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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. Nickel

    LG G Flex LS995

    I would too, but my point is that the more Tri band phone Sprint sells the more likely the average consumer will end up with one, thus giving them a better experience.
  2. Nickel

    LG G Flex LS995

    I'm just glad it's Tri band, the more of those available the better.
  3. Nickel

    LG G Flex LS995

  4. Plus, if AT&T switches to band 12 like they said, they could buy it, or at least jack up the price for T-Mobile.
  5. They also clear channel 51 for 600 MHz which, I feel like a broken record saying this, is going to be a mess.
  6. Until channel 51 is gone they won't be able to use the A block in these areas:
  7. I didn't mean the size of the display per se, i more meant about it's low (by today's standards) PPI.
  8. I assume you meant pings, not Mbps.
  9. Once AT&T and VZW get their capacity bandwidth rolled out, I think they'll be fine. I think you're right though in that Spark/ Band 41 could end up being huge for Sprint.
  10. How can you stand a 4.3 inch qHD display, though?
  11. One thing to keep in mind is that both AT&T and Verizon got users spoiled with great LTE speeds, then everyone got on it clogged the network down to a crawl. With both of those two now deploying more bandwidth the speeds will start to climb back up, I wouldn't be surprised to see them gain back some of the people who might have gotten flustered and left.
  12. That's interesting, I knew that but hadn't really thought about it in that way. How "Carrier" of them.
  13. Wait, does T-Mobile actually block/remove them or is that just a function of them playing piggyback on AT&T's SKU?
  14. 9625, the modem that is integrated into MSM8974 and that, in my opinion, is the main reason people are reporting better signal on the G2/N5.
  15. International one (likely) has the same modem, so I'm skeptical that Sprint's would have 9625.
  16. I don't care as much about the CPU/GPU as much as the modem. If it has 9615 I'm going to be disappointed.
  17. Since we're already off topic, about when will the "teaser" articles become the excellent in depth analysis? I'm not complaining about them not being done, I want to make that clear.
  18. I don't really care about black Friday deals, I just want the device. Provided, of course, that it is a good RF performer.
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