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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. Hmmm http://www.androidbeat.com/2013/11/snapdragon-800-equipped-galaxy-s4-quietly-launches-europe-galaxy-s4-advance/
  2. That's not what I meant, I mean that it has the same SoC and modem as the G2 and N5, Now of course, it was never built for Tri band hence my "designed" comment.
  3. If we're getting technical, wouldn't the hardware support but it just wasn't designed that way and wasn't FCC approved?
  4. Only Sprint to Sprint, no other carrier or landline can be in the equation.
  5. Well then why don't you call your wife and look at the 1X engineering screen and post it so we can see if there's something there that can be linked to HD Voice.
  6. I'm unsure exactly what it would exactly contain but I'm fairly certain that something would show up during the call in the 1X engineering screen (or "enginerring" if you use a Samsung device) and probably says something about ERVC-NW.
  7. I need to see engineering screen shots before I believe it. Also, finally a chance to use this smiley:
  8. Considering he can't even spell Ericsson right, I wouldn't have high hopes for him. Also, he used the "Vendor Execution" title as someone on here a while ago.
  9. Are you a fan of leaving your phone without a screen protector, AJ?
  10. One would hope so, if not things are only going to get worse in those areas.
  11. It's a chat group that doesn't include any personal information if you choose not to. You can post pictures, we even have a list of rules about the group. Despite what people may tell you, it's a very well built/designed messaging app.
  12. This kind of post is like the bat signal for AJ's e-penis comments.
  13. Thanks, I found this, but wasn't sure how accurate it was. http://www.sharetechnote.com/html/Handbook_LTE_RSRQ.html
  14. AJ, could you go into more detail about RSRQ? It seems like everyone around S4GRU uses RSRP and I wanted to know why. Is it because that RSRP is closer (in terms of dBms) to RSSI?
  15. Nickel

    Greetings from VA

    First of all, welcome to S4GRU! Second of all, It's going to be a while until you see VoLTE.
  16. The funny thing is, one of the main reasons it could even be considered "universal" is because IIRC, the EU mandated that all carriers use GSM/ banned CDMA. I know that you know this, I was merely pointing this out for those who didn't know.
  17. Nickel

    LG G Flex LS995

    Correction, "LG G Flex [Tri band]"
  18. Nickel

    LG G Flex LS995

    So, which thread are we going to use, this one or the LS995 one?
  19. That's all assuming that they aren't going to make any special kind of name changes to it. I still think it would make sense to call it the GS4 Spark or something similar.
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