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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. Below is a video from YouTube demonstrating the death grip.


    I've yet to experience anything that drastic. Someone commented that it seems to be a left-handed issue and the video shows the left hand. Maybe there is some truth behind that.






    Thats so weird, i got mine from Costco and it came with this gel type case, but if it affects the signal that much then im glad i got it O_o

    this is just pure observation, but I'd say it has to do with the unibody construction. Although there are plastic strips, since the antennas are the metal parts touching them directly affects signal. It's probably the same exact thing that happened with the iPhone 4 with the antenna outside of the phone. In any case I've used the phone without the case in places where I only have one bar if signal (elevators at work) and I've never experienced any loss of voice quality at all. I've managed to make calls even with no bars at times, other times it just won't connect and hang there for a while. If you don't want to cover up the phone then I say try and experiment with calls to see if the phone will still work.




  3. Does having a case on the phone help? Don't know if that was already answered.

    I've tried using a case when I'm in my kitchen and it does seem to make a difference. With the case on I get 3 bars of signal. Whenever I take the case off and hold the phone normally it drops immediately down to 1 bar. If I hold it with both hands I completely lose signal. I'll take some screenshots later of the signal strength with and without the case.






    Here are the screenshots of signal:


    With the case: http://tinypic.com/r/5ej29i/5


    Without the case, holding with one hand: http://tinypic.com/r/xav1ow/5


    Without the case, holding with both hands: http://tinypic.com/r/zwc9hc/5


    In the last one, I noticed that it drastically affects WiFi signal.


    Hope this helps :)



    Do so at your own risk. If you do, you may be subject to arrest by the mattress tag police.



    LOL I think I'll probably leave it for the moment.






    That is a very nice looking case, I may have to reconsider. Its funny though, I can easily go and spend full retail on a phone but never want to spend no more than $10 on a case. I have a clear tpu case on my One right now since I didn't want to hide the design of the phone but this double dip flip is very attractive.

    I say go for it, I think phonedog said a good quote, when you get something really nice you want to have all the parts from the same manufacturer. Or something like that, you get the idea. Plus if you don't like you can always return it :-P




  6. Quick question, does anyone else have the MEID DEC sticker on the back of their phones on top of the Beats Logo?


    I don't really mind it, I asked a rep if I could remove it and I was told that I shouldn't. What do you guys think?




  7. I am really liking that double dip flip case and how professional it looks but I did here a few complaints that it doesn't fit quite right and if you take it off the wrong way it could potentially scratch the device. Anyway, if possible you should post some pics.


    I could only uploaded two cause the pictures are way too big, but I hope these links work:








    The feel of this case feel much better than the Double Dip, plus the Double Dip creaked a lot! It was rather annoying to have it creak every time that I held the phone.


    As far as the fit, this one feels more snug than the Double Dip, the reviewers probably got early ones, but it fits like a glove on mines.





    • Like 1
  8. So I returned the double dip case, and got the double dip flip one. I like it much better and I love the speaker cut outs. Personally this one feels much more of a professional case than the other one.




  9. I can get 24 hours out of my phone no problem. And this is without the power saver function on. I have brightness set to auto, sync and GoogleNow running all the time. I don't make a lot of phone calls, but usually spend about 30 minutes on the phone a day. I do surf quite a bit and send way more texts than phone calls. I am on WiFi for a good chunk of the day, so that does help.

    Damn, that's great lol. I feel what really kills the phone is the camera, that's what honestly takes the biggest chunk of my battery away. Surprisingly phone calls barely drain the battery at all.




  10. It's impressive to me that you do that well. I like the power saver feature, I do feel like the CPU throttling helps me nurse that battery life, without a particularly noticeable reduction in speed.

    I neglected to mention that I have GoogleNow, and sync to push on all the time. I have GPS and WiFi on all the time, and the screen brightness set to 50%.


    I think the battery life on this phone is amazing.




  11. I also feel this issue has to do more with the target region, and not an actual issue with the buttons. I find that I regularly miss the Back button, but it's not that it doesn't work, I just didn't tap the right spot.

    I was having the same problem, especially with a case on I would end up tapping the screen. I'm getting used to it, but I do have to agree that the target region is probably just as big as the icon itself.




    • Like 1
  12. Are you running with power saver on all day?

    No, powersaver was on because the battery % fell below 15%. I actually hate powersaver, I feel like it really doesn't do anything, but I don't question it.




  13. Since no one has uploaded pictures of battery life, I figured I might as well upload some of my pictures of the battery life.


