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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. After dealing with them for over 5 hours both in person and over the phone we just went back, again, to the repair store and they switched out the SIM card and for the first time in over 3 weeks i have not had problems and was able to connect to eHRPD again..

    You have really bad luck with getting the defective phones. I hope this time around, though, you get to experience how awesome this phone really is. 




    • Like 2
  2. Anyone else excited that it is "Assembled in USA"?


    I am not sure how many people on this forum are aware where the items they purchase are made - it's a big deal for me.

    The comments regarding this made me LOL! They said it was basically Mexico since it's in Texas, I thought it was funny. If it doesn't affect cost I think it's a great thing, unfortunately American made products tend to be really expensive because of all of our workplace regulations that later translate into higher product prices. Ce la vie in 'Murica.


    All in all, I think this is great for Moto, I think they have some of the best designed phones (aside from my HTC bias), they just need to work on the screen and provide a killer camera.




  3. But that would be the users choice. Android has malware protection apps. Doesn't apple?

    Your Member Level is strange...


    iOS, or any Apple OS, will probably never be open source. That's what helps them keep a tight hold on their products, but you also get a unified experience across any Apple product and timely updates as well.



  4. If what you're saying is correct (I can't say that you are because I've never owned an iPhone) I imagine people closing their apps in the app drawer creates a psychological pseudo effect that makes them believe they are saving battery life, in turn making them much happier with their products. 


    Just as a random note, why does this seem to bother you so much? You don't have to clear it out, but thanks for the info.




  5.  It had better have more than a 4.0 mp camera, did we go back to 2005?

    It's a bit of a trade off, I do miss being able to zoom in quite a bit on my pictures, but the colors look amazing, especially when it's capturng whites, which tends to throw the color balance off a lot. Now an 8 mp with their Ultrapixel technology will honestly be the most amazing phone camera ever!




  6. Although there is some truth to what I said, I was being facetious. See AJ's response above.


    Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

    It made sense so I just took it as is. But I just read AJ's response, now I get it. These are the things they never tell you in those articles.




  7. Because LTE AWS will be unburdened, unlike the rest of the VZW LTE 750 network.


    Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

    Oh, I guess that makes sense. Would it, in the future, once it has a heavier traffic flow, manage the traffic flow better? (Sorry if that didn't make sense, I tried wording that as best as I could)




  8. "Verizon Galaxy S4 will be twice as fast as the iPhone 5 and HTC ONE"



    the Galaxy S4 will be the first device to support the carrier’s Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) spectrum, which will more than double the smartphone’s data speeds. The AWS frequency won’t be supported at launch, however, and will require a software update to enable it.




    I didn't quite understand this, what does AWS have to do with double the data speeds? Are the launching LTE-Advanced?




  9. From my understanding and research, it is possible to turn s-off and then just load the 3.15 RUU. Some users report it turns everything to stock, turns s-on, and says "locked" and not "relocked" in the stock bootloader. Is this true? I was planning on using that route if true. JN

    it's possible. I never managed to get s-off so I had to flash everything manually.




  10. I am very new at rooting, as of now I would not even know where to begin to remove TWRP. For the time being I am just leaving it the way it is. After this semester I will try recovery and I will keep you guys informed of my trial and errors haha. Thanks for the advice and tips. Good thing I am eligible to upgrade in the case I brick it and cannot figure it out.

    To remove TWRP, you have to find the Stock Recovery and ROM for the EVO LTE. I can't really find the one that I found to fix my EVO LTE, unfortunately it took me a good hour or so to actually find all the files, and even then it was a bit of a process. Try going through XDA, that's where I found it last time.




  11. Oh ok, I was having the same issues as you when I flashed a custom rom and had to flash a separate zip file to get it working again. Anyway, have you tried performing a hard reset?

    Nope, I'm pretty stubborn when it comes to that, I resort to trying everything else. I hate backing up my phone and downloading everything, but at this point I might just have to do that. How well does HTC Backup work? What exactly would it backup and restore?





    P.S. I should also clarify that resetting the phone will fix the GPS problem but it will stop working eventually.

  12. Are you running a custom rom or are you stock?

    About as stock as stock gets. For a while Google Now has been telling me to turn on Location Services (which are on), but recently my GPS "broke".




  13. I was able to fix it by installing either meanbean or stock plus goodies. I am using stock plus goodies and like it so far. I am currently S-ON, though I want to figure how to turn it off so i can flash the 3.15 RUU when the next OTA is released to 4.2.2. I put the ROMs on my SD while on the TWRP menu by mounting storage, then just leaded installed through that. Originally I was trying to put the closest ROM to 4.2.2(nexus 4) but that is when I bricked it. After this week I will play with it to get S-OFF and flash a few ROMs before going back to 3.15 and OTAing to 3.16.


    P.S. there are still issues with navigation even when rooted.

    I'd be careful, I've bricked my EVO LTE twice and it was a massive pain getting it back together! If you're going back to stock, and unroot, a piece of advice, remove twrp and flash over the stock recovery. It caused me many headaches having TWRP, and trying to get back to stock. Good Luck!




    • Like 1
  14. So a new problem has started happening since the update. My GPS is broken! I can't get a signal lock inside or outside. I googled the issue and it seems that other people are having the same problem with only temporary fixes. Also Google Now is broken as well, it doesn't show any of the regular cards such as time to work, among others. Any thoughts or tips on fixing these two issues?




  15. I would get on the line with tech support. FWIW in my experience most data issues are profile related. Maybe that extends to emails and calls also.

    I have had this problem where the profile had to be updated because text and calls weren't working. I'd go somewhere with WiFi and update your profile, it's always worked for me.




  16. So as of this point, Microsoft has really made a bad choice with their whole proposed fee on used games. I think this is a ridiculous thing to do. Maybe it's just me, but I won't be buying this if they go through with this whole fee fiasco!


    Also as far as paying Xbox Gold, what am I paying for? To be able to play online and have access to Netflix? No thank you!




  17. The last time I received a GIF was on my EVOLTE, maybe this will help. Click on the picture, and once it pops up there might be a play option on screen... Hope this helps.




  18. Ok so the Voicemail app has persistently, over the past three days, been telling that a new update is available and that it's ad supported. I don't want the update, and I try dismissing the notification but it comes back every single hour. How do I get rid of the notification?




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