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Mondays In Flames

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Posts posted by Mondays In Flames

  1. From my understanding the boomsound will still work it just will not display the beats logo in the corner. As for Zoe that will be lost but I am sure there will be camera apps to simulate it.

    There's a big difference when you use the speakers with and without the Beats optimizations.


    With ear phones it's not such a big deal, I have a pretty good pair from Bose.




  2. Of this is the case I hope the software is available for CDMA carrier models and not just the gsm models since the phone is bring sold gsm unlocked.

    I'm not sure if the software, such as the launcher, has anything to do with the radios. That it, unless, they make the WHOLE UI the Nexus. I still won't do it cause I don't want to give up the Beats Boomsound and Zoes.




  3. Folks, the recent posts in this thread are walking a fine line. Discounts for which you do not or no longer qualify are unethical and should not be discussed at S4GRU.


    For the record, I recently paid full price for an unsubsidized upgrade. I then received an e-mail requiring me to reconfirm my eligibility for my corporate discount.


    So, Luis, your account will be audited eventually, and you will be required to reconfirm your eligibility for the discount for which you do not quality. My suggestion is that you man up and risk losing your illicit discount. Better yet, be ethical and drop the ill gotten discount yourself.



    As far as I'm concerned my discount stays on my account for the full period of my contract (24 months) as long as I do not renew or change anything in the main line. I even talked to Sprint saying that this was only a temporary job, and they said it was all fine as long as I didn't touch the main line. My discount is valid and not illicit, or ill gotten. I was honest with Sprint when I made my account, I'm not some shady person trying to get away with fake discounts and what not. If I am to be audited I have all the original paper work from the original contract as well as the Discount paperwork.


    As far as your comment for manning up, you don't know me, honestly, and I took that a bit offensively. I don't go on this site purposefully insulting members in the manner that you have before, you should learn to word your arguments better so they come across less harsh.




  4. Realisticly they will probably require you to verify again. When I was still working at the corporate store we would let every upgrade know the main line will get text messages to verify.

    How do you verify through text? O.o




  5. You will lose your discount. When you upgrade you have to reverify eligibility


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

    This is what I was told when I upgraded the second line the first time. Nothing happened though my discount is still there.




  6. You mean 20% discount on your monthly service?  If thats the case I don't think it will make a difference where you get the phone but I can't say for sure.  I still get my 25% corporate discount from my old job as well but I don't remember buying another phone from any other retailer other than sprint in a while.  Honestly though, I don't think it will matter since they are just renewing your contract and not actually making changes to it.

    Ok thank you, and yeah on my monthly service. I hope so, it would suck to lose the discount.


    Also is the Amazon thing a promotional offer or is it a permanent drop?




  7. Luis, thank's for the reply. I talked to a buddy of mine who works at Sprint and he said the same thing. I guess the thing that confused the heck outta me was that when I am in 4G coverage and it pops up as 4G, I was assuming, like my very first HTC EVO, that it was the same technology. I was wrong. That was WIMAX, not LTE. I was also thinking that the phone would say LTE, but it doesn't, it says 4G. So yes, there is very weak 4GLTE coverage here in Corpus CHristi, Texas, not strong enough to get data.

    Yeah I wish the icon would say LTE, I love how ATT and VZW both say LTE... Maybe in the future... 


    As for know I think there are certain ROMS or themes, if you're rooted, would give the LTE symbol.




  8. What is the possibility of dish buying Sprint? I am in favor of Sprint remaining a US company but I also feel like dish would just ruin everything; in particular since Softbank has experience in this field. I cannot help but think dish would increase prices, not to mention it seems the average person does not like dish as a cable provider.

    Or in my case, any provider. I remember working at AT&T, Dish was a horrible company to work with. They had so many limitations on how to do things. They were a nightmare, honestly. I hope they don't take over Sprint, as you said, they will increase prices.




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  9. This is pretty normal for 3rd party online resellers.  Not only do they start out cheaper than the carriers themselves but their discounts are more aggressive as well.

    I'm torn between getting this and risk losing my discount...


    If I upgrade the main line what are the chances I'll lose my discount? I don't work for the company that I got the discount from. I used the other line to upgrade for myself... Decisions, decisions.




  10. Sprint already switched from GSM to CDMA. It would be surprising to see them switch back especially since GSM is not the future.

    I think, if I read correctly, this HTC one will be us only.


    I quoted the wrong post, I meant to quote the one about the GSM carriers




    Yes I am aware of not making it the MAIN home page. They should have put it in the form of a 4x4 widget. With my androids I go between 3 pages, none of which include any news app or widget. And as for flashing, I'm not the best rooter and bricked my EVO for several hours until I found a fix.


    On a side note, I worked for Sprint up until the middle of May so I am very familiar with how these work. (I was a sales rep but not the kind that does not know anything) I was supposed to get the One for free until they transferred me prior to launch(each store manager picks someone), if you are transferred you just lose out, district manager doesn't take that into consideration and transfers to fill other stores staffing needs.

    You can have up to 5 screens, including the BlinkFeed one




  12. Has anyone noticed battery drain when using the speakers? Whenever I play music with the speakers it'll drain about 1% every 8 or so minutes. With regular earphones it'll drain 1% every 14 minutes.


    I am against being forced to have blinkfeed as a home page. Older android indeed needed manufacture UIs, but not since the update to ics do they needed it. One exception would be the note 2. I worry that HTC will still be around in a few years, plus if aren't great at updates; not to mention there are GPS issues all all of their main phones. Even my rooted EVO still has GPS issues, so flashing another Rom fixing it is a maybe.


    Techincally you're note being forced to, is it always there? Yes. Can you set another screen as your homescreen? Yes. I have a regular screen as my home page and only go to blinkfeed when I wanna check out some news.


    It's not as intrusive as some people make it seem.




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  13. Yeah I am hoping that part is wrong but if it has an sd slot then I really don't care. 

    maybe they might put on right under the SIM since the phone is bigger, if they don't they might find a way to justify it by blaming the Radios :P (and how everything American is bigger)


    But for real, 16 is way too low, I'm happy with 32 since my tablet has 32 and I have everything there, I use a bit less of my phone.




  14. There are several aosp/aokp roms available for the one already and they are all stable so wishing something like this would come to sprint is just ridiculous.  I mean seriously, if you really wanted a One Nexus Edition then why pay $599 for it when you can get it from sprint already subsidized and you can simply just root it and flash a rom.  Personally though, vanilla android simply isn't for me and other than gettng updates on time I really don't see any other advantages of going vanilla android. 

    Very well put, these are my sentiments exactly.




  15. One more reason for sprint to switch to GSM /ducks

    I think that would be the equivalent of trying to move a mountain. Personally Sense 5 really makes this phone a complete phone for me. I love the look and designed, but I've never been a fan of Vanilla, it's very boring IMO. Sense 5, even though it's scaled back, really just pops out at you. I'll stick with Sense 5 any day over Vanilla.




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  16. Htc just announced their Google addition of the One but sadly it looks like it is gsm support only. Are cdma carriers that evil? The Google additions of the htc one and s4 have my attention a lot more than the manufactures versions.

    It would be interesting to see them port the Google Edition experience to CDMA HTC ONE. One can dream :P


    Google has a thing against CDMA carriers.




  17. To reiterate what many have said about the bars, that shows your voice signal not your data. As far as not being able to connect to the internet in 4G, it probably has to do with what market you are in. Here in Miami, we are not officially launched, so some sites while they may be broadcasting 4G, it won't connect me to the internet. It has something to do with them testing out LTE and what not.



    Hope this helps :)




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