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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. Dope. I need to swing by there and check it out if this is truly an 8t8r install. There are probably more around that just haven't been spotted yet.


    Can you get a decent shot of it to post up?


    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    I saw it on my way from work. I work in Middleburg but live in Dinsmore. I won't be back in that area until Tuesday. I'm almost positive that its an 8t8r though. Only carriers on the tower is Sprint and legacy metropcs. The panel is right next to the nv equipment.


    I was on vacation last week and was all over town and didn't see anything extra on sprint sites until today.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

  2. It's ok if you don't like it. Different strokes for different folks.

    True but I'm getting a little tired of android to be honest. Time to try something new. Maybe when the 6 is released I'll use my wife's 5s to test drive iOS and maybe start using my iPad.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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  3. Its relatively simple looking, every feature is dumbed down and super easy to learn how to use. Plus it never changes so the old people/wanna be techies never have to learn their way around an update lol:P. Well and it's pretty polish and doesn't really ever have bugs (major noticeable ones) by the time the official release comes out to the public.

    For me: simplistic interface with minimal clutter, AppleCare + amazing customer service, iMessage, all my friends have iPhones lol, continuity, and over all ease of use.

    Simplicity seems to be the big thing. The one thing I do like about iOS devices no matter the model if you toss your iphone to another iPhone user they will know how to use it vs android has a million different os overlays.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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  4. I know I'll be getting it lol. I don't care about the screen size, I just want spark.

    I just can't bring myself you use iOS though. I have a brand new iPad mini retina on my nightstand that I used once or twice since I won it at work. I'm contemplating putting it up for sale.


    What's so great about iOS that millions of people go nuts every time a new device is released?


    Sent from my Nexus 5

  5. I was talking with my brother and friends last night regarding the new iPhone, and since I am obsessed with all that is apple, they asked me what it would look like and how big. I told them 4.7" screen and probably bigger than my friends nexus 5 who was right next to me. They're like really? I won't get it....I don't mind a bigger screen, but I don't want a phone that big.....Eek.

    Just like they didn't want the 4inch one right. When its released people will buy it. Hell I've been die hard android since 2009 and I'm considering getting one since the screen is getting an increase. Especially if the 5.5 inch model is released.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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  6. I performed a factory reset on my nexus 5 yesterday and now I'm running the stock 4.4.4 radio instead of the .15 radio. I must say with all 3 bands enabled and all the eCSFB issues gone. I get the same experience as the .15 modem which is known for being a beast for coverage but had issues connecting to b41.


    If sprint can get their network built up like this in every market their competition is going to be in big trouble.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

    • Like 2
  7. They aren't here. VZW 750 has radios at the base stations and long panels. VZW AWS LTE has RRU's connected to a new panel. Here, VZW uses ALU, and the RRU's look just like Sprint's ALU RRU's (the newer ones). I have no idea what VZW uses in North Florida.



    Well I haven't seen a new panel on any vzw site but we are a xlte launched market but oh well.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

  8. Seems to me that T-Mobile is the loser in this scenario. If sprint can get a hold of at least 5x5 nationwide to help with coverage sprint will be sitting OK with the 2500mhz they have. T-Mobile can't afford not to buy any additional spectrum low band and mid range. So I believe that T-Mobile needs this joint venture more than sprint does.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

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  9. 2.5GB per person. Feb. 2016, downgrades to 1GB per person. This is the "Pump and Dump" strategy that I've been fearing would come out of the rotting woodwork of T-Mobile.

    Seems to me that T-Mobile is activating all these new plans and programs knowing that they are going to be bought out. Sprint will be the bad guy when Sprint buys T-Mobile out and cancel a good bit of these uncarrier moves.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

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  10. Yup! Downtown and all of the urban neighborhoods (San Marco, Riverside, Avondale, Springfield... etc) is awesome. Sprint is the best carrier with Verizon a close second in this densely populated area. Many of you already know that I live DT and frequent these areas daily.


    Going out from these urban core neighborhoods into Northside, Murray Hill/Westside, San Jose/Lakewood/Mandarin and Eastside/West Arlington are awesome, too. Honestly, there are only a few holes left for LTE coverage in the whole Jacksonville market and they're getting really hard to find lately, especially with my new G3 which has awesome RF performance.


    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    I have to agree with you on this. Only problem for me is that I don't get service in a lot of Winn Dixie and Publix stores. Must be something the building are made of that interfere with cell signals.


    I'm in these stores a lot for work and would love to have service. They both have WiFi networks but I dont have WiFi calling on the nexus.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    LG G3

    Interesting. I'm a fairly heavy user and so far, my old iPhone 5 lasted longer by a lot. Maybe I should give it some time. Its possible that I have a faulty battery, but that's unlikely.


    I've also noticed it takes forever to charge this phone.


    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    For me seems like battery life of any android seems to get better after a couple battery cycles.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

  11. "Sprint will be in a position to offer a vastly-superior 3 channel 2.5GHz experience in most major downtown areas by mid-2015. Similarly, analyst Jeff Kagan also recently had positive things to say about the improvements we’re making to our network."


    So they will aggregate 3 20mhz channels by mid 2015? Before they said end of 2015 so that's exciting.


    I doubt it but I hope the iPhone 6 will support carrier aggregation and wifi calling

    I believe majority of iphones will have WiFi calling with iOS 8 iirc.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

  12. Both phones are sitting next to each other. It's possible that one phone is connected to a different site than the other, but all of the sites around here are upgraded to NV1.0. HD voice seems hit-or-miss, although it sounds amazing when it works.


    Is HD voice supposed to work via WiFi calling?


    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    I'm not sure my wife and I doesn't have WiFi calling


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

  13. Just got my first taste of 800mhz CDMA here at my condo.


    I noticed that HD voice calls to my wife's iPhone 5c won't initiate unless I'm on 1x800. Has anybody else experienced this?




    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    No usually if my wife and I both are on an upgraded site we have HD calls. She has a iPhone 5s and I have a nexus 5. This was before we started connecting to 1x 800.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

  14. I get B41 at my condo in San Marco. I get about -108-110dBm downstairs and 90-100dBm upstairs. Because of my strong B26 and B25 signal here, I'm usually stuck between B25 and B26, though.


    My B41 speeds are decent here. I'm seeing over 20mbps most of the time.


    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    How's the coverage on b41? I don't pick it up as much because I'm running an older nexus modem for coverage the newer modem tends to not pick up LTE as much.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

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