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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. I thought it was an x64 architecture they are using... Regardless I hate the look of it. It honestly looks like a polished version on the original Nintendo. I do, however, think the Interface is really nice and the new Kinect gestures are great!




  2. HTC One Works From The Top Of Mount Everest, But You’ll Need A Stylus




    "Sponsored by HTC, Hughes’ ascent to the top of Mount Everest is part of Everest Million, the mountaineer’s effort to show the world what it’s like to climb the the highest point in the world. Not only did Hughes make a video call from 8,848 meters above sea level, he also tweeted regularly from his two copies of the HTC One (although many of his updates were just pictures of his frozen feet), of course, both smartphones were encased in sturdy protective cases as well."





    If this is HTC's way of marketing it's a pretty bad attempt IMO.




  3. I have upgraded to OS 6.1.4 and have not had any issues with battery life.  I do make sure that at least twice a day that I double click the home button and fully close the apps that I have opened.  Some apps will continue to run in the background and drain the battery rather quickly.


    If I am running LTE full time, it will drain the battery quickly as well, probably three times faster than WiFi or 3G.

    Jesus is LTE that power hungry on the iPhone?

  4. Really? I was at my cousins house a few days ago, and no one knew what the One was. Everyone wanted to see the S4.


    So you tell me?




    Sent from my Sprint iPad using Tapatalk HD

    I have to agree, even though the ONE garners much attention, people always ask "What phone is that?" But if you take out an S3 or S4 people immediately know that it's a Samsung, regardless of which one, they know. It all comes from marketing to be honest.




  5. Personally, I see this as a mistake. Sure the GS4 is a great phone, but what also helps make that phone great is also the ton of features (although too many) that it has. The phone aesthetically has received such a negative critic, and going from the Nexus 4, I don't think it will sell that well.


    Maybe there are other reasons why they chose the S4.




  6. On my Note 2 it says, "Not supported. Unfortunately, Google Wallet is not yet available for your device or mobile network."


    It only gives me the option of OK. When I select OK, it closes the app. In the case of the Note 2, it is more than just the unsupported device message. I've seen that before on rooted devices and just ignore it.


    I even uninstalled and reinstalled the latest Google Wallet version from the play store, and it was unsuccessful and still gave me the "Not supported" window.



    The most recent update to Wallet shows support for the Note II.




  7. We have a CVS here in town. It has never worked for me on three different devices. :(



    This is just for the Lulz, but the one time it didn't work for me I just stood there tapping my phone against their card terminal. I swear the casher looked at me like I was the strangest person in the whole world.




    • Like 1
  8. So does Sprint. New Mexico is a great place to set up Customer Service Centers. About half of the population here are fluent English/Spanish speakers. It's the only place in the country that has a huge population of English speakers with little to no accent, but also speak Spanish fluently. Great for customer service.



    I don't have an accent :P J/k everyone in Miami has an accent XD




  9. I have not ever had a Google Wallet transaction work for me, on any device. I've given up.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

    On the contrary, Google Wallet has been exceptional for me. I've even used it several times online, so it just makes the whole check out process much easier.


    Maybe you can try at a CVS, that's where it always works for me.






    I'm currently using Rdio, but I'll give the new Google Play Music All Access a shot since there's a 30 day free trial. Also, it was mentioned that if you sign up before June 30 that it'll be $8/month instead of $10 like Rdio and Spotify.

    I've been using it the whole day. It's interesting, I'm not sure how the whole add to library part works but if I can pay 8 bucks to listen and download certain songs and albums on my phone I'm more than happy.




  11. Yes!!! I won't say never but at this time I just can't accept doing that.




    Another huge YES. I used to rate apps in the Play store all the time until they did this Google+ integration. No thanks. I'm not signing up for Google+, I got rid of Spacebook about 2 years ago or so. Best decision I ever made. I have email and forums for info and messages I want to go read.

    It seems like it just takes the anonymity of rating things in general using google products. If you rate things on Google Maps your name comes up, and guess what? If you give a negative review, and the company loses business they can come after you and sue you. Just an example, but it can happen.




  12. So, neither a new Nexus 4 nor Nexus 5 is in the offing? Instead, a Nexus-ized Galaxy S4 will be offered on the Google Play store.



    Now if only they would make an HTC ONE nexus-ized too :D


    Also this just sounds like a bad idea... There's a Galaxy S4 and a Nexus Galaxy S4... This sounds like something HTC would have done last year. Also does this Nexus GS4 have expandable memory? I thought Google wanted to do away with that.




  13. anybody having problems with call quality? A few minutes into any call and the inbound gets super choppy and outbound starts acting up like i'm losing signal.


    I'm not using a death grip, happens either handed and I'm not pinky'ing the mic...happens in home on airrave, in car, standing in parking lot.


    Lemon maybe?

    Sprint will tell you it's because of all the upgrades they are doing in the area. Or so they say.




    • Like 1
  14. For me, that never works. Seems like it should, but even when I do that USB Debugging comes on every single time I connect my phone to USB. I have a stock Sprint One. Don't know if that matters.


    Thank you for your quick response though.

    Yeah, I just tried it and I saw that it really doesn't work. To be honest I just ignore half of all those notifications, I doubt that's a solution for you. Maybe someone with more knowledge can help you. I also have a stock Sprint HTC ONE, I did, however, uninstall a ton of Sprint apps, maybe in the process I uninstalled the one that give you that notification.




  15. Can anybody tell me how to permanently turn off USB Debugging?


    To remove the notification you just click the USB Debugging, and then under Developer Options un-tick USB Debugging


    The first one, idk. I never got that on my phone.




  16. MS had mobile OS before apple or google.


    WP8 isn't bad - it's the lack of apps that hurts the platform and the slow hardware upgrades.

    I've been spoiled by how pretty android looks now. I played with a WP8 Nokia the other day, and the interface looks extremely flat and one dimensional. I love the look of Android and Sense 5. I will admit though that WP8 is MUCH faster than any other operating system with the least amount of hiccups in performance (although my ONE has yet to lag or hiccup with anything).


    In general it's a very functional OS, but not a very visually appealing one.




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