was thinking. But there is a permit. I bet because AT&T owns the tower that clear is on now across blanding, they needed something to fill in the gap. Plus the tower on parkridge with the nest on it can't be upgraded anytime soon. Another gap. I'd be really happy to have this tower go active because I'm in that gap in Tanglewood. I get LTE from Sleepy Hollow (which isn't that bad of signal).


    Permit #: 13030442

    Address: 9 KNIGHT BOXX RD

    Owner: SPRINT

    Contractor: MORGAN ELECTRIC


    The tower with the nest is a GMO site broadcasting band 25. Sprint does need band 26 in that area especially for inbuilding service. When I walk into the Winn Dixie on knightboxx my phone is useless. Also the ATT site with the equipment appears to have RRUs on it for band 41 but I never pick it up in that location.



    Sent from my iPad mini

  3. Aweomse stuff!! I never thought of looking up the building/electrical permits. Clay county has all the scanned documents for all the permits. There are tower locations identified that sprint doesn't even show on the NV uprade page. I was thinking I had stronger single at some of these areas. For instance the website https://network.sprint.com/search/32065/ does not show a tower at Knightboxx Rd. But there is a permit for that location. Time to re-review all my tower locations. :)



    The only tower on knight box has VZW and Tmobile unless Sprint is about to add equipment to it.



    Sent from my iPad mini

  4. I'm have seen them upgrading metro sites to T-Mobile sites on 3 occasions one is right down the road from me. It was a metro site with LTE and T-Mobile was not there then they came and threw some panels and hspa+ is full bars. LTE was on for a day then they turned it off. This was a month ago.

    Are the metro pcs converted sites the ones with the two big panels in the one smaller one in the middle?


    I know the regular t mobile site have the three large panels but I've noticed a few around Jacksonville that has the one small and the two big.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

  5. I went into the Sprint store at the Town Center yesterday since I was in the area and questioned the data usage on my phone for the first day... I figured it might be late posting from previous month when I was streaming on a drive down from NC.... but whatever... anyway, in talking with the supposed most technical guy in the store, I asked if he knew anything about B41 towers... This guy seemed totally lost because it was clear I knew more about this then he did.... Is it any wonder that the store was empty??? Nobody in that store really knew what I was talking about... This guy claimed that all 3 bands were working because Jacksonville was a Spark market... And that I was getting the highest speed B41 already because the twirling LTE on my phone...




    My knowledge mostly gleamed from this site makes me stand out ahead of those guys...

    I stopped asking reps at the store info back in 2010. Before VZW,AT$T, and T-Mobile rolled out LTE. I was the Sprint store at the River City Market Place and I was getting my wife's GS2 Wimax repaired. I was just chatting with the rep about 4G and I asked him what he thinks about VZW rolling out 4G since sprint is basically the only carrier in the US with 4G right now.


    This dude said that no other carrier can deploy 4G because sprint owns the rights to 4G. And that sprint isn't going to allow other carriers to use it no matter how much money they threw at them. In which I knew that was a bold face lie. Since then I've never asked them network related questions ever again.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

  6. I am heading to game tonight... How do you get B41 on my Galaxy 5??? I have gotten LTE plenty of times there...

    If all of your bands are enabled. They should be. The phone will switch bands automatically. Usually for me I'll connect to band 25/26 while in motion then usually when I'm stopped or moving at slow speeds it will connect on its own. The easiest way to tell is to look at signal check pro or your debug menu. Around the downtown area you should have a problem connecting to b41 since the clear site density is good downtown.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

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  7. Looking back over my testing. It looks like the Sleepy Hollow location does have B41


    Signal GCI TAC Band Location

    -90 0208A200 8320 B41 Sleepy Hollow Tower

    -98 0208A201 8320 B41 Sleepy Hollow Tower


    There are two towers on Sleepy Hollow. According to some of the information I read, Clearwire was on one of the towers and Sprint/Nextel was on the other tower.


    Here is a photo of the 2nd tower that I assumed is not Sprint. Anyone know more about this location?


    The pics you linked here looks like T-Mobile with ground mounted radios.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

  8. Tower in OP at Blanding and Bolton has new antennas installed next to B25/B26. Sprint B41????



    8T8R setup should have a slightly shorter panel and only one RRU. It can be mounted anywhere...top, bottom, middle. That doesn't matter.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    This matches that profile.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

  9. Seems to me that every radio gets worse and worse for sprint.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    True. The 4.4.4 radio isnt too bad if you're in a market with band 26. I've found that the LTE scan time is too high and should scan more frequently.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

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