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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. I will actually update to Jelly Bean. Seeing as how it will support html5, I really see no use for flash. I barely use it on my phone anyways, and when I do use it, it's like a dinosaur. It's not streamlined enough, and it honestly feels like it makes webpages feel heavy.




  2. I like the idea of a bright yellow phone but not for two years. Personally I think the slate grey color is the best looking.


    That's about as loud as a cheerleader using a megaphone.... I actually liked the red one, but yeah, not for two years lol xD



  3. What



    What they don't come in charcoal black?


    Your sarcasm... I didn't get it.... If that was sarcasm I mean o.o


    It's too early in the morning for me to be commenting again. But what I meant is that the material of the casings remind me of crayola crayons :P



  4. This topic should be moved to the HTC Phone section... anyone? anyone?.... bueller????



    They may just be working on the towers nearby... I think I also read somewhere that just because you're near 4 towers, your phone will only connect to one tower...




  5. No problem bro take your time and take care or your daughter. I hope she feels better. :) I would drive there but it's quite a distance from Central Broward. I have been checking my towers like crazy to see if any work is being done but nada.


    I wish I could find the towers near my house, but every time I use OpenSignal it crashes after a while, and never points me in the right direction D:


    So Sad.




  6. I'm going to do an analysis in the next week of sites completed last month. If the new map is just polluted with past due sites, I may not do a September map. It will be pointless.


    Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    I'm really hoping that it's not polluted. I love your maps, they keep me holding on to the hope that I might get LTE soon





  7. So the other day I was going to a couple of websites and I went to ISN (Inside Sprint Now) but I remembered that Sprint had the site brought down. What happened? There really hasn't been any updates from ISN since the whole moving his stuff offshore or something?


    Just Curious :)





    Also, hope everyone is having an amazing friday... I know I am (Someone brought cake into the office, that's probably why :D)

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