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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. HTC stated that all 2012 released phones will have priority. It is rumored that the One X and Vs ATT and T-Mobiile will be seing updates stateside within 2 to 3 weeks. Then, the HTC EVO 4G LTE will most likely see the udpate maybe weeks from then.

    My quess (quess only) is that we could see an update by end of the year.



    The thing is is that HTC / Sprint knows about the LTE connectivity issues with the EVO, so they might be conducting extensive testing to make sure they correct the issue (or at least significantly improve it) before they launch the next round of updates....


    I hope you're right about the extensive testing they might be doing. I'll be more than happy to wait a couple of extra weeks to know that my phone will receive an update that fixes the LTE issue. I have experiences LTE down here in Miami, but the phone has only connected once on it's own. I think that is pretty shitty, tbh. When I had my sensation, granted HSPA+ isn't really anything special, I would always be connected to "4G" no matter what. I never really had problems with the signal, but HTC seems to have dropped the ball with this phone, which will hopefully, sometime soon, get it's problems fixed.




  2. Did you toggle airplane mode? When I was biking near the palmetto and between SW 40th and 56th st, my phone never switched to LTE unless I toggled airplane mode...


    Yup, on both phones. I toggled airplane mode five times to be honest, but I got nothing. It was always connected to eHRPD.






    It is not unusual for the subcontractors to turn off a site at the end of their work day, and then turn it back on when they come back. Especially if they aren't even complete with it themselves. This site also wasn't on the accepted sites list this week. I don't think it's complete yet.


    Robert via Nexus 7 using Forum Runner


    I figured as much since it didn't come up in either phone. Hopefully that also means that they are starting to work south too. I live right around the corner from that site.




  4. The whole SOff thing. As you can still flash whatever you need except for the modem parts which that's a good thing anyways, just a pain to have restore a backup, take the OTA then go back to what you need.


    Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge


    To be honest I have no idea how to flash roms with s-on. That has always gotten me stuck on the bootloader part of the rom. Just to know what you mean. The modem, you refer to the radios and what not?





    (Sorry if these are really noob questions, but there is much that I don't know yet :P)

  5. Hmmm I think I would have to say it was unfair to us as consumers. A lot of us bought the phone under the premise that at some point we would have 4G. For it to have never come at all, definitely had to have been a huge disappointment for all those Sprint customers. I think Sprint can just make it right just by completing their 4G network this time around. That would be good enough.


    Like you though, Feech, I was lucky enough to have WiMax almost from the get go. I don't want to even think about all the customers that were suckered into upgrading their phones on the promise that 4G was coming soon to their area. Let's just hope Sprint takes WiMax as a lesson learned so we can all look forward to better things.


    Premise, not promise. Just like now they don't promise you will have LTE service any times soon, but by the end of 2013.


    Ofcourse it's inconsiderate of the company, but Sprint isn't the first company to do such things.



  6. In retrospect, I think it was a bad decision from Sprint. IMO you can't expect to have good performance from a network you don't really own and operate yourself.





    P.S. I never really got into Sprint when they had wimax, but just my opinion.

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