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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. I believe I recall a Sensorly rep awhile back passing on that the tiles for the closer zoom levels were updated more frequently than the wider zoom levels. So that could make sense. -Mike
  2. As others mentioned, sectors 03/04/05 in your area are likely second carriers. SignalCheck will show a small "2" next to your provider name if you are on sector 04 or 05. Still working on getting 03 added; it conflicts with the way other areas of the country are configured. I hope to have that resolved soon. -Mike
  3. I grabbed a new LG OEM battery off eBay recently and did the replacement myself.. certainly do-able if you have some basic tech skills, but man was my original battery glued down well! Took quite a bit of gentle prying to get it out of there without destroying its outer shell. Enjoying the like-new battery life! EDIT: For anyone looking for a new battery, here is the listing I purchased from; I was wary of the knockoffs and internationally-shipped ones. The battery I received appeared to be brand new and genuine LG: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Genuine-Google-Nexus-5-LG-D820-D821-2300mAh-Battery-BL-T9-3-8V-8-74Wh-New/141711963289 -Mike
  4. The xxx26 PRLs have major EV-DO roaming changes (for the better), notably on US Cellular.. there is a separate thread here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/7080-wahoo-us-cellullar-and-other-ev-do-roaming-is-live/ -Mike
  5. As I just noted in the Northern New England thread, this is huge. I was in Central NH for the 4th of July and it was the typical scattered 1X coverage I've been used to. There is no native Sprint service off I-93. This past weekend I was there again, and spent a good amount of time trying to figure out how/why I had so much EV-DO coverage. USCC has an excellent footprint around Lake Winnipesaukee, where Sprint (surprisingly) has none at all. This is a very noticeable difference. I'd almost rather they keep LTE roaming disabled, because the 300mb would be gone much quicker.. -Mike
  6. Hello all! Despite rumors to the contrary, I am not dead nor have I suddenly abandoned SignalCheck. Everything is great, just crazy busy with work, family stuff, and vacations. I have not even had a few minutes to do my usual S4GRU browsing of non-SignalCheck stuff. I am still on vacation but when I get back the middle of next week I'll catch up on emails and posts here. I meant to post this sort of update a couple of weeks ago, sorry about that! -Mike
  7. Some others with newer devices are reporting that the apps never update automatically, and you need to back out of the app and go back in to get refreshed data. This is puzzling to me and must be an Android and/or Samsung bug, because SignalCheck just monitors the radio for changes and updates the screen whenever a change is reported. If that process is not happening, it's beyond my control. Certainly frustrating but I'm kind of stuck. This is becoming more and more prevalent, and like the bug mentioned above, my best guess is that it is something related to the OS. The core functionality of SignalCheck (and other similar apps) relies on a basic Android component called a "Listener"; the app "listens" for changes, and when a change is reported, it does something. SignalCheck simply refreshes its data when a change in signal strength occurs, and displays it on the screen. If the OS never announces the signal strength has changed, SignalCheck never does anything. As far as invalid 1X and LTE data, the app just shows what the radio is reporting.. but I have no idea why it would be reporting anything. Unless everything we have believed about these devices and the way the network functions is incorrect.. In true LTE-Only mode, you'll never see any CDMA 1X information because that radio is off.. but it could be an indicator of eCSFB issues like you mention. You can't get a "double connection" on any devices in that mode, even older ones like the EVO LTE that are capable of connecting to 1X and LTE at the same time. -Mike
  8. The CDMA 1X protocol allows for base stations to broadcast a latitude/longitude coordinate pair as its location. This is unique to 1X; there is nothing comparable with other technologies (EV-DO, LTE, WCDMA, etc). SignalCheck takes these coordinates, determines if they are a valid lat/long pair, and if so, they are geocoded into a street address. You can click on the address in SCP to bring up a map plotting the location. If you do not see an address, the site is not broadcasting a valid coordinate pair; most Verizon Wireless sites do not broadcast a location. As I stated, these coordinates are being broadcast by the sites. When you see strange information, it could be that the site is programmed incorrectly, but more commonly the coordinates are intentionally offset. With Sprint, a growing number of cells broadcast offset coordinates in the direction of the sector it covers. On a typical 3-sector site, if you plot each coordinate pair, you will form a triangle, with the actual site located near the center. See the FAQ for a note about this: http://www.bluelinepc.com/signalcheck/help/#bslwrong I think you might be misled; check my message above for an explanation. If you are only seeing the city name, it's probably because the coordinates plot to a location that is not near any streets (i.e. in the middle of a forest). The geocoding server uses Google Maps, which are about as accurate as you can get. -Mike
  9. Are you on the latest SignalCheck version? You should be seeing a little "2" in the app indicating the second carrier.. it will show up for 04/05/06 sectors. Currently working on adding an indicator for Ericsson users who see 03 as a second carrier as well. -Mike
