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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. So this topic has been dead for a while. But I just wanted to say that I've been seeing better signal, especially around where I work. It's probably started happening this week probably where in the parking garage I'll get full bars, whereas before I would only get maybe 2-3 bars.




  2. I absolutely hate the direction that we are headed in. I would much rather see all the lawsuits stop. However, I know the reality is that they will not and after all, Apple drew blood first. If Samsung and HTC see a way to exact some retribution then they will and frankly I can't blame them.


    True. I just know this is going to end badly. One way or another.

  3. So the rumor now is that Samsung and HTC will sue apple over lte patents, which both HTC and Samsung hold most of the patents for... As far as I'm concerned.



    As much as I hate this whole suing litigation bs, maybe apple deserves it?



    What are your thoughts?






    P.S. I'm not sure if this is in the right section, I just didn't know where to post it.

  4. Nothing new here... a speed bump on cpu and gpu, screen got taller and body... added lte... Apple doesn't set the bar anymore... a good upgrade for iphone users...


    I'm not an apple fan but I have always looked forward to their annual releases to see where they have pushes the boundaries. But to me, all it seems they do now is rely on brand loyalty. They will satisfy their customers with incremental upgrades but they seem to be refusing that they compete in a market that doesn't only include them. My two cents. I was really looking forward to something new or revolutionary. I was actually impressed when Samsung released the SIII and I really don't like Samsung products.




  5. I feel like such a little kid. I was in fifth grade when it happened and I was in a portable trailer classroom with Ms. Brown. The principal came on the intercom and announced that all teaching is to be suspended and all televisions will be turned on to the news channel. He mentioned that a terrorist attack had happened in the world trade centers. We watched the news and the stories then my mother came to pick me up. We had to be escorted by the administration staff and I spent the rest of the day home. I remember there were stories that they might crash a plane on other areas. But that's all I remember. This really was a devastating moment in our history.

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