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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. hmmm.... not that I'm not excited that the EVO will get sense 5 and android 4.2..... But being in the situation that HTC is in right now, I would not do that right away (which they probably won't) and sell as many HTC Ones as possible.....if people want a taste of Sense 5.

    I would probably expect updates for the EVO towards the end of the year??

    I'm guessing it all depends on when HTC will actually release the update. I might be wrong, but I read that it would probably be in a couple months? Seeing as how Sprint released the JB update to the EVO before any other company released it to their HTC Flagship, I could presume that we will get it about a month after it is announced. Again, just speculation. -Luis
  2. I know this comment may be a bit late, but does any one else think all those smart gestures and what not are a little much? I don't ever really see them as useful, but rather cumbersome.... I can't imagine ever swiping my hand in front of the camera just to scroll the page... Maybe it's me, but I also don't want my phone watching me all the time. It's on a major creep level this phone. -Luis

  3. I've gotten 4G twice in Coral gables, first time I wasn't really sure where I was, but this time I just got it from work. I'm around 26th street and S. Lejeune. I haven't seen anything on the map recently to indicate of a tower in progress, or any completed towers here in Coral Gables. -Luis

  4. I have noticed a drastic lack of connecting to LTE. My partner has the EVO without the update, and mines with the update, his connected automatically to LTE while mines stayed on 3G. I've tested this on multiple occasions already.


    Has anyone found a fix for this?




  5. I have always been pro HTC but I don't know this time around. HTC has really made a lot of bad decisions not to mention basically giving the middle finger to the dev community where as samsung seems to be doing everything that HTC isn't. Its going to be tough but I think I may very well pass on the next evo and get the gs4, or at least wait for both of them to be released before I decide on which one to get.


    My thoughts exactly, I got the EVO because of the build quality, but if Samsung can bring out a phone that's not made of flimsy plastic then I might just jump ship.




  6. I don't really see room for four major mobile OS providers.


    MSFT has enough money to throw at windows mobile to eventually make it stick. I see enterprise preferring MSFT due to security/updates/support for many years and exchange/office integration.


    My thoughts exactly. RIM had it's day, but sadly now the market is being dominated by two major players. The phone looks a bit generic (then again what phone doesn't now unless you really make a bold statement). I see this selling mostly to teenagers, lol, seeing as how they might make it a cheaper phone and parents will probably get this for their kids (reminiscent of the sidekick)




  7. If you have to go and get it, its not officially out for it...


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


    No offense, but your comment sounds dumb... Sorry, but think about it; the update is there. If your phone doesn't automatically notify you, that doesn't mean that it's not officially out. I see as any other product, you go out and get. Now if it comes to my front door, then that's just an added benefit.


    If a company says "The update is out....", that pretty much says it's 'officially' out there.





    P.S. this is an afterthought, but when HTC released JB for the EVOLTE, Sprint supposedly was going to start pushing it out on January... I had to go out and get it, does that means it wasn't officially out?



    This is le groom, and here comes le bride.






    I consider that flirtatious. Stop it I'm taken lol.


    Sorry I couldnt resist, that's what always comes to mind with the winkie face.




  9. Just thought I'd congratulate everyone on surviving the Mayan Apocalypse... Job well done guys. Now on to business.




    I have a general question:

    With everything that has been going on with Sprint (Softbank, Clearwire, NV, etc.), what is one thing you would change about the company and why?




    Personally I would change all the info the Reps are getting and make it all unified, everyone is always giving different answers.




    • Like 1
  10. I would love to see a high-end Motorola phone come to Sprint. I've always liked their devices, but they never had nice phones on T-mo(fo) or Sprint. One day, hopefully... Also, I found the portmanteau legroom funny and pronounced it le-groom... I was like what?




  11. Okay, so as to the other day with my horrible battery life, I had installed netflix... I didn't think much of it, since it never gave me problems with ICS. Apparently, when I uninstalled it, my battery life came back to being amazing. Unfortunately, though, it never showed up under the battery usage. But nonetheless, I'm getting amazing battery life again :)




  12. A lot of this "new update fixing LTE" talk seems to be a lot of speculation. I mean how can you tell the difference between the update fixing things or maybe the network in your area was strengthened. A fix as big as this would not be omitted from the update notes as far as I would know. It seems like people are suffering a placebo effect from the newest update or perhaps wishful thinking.


    Sent from my rooted LTEVO running CM10.


    as far as I can tell my phone is actually connecting to lte on its own. I tested out by a confirmed site and the phone connected in less then a couple seconds when I got to the location.


    If this is just a placebo effect its pretty good. Before it never connected to any lte at all.




    • Like 2
  13. Okay so I went out today, and I can confirm that the update seems to have "fixed" the LTE issue. I got LTE about three times, even in places that weren't recorded in Sensorly, that I normally travel through. I'm very happy with this update, haven't really gotten any problems or bugs so far.


    Hope the update has fixed issues for other people. :P




  14. So I finally managed to fix the TWRP, I had slept on it and i remembered that I had the stock recovery img.


    So far, so good I think the minor UI changes look amazing. They really did tidy up all the loose ends on this JB update. As far as connecting to LTE I really won't know until I go out later today. I'll let you all know how it goes.




  15. You'll have to download a rooted rom that doesn't check for Sprints locked Recovery or Boot sectors. XDA will have such versions of the rom available to be flashed from TWRP by the end of the day.


    To be honest, I had many problems with CM10, that I decided to go back to htc sense, but that almost bricked my phone. I think I want to remove twrp.




  16. Project butter, Google Now. Worth it for me.


    That being said, with Sprint locking about none of their bootloaders on the phones they release, there are always options out there. You can "Try Out" CM10 for a day and go back.


    I tried cm 10... Worked flawlessly, great battery, no major glitches. The only thing that made me go back to stock was the fact that my data never seemed to work. It would always give me com.android.phone (something like that) has stopped working, and subsequently my data would go kaput, no amount of airplane mode tango dancing seemed to fix it.


    But with that said, if you don't get data problems definitely go with CM10, best thing to happen to my phone since it's kickstand :P




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