  10. This hiccup is really starting to annoy me! I have no idea why LTE Discovery is showing the information, and SignalCheck is not.. the routines to gather this information are part of the base Android framework on Android 4.2+, and I don't use any crazy tricks to display them unless you're using an older HTC. I do see you're showing that bogus "<!>" indicator that I mentioned in my last post; that's a remnant of beta testing that I need to get out ASAP, and could be the reason you are not able to edit the site note. But the missing GCI/PCI/TAC information is a separate issue that I am completely lost on. I'm going to reach out to Spence and Danial and see if they have something up their sleeve that they might be able to share. -Mike
  11. I'm starting to hear about issues on some devices never updating the screen. It must be an Android bug, because SignalCheck just listens for changes in signal strength using a standard Android method. Do you (or anyone else) know if it happens with other similar apps, like LTE Discovery or Signal Detector? My intention is to show an indicator and not log a site when the app is reporting it might be invalid (like what many of us see for a moment when switching between some Clearwire and Sprint sites), however the code in place doesn't properly recognize these moments -- and the indicator tends to get 'stuck'. I thought I removed all traces of it, but obviously I didn't. I'll get an update out soon that resolves that, and I will keep trying to hunt down a way to ignore those bogus readings. Hmm, that sounds like a bug. The export feature should dump the entire contents of the database, regardless of the provider you are/were connected to at the time. Can you e-mail support [at] bluelinepc.com with a copy of your database and your exported CSV so I can take a look? Just to confirm.. is the issue you are seeing simultaneous 1X and LTE connections on the G4 and Flex 2? Does it happen when you are on LTE, and does the 1X information remain static when it happens? We all know no newer devices have dual radios, so I'm guessing that the 1X display is most likely 'stale' data. Does LTE Discovery or Signal Detector show wacky information too? What error do you see? Are you sure the device is rooted? The reset feature requires root, but other than that it is not device-specific. It simply toggles airplane mode on and off.. nothing fancy -Mike
  12. I tried using the version at that link, and it doesn't work on my N5.. previous versions worked fine. The notification says "Loading..." with an exclamation point icon, and the app itself shows no information. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling with no changes: EDIT: Nevermind.. after about 2 minutes, it suddenly started working. Now it opens on startup immediately. Android gremlins! -Mike
  13. Hah! That's a leftover remnant of my failed testing to get around the bug where the PLMN does not change immediately. I didn't realize it was still in there. If you see it, I do not believe that site will be logged. A connection reset should make it disappear. I'll get that out of there. -Mike
  14. Interesting.. do you have a link? I can't find anything about that. T-Mobile is sort of reliable, but there are many instances where their conventional ID patterns apparently just got tossed out the window. There is no clear rhyme or reason, so I'm stuck trying to decide how to balance what the app displays.. I'm not happy with showing something that is correct 80% of the time, but I also have a huge demand to show everything possible at the expense of accuracy. SignalCheck intentionally does not display T-Mobile band indicators as frequently as some other apps because my threshold for false indications is higher than most. Awesome! Could you elaborate a little on the problem you're experiencing? -Mike
  15. I had looked into that previously and learned that it would require a lot of work because of how the app interacts with the log. It's still on the table but will take some time. -Mike
  16. It's actually not that simple unfortunately. Setting that flag controls the overall visibility of the notification on both the lockscreen and the status bar. Changing the flag essentially makes everything vanish, so you might as well just shut the icons off from within the app. This is a Lollipop issue that many developers are annoyed with, but so far there is no easy way to adjust it. I'm playing with a workaround to allow the lockscreen notification to be hidden, as several others have already asked for this. Once I can get it working well enough, there will be a user preference setting for it. I'll look into adding an option for the public setting too. -Mike
  17. No problem. We prefer to refer to them as sites, not towers; many sites are not actually towers. Like I stated above, that capability does not exist; like the commercial says, "That's not how any of this works!" Tracking NV progress would be very easy if it was that simple. -Mike
