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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. Does anyone here with an HTC One also have an active iDEN line (or know someone with an active iDEN line)? If so, S4GRU staff would appreciate it if you could run an experiment by swapping the iDEN line SIM into the One and checking for LTE connectivity.



    This is just a small observation, but I noticed that when you get the phone (or atleast when I received it) the sim removal tool didn't come in the box. Would you need to have the Removal tool to take out the SIM? (I've never dealt with MicroSim cards) I know someone with an iDEN account.




  2. No way to remove it, in either case its really not as bad or annoying as I thought it would be.


    I'm actually enjoying Blinkfeed, I love reading stories and having them ready all the time is pretty neat. I'm the type of consumer they were aiming for I guess. I love Blinkfeed, although I don't have it as my main homepage.


    Another side note, this phone picks up LTE in place where the EVO LTE couldn't, driving to work today I got LTE about 5 times. Completely loving this phone.



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    Yeah, strange. I'm not sure I'm a fan of the way they did the app drawer, and the dock. But, the rest of the phone makes up for that! Haha.

    to be honest I rarely used the app drawer, I have everything in my home pages and folders. The app drawer is something that I would use honestly about once every other day. But I totally see how it would be annoying.






    You have to make the switch while in the app draw and not from the home screen.

    thank you, strange way to change that. It's all good though. I love these speakers, they sound amazing and they are loud as well




  5. I have one question: the dock bar on the bottom with the quick launch apps, I want to remove the web icon and instead put chrome but everytime I try to remove it it just copies it back. How do I fix that? I want chrome as the default one there not internet.




  6. So I completely caved in and bought the phone. I'm completely in love with it, so far I hsvent seen any quirks or bugs. It honestly improves over everything I loved from the evo and fixed everything I didn't like.




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  7. I am not always trying to pump up my article, but the description of the dual antenna system is there. Yes, the two work interchangeably for CDMA1X/EV-DO and LTE.




    That's awesome! I know it's in your article (push your article all the time!), but I just wanted to make sure that's what you meant. Sometimes I just have to be told things simply.




    P.S. you should just copy paste your article under every post you make regarding this thread.

  8. The handset is idle, right? When actually transmitting, it will likely switch antennas.




    I thought only one antenna was for LTE and the other for CDMA. Can both antennas work for both LTE and CDMA? This is confusing me a little bit. If they both work interchangeably, then that's amazing!




  9. I went to a local sprint store and they didn't have it on display yet. I want to play with it first before making a decision, after what happened with the EVO I want to be a little more cautious this time. But I hope everyone that preordered the phone gets it today.




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  10. Tuff nutz. If you want that to change, then the entire system needs to change. Carriers need to be forced out of the consumer electronics business so that all devices are sold multi mode, multi band, and unlocked on the open market.


    But as the system stands now, Sprint would not draw in many more subs with unlocked domestic GSM/W-CDMA capabilities because most do not know nor care about those things. But it certainly could allow many more subs to leave with their Sprint handsets in tow because Sprint is now supporting removable SIMs.




    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it also matters now how many subs sprint has with them, especially to investors. Imagine if they sold the phone unlocked and people bought it, paid ETF and just left. Those numbers would go down, and investors would get wary. It's all about keeping your customers. Verizon may have the DROID DNA unlocked with the bands, but more than likely, they have so many customers that those few that left, or would have the mindset to leave, don't make much, but a small dent in their total sub numbers


    Just the way i see it. The phone supports it, I'm pretty sure someone will be able to root it and unlock those bands. It's all about being a little patient.


    Now if I'm wrong, please clarify :)




    P.S. This is just adding on top of what you said, not a rebuttal.

  11. I'll be curious to see if I can take a sprint SIM and stick it in an unlocked One and get Sprint LTE, that should be interesting...


    I could end up just doing that and using groove or some other VOIP service for voice.


    If you can manage to get a data only plan that would be amazing. Lol


    If you do manage to get it, let us know. I've been looking for some phone plan alternatives.



  12. That does not mean that both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are transmitting at the same time. And the EVO 3D is like most other smartphones -- Wi-Fi and Bluetooth share an antenna.



    This confuses me a bit, I stream music from pandora and play through bluetooth all the time. Unless pandora buffers, pauses music playback, then play's it through bluetooth, I have no idea how this is possible.



  13. I think that it's revolutionary.


    I read somewhere that this exemplifies the battle of iOS and Android. So in a way this could actually help android in the long run, by people adopting android without really knowing it. Just something I read somewhere :P



  14. This is too funny, I can't believe you fell for that..




    Yeah it was pretty bad, this is what happens when I go on the internet too early in the morning XD


    Oh well, at least I had a good laugh from it all :P



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  15. So this morning, as I was trolling the internet, I came across this on Google's homepage:




    This really has to be one of the funniest and weirdest things I've ever come across from Google. Funny thing is that this looks like they are trying to be serious.


    What do you think? I couldn't stop laughing while trying to sniff my screen :P




    P.S. I'm a little slow this morning, I didn't realize it's April Fools Day

  16. I'm just looking forward to the release of the HTC One.


    My current OG EVO is starting to act weird (random reboots, freezes, etc) , and I ready to upgrade...even if costs me a bit for an early upgrade (3 months) since my offical upgrade is not until July.

    It's all a conspiracy! Once they release a new phone they activate a little bug on your phone so that it starts acting up, hence making you want to get a new phone...! -Luis

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