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Everything posted by JeffDTD

  1. If this is the best those of us who are less technologically inclined can do, we create a real risk that the AJ's and Digiblur's of S4GRU will really stop being so patient, thorough and "authoritative" as they are. Why write articles and prove their knowledge time and time again when no one will accept it until Sprint explains more or no one anywhere on the interwebs says any different? On a brighter note, the shat-circus this thread has become comically correlates to LG's typical place in the smartphone hierachy. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  2. A fear of mine. It was originally stated here as certainly possible for Sprint to deploy LTE and 1xa in the 14Mhz of SMR they share with SoLinc. I suppose its possible that the variance causes them to prioritize LTE for now. Hmm.
  3. Let Captain Howdy the spectrum wastrel have it. Sooner or later he admits defeat.
  4. Cspire pulled this move awhile bank, yanking unlimited in favor of shared data priced identical to verizon. That lasted less than 1 year. Customers stonewalled the plans and they brought unlimited back at higher price points. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  5. Its not going away. Could they throttle and shape traffic? Yes, they are. Could they raise the price later and still keep their promise of offering it? Yes. First thing to change or get axed would be corporate discounts Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVE1OcfB1E4 Bits of this have been used as commercials.
  7. Following that logic, lets add a 5 inch full color touch screen and voice/ messaging transmit paths without SVLTE to the Zing.... what could be causing hiccups? Probably the battery life. Think about it. Every voice session restarts data cycling. A guess, of course.... but Sprint will be bashed pretty hard if this device is launched with flaws. All the anticipation and impatience will transform into piss and vinegar.
  8. Seems like I'd look like I had my cup in my pocket...
  9. Sprint's "appearance" of price competitiveness revolves around clear and easy to understand marketing of the One Up program and the new plans. I see the "$15 off if you join + 24/retail" to be apt for misinterpretation. I would love to join tmo and save some dough, but there network isnt equal to sprint. Not in coverage, data, or roaming access for me. Moffett's approach to analysis is that of a cockroach searching for crumbs. ITS NOT NEWS. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  10. Years ago, many blamed much of sprint's growth challenges on poor marketing. That was always part of the story but never the only reason. Better marketing did not neutralize the other flaws. For HTC's sake, I hope Wang's public statement about this is not what she truly believes in total. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  11. Im going to agree with Ms. Wang: HTC's marketing campaign has done it no favors. Its unimagineable to me that they would pay the $$ to get Robert Downey Jr. and the best they can come up with are the trainwreck commercials that I have seen, which tell us next to nothing about devices and are crowded with distraction. With that said, I digress a bit. HTC's modern empire was sort of built around "first"s. They were on the bleeding edge of windows mobile hardware finesse, bringing touchscreen device options to everyone else when the fruit was exclusive to ATT. They brought sprint its first 4g phone and sold a boatload based on that devices large footprint and differentiation. They whored out to verizon to help create the "droid" empire it built. Even for regionals, they brought device offerings/alternatives to customers who lusted after the fruit but couldnt get it. Example: cspire. One of , if not the best selling smartphone ever on cspire, prior to the arrival of the iphone, was the htc hero. I can name more than 20 people I knew who had one. Some still do. HTC isnt going to find a revival with removable batteries and sd card slots. Their uptick will revolve around bringing devices to market which no one else offers. There are no apple-less carrier ecosystems to exploit by copying or offering "almost the same" devices. I question their phablet approach as well, unless the device will truly offer something new. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  12. Which would be impossible for those of us who have sold the last upgraded device and purchased another outright. Makes financial sense if the device we are offering for trade carries an equal or better trade in value, but that confirms my initial concerns with the program outside of the cost increase. Justifying increased MRC for the opportunity to upgrade every 12 months goes awry if you do not carry insurance or you upgrade to a device that is unacceptable to you for some reason (RF/Quality- ie Evo LTE).
  13. From a refurbishing standpoint, a slightly cracked screen is no different than a screen that has a large crack. The "maybe" is whether or not the sprint employee processing the trade interprets the T&C 's as they are stated ( no damage) or dismisses the damage and passes those extra refurbishing costs back to sprint. If its a handset that the local repair facility can replace a screen for, you can bet that you will have to pay them for the repair at a minimum. Otherwise, expect to be told to talk to asurion or in the case of no insurance, keep your broken device. They current terms of the open sign up for One Up are temporary. Sprint is accepting any handset for trade (instead of the last one you received) and using the program to incent everything data customers to transition to the newer more revenue friendly, less data roaming plans. We should not expect Sprint to ignore damage or deviate from One Up T&C's Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  14. No one knows yet. The test will be when 12 month contracts already on the one up program try to trade in and are either allowed or told to finish paying off the broken device Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  15. Keep in mind, Softbank has owned sprint about 96 days now. The things we have seen -executed- right now are still likely all legacy sprint plans. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  16. I mentioned it was nothing to get excited about. However, a very light data user could certainly appreciate it. The real source of my statement is my hope another reciprocal roaming alliance can be found. If LTE roaming is enabled and results in complaints from customers who are forced to leave Sprint due to high usage, I would in fact rather sprint not get LTE roaming with its current roaming nuances. Acceptable modifications would be 1) throttle or disconnect LTE after cap is met 2) Allow us to buy additional roaming buckets. I currently use less than 200mb cspire ev-do roaming a month. It is usually slow due to their users burdening the network, but sufficient. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  17. Unless we are going to get an Alltel-esque network sharing alliance out of this, LTE roaming with 100mb or 300mb to spare is nothing to get excited about. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  18. Whats the current deployment requirement? They need 1 extra year but 30 months to study their plan? I love that CharChar thinks that guaranteeing a bid in the H block is a magical carrot. "C'mon, give me what I want and I promise to tie up even more spectral resources with my unknown network setup and impossible deplyment schedule (pay no attention to my threats to sell the company)" Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  19. I have no issue with data caps. What I do have issue with is the pricing schemes and amount of data being arbitrarily low. In my case, I have used as much as 8gb in a month and as little as 2gb. I would rather my usage revolve around my life instead of the opposite. If the big two arent comfortable with marginally improving their allotment pricing, why not let our data "roll-over" month to month? Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  20. Charlie is nuts about everything. ...snapped this at lunch yesterday Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  21. The first step will be to start sharing network assets and co-deployment..... Baby steps.
  22. Aww poor CharChar just took one to the guts. Hopefully this influences him to stay the heck away from the H Block auction Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  23. The source of the confusion is the one up program. Anyone wanting to participate must change their plan. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
  24. Exactly. Until we have some first hand account or evidence of leniency towards an identical device with a non-tep blessed esn swap, I am not willing to jump on this. Sent from my Note II. Its so big.
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