  18. I'm not exactly sure what you are asking for, but I think you might be misunderstanding how the app works. The primary function is to display the information about your current connection. Additionally, many devices also show neighbor cells, which are other cells your device is "seeing" as possible candidates to connect to. Essentially it is choosing the best cell at the moment and connecting to that, but keeping an eye on the others to see if something better comes along. For example, as you drive away from the site you are connected to, often the neighbor list will become populated with cells you are driving toward. Eventually, one will become more appropriate than the one you were originally connected to, and it will become the active connection. The previous cell will then likely appear in the neighbor list until it's no longer worthy of consideration. There is no method to identify/display all of the potential connection types on a particular site. That's not how it works, at least not on the UE (device) end. SignalCheck never had a feature like that, because the capability doesn't exist--at least not within the standard Android framework. Your device's radio and your provider's network determine what bands/cells are available and how connections and handoffs are handled. If you are on B41, that's because the network has deemed that is the optimal connection for your particular circumstances at that moment. There are many reasons why you might be on a particular band one day, and a different one the next.. signal strength, sector load, device status, etc. Just because you don't hit a certain band from a certain site doesn't mean it's not there. The network just doesn't think you need to use it. And the network's opinion is really the only one that matters! Remember, most of the data seen in SignalCheck isn't stuff the providers expected users to be monitoring. We are clearly in the minority. -Mike
  19. The locations/distances are based on what you have stored in your device's own SignalCheck log.. it saves the coordinates of the strongest signal you have seen for each GCI. So unless you have walked right up to each site and circled it while maintaining the optimal signal strength (catching all 3 sectors), the distances are not going to be exact -- but they will be close. The more you run the Site Logger, the more accurate your readings will be, because you will eventually pinpoint the true "sweet spot" of signal strength that is likely a short distance from the site. If you look at your log and plot out the coordinates of each sector, you'll probably find the location of the site in the middle. I've been playing with some triangulation features but it's nowhere close to anything useful yet. -Mike
  20. I don't think I got a diagnostic report about it, but looking at the code I think there is a bug that might prevent band indicators from appearing for Boost and Virgin Mobile. I'm playing around with it. Have him send it if he has a chance anyway though. I don't see a difference in Global or LTE/CDMA mode.. I think it might be more of an Android OS bug than something network-related, but who knows. I'm mostly wondering if those with devices that never show PCIs (Samsung) are seeing a list of "Unknown" neighbors with valid signal readings, or nothing at all. I don't want to filter out all "Unknown" neighbors if it's actually somewhat useful to some people. SignalCheck takes the CDMA SID or LTE/WCDMA PLMN and checks it against an internal database stored within the app to show the provider name.. if it does not find the provider, it falls back and displays whatever the network is broadcasting. The internal database uses "Verizon" while I believe VZW actually broadcasts "Verizon Wireless", so it could actually be the app showing the provider name before it finds it in the database. This could also explain why you're seeing Midwest while on Verizon; the app could certainly be outdated. What SID is this happening on? For those who are wondering why I built a (very large) database of provider names, it was to help confirm that you are truly seeing the actual provider you are connected to. Some custom ROMs play with the network-broadcasted name, and there are also situations where Android will mask the network provider's name even though a connection exists. It's transparent until situations like this pop up, where a provider is bought out or renamed and I don't catch it immediately. -Mike
  21. I see those Unknown/0 neighbors on my N5 occasionally as well, but the crazy dBm ones are news to me. They are appearing because that's exactly what he device's radio is reporting.. the app doesn't currently do any filtering, because I had no idea what each device might show. Is anyone seeing valid neighbor PCIs with invalid signal readings, or invalid/unknown neighbor PCIs with valid signal readings? I want to clean it up but not hide anything that might have some usefulness. -Mike
  22. Actually, it should.. but I don't think I've ever had any direct confirmation from a prepaid user that it does or does not work. Yes, please do.. if they can see a GCI within the app, they should be seeing the same band indicators that postpaid customers see. A diagnostic report would be enough, it includes everything that is shown on the screen plus more. -Mike
  23. Yeah if you want the frequency class and the signal strength, it's a bit tricky.. there's not a lot of pixels for me to work with. It works better when you show it without the signal strength. I'm still working on revamping the Alerts behind the scenes to allow for more customization; the icons are kind of tied into that component, so I can look into adding the option for another simultaneous icon if someone thinks that could be useful. The consensus to this point has seemed to be less clutter, not more, but I'm willing to try whatever you guys would find useful. -Mike
  24. I have been in Michigan since Friday (Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor, Lansing) and the network is much improved since my last visit over the winter. Probably not as easy to see progress on a daily basis, but I can definitely see it after several months. There are some areas that could use a new site to fill in coverage gaps, but that's another issue.. -Mike
  25. Ahh man you guys are tough! I will try to come up with an option to have the "standard" band be hidden for certain providers. Play with the icon settings, those options are already there! -Mike
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