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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. I'm here at the St Johns Town Center and I can't believe how much better the reception is. When I used to come out here the service used to be so bad that I couldn't do a google search. Also when I went inside of stores i would roam. Now I get band 25 and 26 all over the Town Center. Sprint has improved drastically here.


    Also I went to a couple grocery stores that were so bad I couldn't receive calls now I get 1x 800 inside.

    • Like 4
  2. Woah sweet! I get about one bar LTE in my house or 3g it jumps back and forth with my m8. Does the N6 have a great radio like the N5?


    And I ordered my Sim from sprint international. But I usually go to fairlawn.

    To me the Nexus 6 radio is better than the Nexus 5 especially in band 26/41 reception. I'm on LTE about 30% more since purchasing this device.
    • Like 5
  3. At&t has bands on bands in Ocala. I already seen city wide band 2 and 17 with pockets of band 4 and then today maybe 2 miles from my house close to I75 I got this. Also At&t has at least 4 more sites than sprint does in the city limits than Sprint does and it shows. I rarely have less than two bars on my nexus 6. I have seen a few wideband T-Mobile sites and alot more xlte also. Sprint has some major catching up to do around here. Hopefully Nokia is not to slow on deployment. a18d5eedd1bb63a6ca3bd87dc966e6b2.jpg

    How much bandwidth does AT$T have deployed on Bands 2, 4, and 5?
  4. Yep. That's what it looks like. I didn't ask the ericsson workers much because if it wasn't nokia then I really just didn't care.

    I've been seeing a lot of RRU replacement going on around Jax. I haven't seen very many 88er going on around here.

    Is there a benefit to the new ruus or something?

    Someone on this forum said it was but I believe that sprint is going from 4 RRUs to 3. I personally haven't seen a difference.
  5. I completely agree with you guys, I've always had much better performance on .15 regardless of whether the readings are inflated or not. Numbers on the screen are always second to actual performance.


    However one thing I did notice recently, and it may have just been complete coincidence, was that my N5 would not connect to 8t8r sites on the .15 radio. Although Clearwire B41 works flawlessly. Just something to keep in mind.

    I had similar results but only time I would to connect to band 41 was when no band 25 or 26 was present in the area.
  6. I Understand the EHRPD is no faster than EVDO. My point in specifying EHRPD was to indicate that the 3G cell sites have been upgraded. My question is why is the upgraded 3G so slow? my friends on Verizon usually run about .5 to 1.5 Mb per second in 3G. If the answer is that band 25 is swamped, doesn't that mean that Sprint is overselling its resources? Or couldn't Sprint have added more carriers to increase capacity when upgrading?

    There's really no need to increase carriers when you are going to deploy LTE anyways. Sprint could use that spectrum for LTE.
  7. Well, never thought it would take this long. I am now starting my 11th week of waiting on my 6+ 128G SG. Sure wish I knew what the delay was all about. Don't buy the demands exceeds stock line.

    I read a couple weeks ago that the 128GB variant had some problems with the storage. Causing it to load slower than normal.
  8. When I put in my AT&T sim it picked up AT&T Band 2. dont know if that means anything. Is band 2 one of their slower or faster bands?

    Its their equivalent to band 25 as far as signal strength. Speed depends on bandwidth 5mhz, 10mhz, etc and your proximity to the cell site.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    • Like 1
  9. That depends upon the site locations for both Sprint and T-Mobile. In path loss, the most important factor is not frequency but proximity.



    In the video he said that Sprint and T-Mobile were on the same site. That's why I made that statement.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

  10. Made a video. Sprint Nexus 6 sim switch to T-Mobile.:

    I take it band 26 isn't optimized yet. Sprint band 26 and T-Mobile signal were pretty much the same. T-Mobile has to be using AWS or PCS band for their LTE. Nice video showing the hot swapping of Sim cards.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

  11. And now for something completely different.



    In size/weight-constrained spots (namely stealth sites), Sprint is actually ripping out original NV equipment and installing these new antennas, the CommScope DHHTT65B-3XR, with an RRUS 31 B25 and an NSN RRH alongside the original RRUS 11 B26.





    So is it safe to say that band 41 will be coming to more sites than expected with these new panels and RRUs.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    • Like 1
  12. Has anyone else noticed a PLMN change in there market? As of last Friday my PLMN went from 310120 to 312530 while on B25 and B26 LTE. The pictures below are from the same site that just had LTE 800 flipped on sometime last week. This new PLMN is showing up on every site I connect too whether I am on B25 or B26.



    attachicon.gif Screenshot_2014-11-30-02-35-37.png



    attachicon.gif Screenshot_2014-12-01-13-45-47.png

    I purchased my son an LG Tribute on Sprint Prepaid and noticed that it has the 312530 ID while my post paid Sprint account has 310120.


    Edit- even though the ID's are different the PCI, GCI, and TAC is the same on both devices.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

  13. How are the newer phones signal reception on Sprint as far as 1x 800 goes? The wife and I are getting new phones in the next few weeks and she is about to jump ship. She doesn't need data at work, but hates that she cannot even makes calls or text on her cell phone. At home, we are stuck with the Airave still. Even if she jumps to AT&T or Verizon, I'll probably stay with Sprint.


    I get good LTE at work downtown, and decent LTE in the Deerwood area at my companies HQ, but drop to 3G inside. I don't care so much about data at any work location or home as I can use wifi.


    We both have older GS3s, so I cannot check 1x 800 coverage.


    If anyone is around Argyle and/or Old Jennings and Blanding, can you do me a favor and check an address (not just down the road)? If you can, message me and I'll send you the addresses.

    I'm out in that area daily and I can confirm that LTE 800 and CDMA 800 is currently active. I work out in that area. All throughout the Orange park area, Middleburg, Oak leaf, and The doctors inlet area of CR220. I can't confirm the Fleming island or Green Cove area of Clay county though. Like Cary said you are missing out on a lot of coverage using a single band device.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

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