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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. Just want to add me 2 cents. I actually don't have wifi at my house so I use a ton of data from Sprints Network. In the first week of my new billing cycle I've used 1.7 Gigs. I do have wifi at my job and my Wifi usage is insane (the highest amount of data i've used in one week is about 20 Gigs). It does make me feel better knowing that I do pay for actual Unlimited, and not like T-Mo where unlimited was only the first 2 Gigs at high speed and then 2g after that.


    So, my point, if it were up to me I would not offload my wifi usage on a cell phone network. Not only is wifi much more reliable to me, and much faster, it also helps conserve my battery for longer, since I tend to use my phone a lot.




  2. Sweet! I'm still on EVDO Rev A up the road at the U of M.



    You should be on eHRPD. I was there late in the afternoon yesterday, and it showed me as connected to eHRPD.


    If it helps, try updating your profile, that's what seems to trigger the eHRPD as far as I can tell.



  3. Same happened to me down here in Miami. Just all of a sudden I got eHRPD connection. As far as I can tell everywhere that I have been to yesterday I have received eHRPD, even places where I have poor connection (like my campus lol). Hopefully this bit of news does mean we shall be receiving some much needed LTELOVE lol xD (I'm a bit hyper this morning :D)




  4. Dude that screen is so shopped! Lol,j/k but it is kinda weird there is no number next to the eHRPD identifier?


    Maybe it's a Sense thing. My partner also has an EVO LTE and his doesn't have anumber either.





    P.S. How would my screen be PhotoShopped? Is it because of the GROUPON? ;P

  5. From everything Ive read and seen Flash will be on the HTC EVO 4G LTE. AndroidCentral just got their new review model HTC ONE X+ models and they had mentioned in their article that HTC is keeping flash in JellyBean. Also their preview of the phones running Android 4.1.1 (Jelly Bean) and Sense 4+ (aka 4.5) have the Flash settings option in the launcher (app drawer) and HTC included the original HTC Browser along with Chrome so Flash shouldn't be an issue for HTC users! YAY!


    Now as for Jelly Bean I really want project butta and Google Now! I can't wait to wipe that smug grin off of all my friends with iPhone 5's faces! Google Now sounds like a real person while Siri sounds like a computer from 1995, lol! The EVO LTE got the Android 4.0.4 & Sense 4.1 update approximately a month after the HTC ONE X got it. So I would assume the same timeline for us to get it. I would probably guess that around Thanksgiving we'll be seeing Jelly Bean but not any sooner and that still all depends on when HTC decides to drop it for the ONE X and time is marching on.


    Rumor has it that (starts singing Adele), that it will roll out this month of the HOX and HOS




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  6. This might be an interesting bit of news. This morning I was connected to regular sprint 3g, and as customary, I ran a speedtest and actually got some decent speeds averaging about 1.5~1.7 mpbs. I checked and I was connected to EVDO, I just checked now out of curiousity and I just connected to eHRPD. I have been in the same location for that past 2 hours, but I can say that I am very much excited right now :D




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  7. I don't know if I'm posting in the right place, but since this mentions Jelly Bean and the EVO LTE. Maybe it's just me, but it makes me feel bad when I read about the Jelly Bean updates coming to ONE X and ONE S but they have never mentioned the EVO LTE. It's a flagship phone, why don't they acknowledge it!?



    Also, as far as flash goes, I updated my ASUS Prime not so long ago to Jelly Bean and I can say that I don't miss flash.




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  8. I agree, looking forward to jb but more interested in the LTE deployment for southeastern Michigan personally.


    Sent from my UR/evo enabled rocketship on Tapatalk 2


    Hopefully the JB update would address the LTE problems too... Maybe I'll get really lucky and get the JB update and never really experience LTE problems :D But maybe that's hoping for too much. One thing at a time :)




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  9. I have a question for anyone out there that has rooted their EVO LTE and is in a LTE area. I have been very, very anxious to finally root this phone. I get hesitant at first cause I honestly have no legitimate reason to do so, other than I just want to. I don't really have the major issues that many people tend to be having as far as connectivity and app crashing, that sprint themselves couldn't fix remotely. But, if I do root the phone and flash over a custom rom, would that fix the LTE connectivity issue the phone has?


    Just curious, I might just be looking for any reason to root ;P




  10. This is a Verizon tower, but you can see a huge nest at the top. These pesky little birdies need to migrate already!


    I was actually curious to see when they would, but I read that Osprey's in southern states don't tend to migrate often because of year-round food supply. But I did read that Osprey's in Florida tend to migrate to South America. Sucks that I actually really like these birds, I've seen some at Lake Okeechobee swoop down into the lake and snatch up fish with no problem, but that they are the ones causing problems. Or so they say :P




  11. If an AT&T SIM card registers in it, then it's already unlocked and will work, but if not, then it has to be unlocked. @chronic on twitter is currently selling iPhone unlocks. The only iPhone 4 baseband that is unlockable by other means is the original 01.59.00, and ultrasn0w can unlock it.


    Sent from my LG Viper 4G LTE using Forum Runner


    Yeah I have ultrasnow I was just curious since its from Canada lop

  12. I've actually started having a ton of problems with the patch that they did.


    To me there are two main problems: 1. Being that when I try to answer a call from the lock screen, I'll drag the phone icon to the circle, and instead of answering the call. I have to answer the call again from the call screen when the phone is unlocked. 2. It has really messed up with my text messaging, there are times that messages wont send. I'll do a PRL and Profile update, but that doesn't work. I have to reboot the phone for messages to send. It happens about once a day.




  13. So the other day I received an iPhone 4 that someone wants me to jailbreak, I've done it before so it should be no problem. My question is that its a canadian iPhone that works on the Rogers network... Can it still be used down here with att or tmobile? I've tried searching online but I haven't gotten a definitive answer. Maybe someone more tech savvy can shed some light on this for me... :)




  14. Fortunately Miami is actively being worked on now.


    Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    This has made me really happy. Maybe it's just some pseudo-optimism but I feel like signal strength and Pings are getting better, speeds not so much... Maybe I just really want to believe that moving to Sprint was the right thing to do lmao...




  15. Not that I am some kind of nature loving hippie, but I am happy to see sprint taking measures to protect wildlife. I think they should figure out a way to coexist with nature. If it takes building an extra platform for the birds to nest, great, whatever they need to do to respect a species that humans have pushed to the brink of extinction before realizing it. They should think long-term, as this is not the last time they will ever need to get up there and mess with that equipment. Yes you can remove the nest opand install the equipment, but the birds will be back, and their presence can mess with the equipment, or leave you with delays at the next network upgrade. Sometimes regulations go too far to protect nature, but I don't believe this is one of those instances. The area has cell coverage already, so nobody is going to die because they can't get a cell signal to call for help. And I hardly think the inability to stream netflix is life threatening. I also doubt that this is having a huge impact on the market yet. The contractors will just work on the sites without birds until a solution is found.


    it doesn't just go as far as being a nature loving hippie... Native species should not be messed with, if that causes interference then so be it. They will be on their way soon enough. If there's one thing I've learned recently its that nature shouldn't be messed with especially when they have found a way to coexist in our environment.




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