    On a daily basis I've been talking for about a good 2-3 hours, the screen is on very frequently. I take a ton of pictures, and check facebook/twitter/instagram all the time. I also have a virtual pet that I check up on almost every hour (it's kinda fun tbh). From the time I get home I'm always streaming music, watching a good 30 minutes to an hour worth of youtube videos, and I've been using the IR at night all the time. I wake up every day at 7:20 and take the phone off the charger.


    On average I've been getting about 12-13 hours without fully killing the battery. I find this amazing since I had to charge the EVO midday at the office.


    Hope this helps anyone if they wonder about battery life.






  14. Not likely. What is likely is that the device will come SIM locked like the HTC One is and you would need to call Sprint to request an unlock code for it. That would unlock all the available GSM/WCDMA functions on the phone for use overseas but there isn't a specific unlock code to unlock one particular band.


    I actually went online the day after I got the HTC ONE, and under the quick settings for the phone it had the SIM Unlock code.






    Nevermind, I just checked again and it says PIN1/PUK1 unlock code, not sure if that would be similar to SIM Unlock.


    So I googled what those codes are for and it has nothing to to with what you were talking about... Sorry :P

  15. You can use NFC tags. I have one in my office, one in my car, and one on the door jamb of my house to change various settings depending on where I am. I've read Tasker will perform just about any task (get it?) you can think of when you want it done. I know for NFC tags to toggle GPS you have to be rooted. I don't know if this is true for Tasker.

    I'm actually looking into getting NFC tags, but then I read online that not all tags work for all phones. So now I'm just looking for a tag that is compatible with the HTC ONE.




  16. Fracking sprint wants me to keep installing it's default co configuration how can I make it stop


    Sent from my HTC One

    this has yet to happen to me. I uninstalled a bunch if sprint apps, maybe I uninstalled the one that gives you that notification.




  17. I know this may sound like a dumb question, but what happens if you remove the SIM card from the HTC ONE? I used to do it when I had T-Mobile no problem, but I don't know how to phone will act since it's not a GSM phone with LTE, but a CDMA with LTE.





  18. If you are having issues with your evo and they have to exchange it, they will definitely give you a gs3 and no way in hell replace it with a note 2. You can trade in your evo for $94 or sell it on ebay. I just sold one of my evo's the other day on ebay and got $205 which included the actual phone, charger and original box with no extras but the phone was in immaculate condition.

    I sold back to sprint, but the phone I sold back was in horrible conditions, it was all scratched from sand, and the screen had some visible defects on it. The rep that sold me the phone was nice enough to actually discount the buy back from the price of the One. I got lucky :P




  19. The ETF is the price you agreed to pay if you early terminated.


    There are people that scam there way out of ETF, but not really the appropriate thing to do. I don't know of anyone negotiating the price down outside of outright scamming.


    Recently upgraded, the only thing that changed from last time was the $350 would go down $20 for every month after one year.


    But other than that I'm not sure you can negotiate the ETF.




  20. The problem will arise when my Nexus 7 freaks out at the double tap. It will know then that I have been seeing a younger, more slender model.



    If phones could talk I would imagine it would go something like this: "Where did you get that new double tap thing from? Is it another phone? Have you been seeing another phone? You don't need to double tap me!" (try to say it in the way that Wanda Sykes talks)


    Or something like that.

    • Like 2
  21. This is just too funny. Everytime my girlfriend goes to plug her phone in she stares at the side of it for about 3 seconds before remembering that the port is on the bottom.


    Yeah, this pretty much sums up my reaction.


    Having the save problem haha. Power button, charging port, and home all feel off ... For now. Getting used to it.


    Sent from my HTC ONE using Tapatalk 2


    For me the worst is honestly the Volume Button, it's so flush and the case from HTC also makes it feel flush that I can't find them. It's all about getting used to it I guess. Given that my EVO case had bumps near the volume, I just have to learn the feeling of the volume rocker on this case.




  22. That's awesome. I wasn't feeling the two button approach, but loved everything else about the phone.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD


    I'm starting to like it, if it wasn't for muscle memory it wouldn't be much of a problem. Frankly, I'm finding the charger port a nuisance since I'm so used to the EVO that had it on the side. It's more practical on the bottom since it's out of the way, but I get frustrated a bit when I try and plug the phone in. I bet it's only me, but it'll grown on me.


    As for the configuration of the home button, I like the fact that it's a double tap to multitask.


    Just my 2 cents




  23. any recommendations on cases not called Otterbox?

    I got the one from HTC, the dip flip. I'm looking to see if any other ones out there seems nice. I'm liking the Dip Flip though. There are many bumper cases in amazon, for $10 or less.


    Now if you're looking for protection then otterbox is your best bet.



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