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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. That is huge! I'm struggling to find time to dig into app-related things lately (life is good, that's all!), but I'll look into it. I would LOVE to get something like this implemented, even if it's only for a limited subset of devices. Not necessarily true. SignalCheck users tend to be on the nerdier side, and many of us just happen to be rooted as well. I don't mind implementing features that require root because it's better than not implementing them at all (i.e. the "Reset" feature and a few other goodies, like direct PRL Updates for some Nexus users). I've been testing out some options to turn on location/logging when plugged in, so this is along the same lines. There are a lot of half-working features like this I'm testing on my own devices. Progress is slow because I'm learning how to code as I go! -Mike
  2. Is it actually displaying the true EARFCN for you? On my Nexus devices, I just see a generic range that corresponds to the current LTE band. If so, that is awesome and they definitely have a leg up on my developer skills! -Mike
  3. Just wanted to chime in and say I'm still alive.. I recently moved and have virtually no signal at my new house, and it took a couple of weeks to get FiOS installed so I haven't been able to easily get online for a bit. I'll be catching up on PMs, and emails over the next few days. With the few pennies I had left after buying my new house, I splurged on a Nexus 5X with the hopes that I can figure out this 1X/LTE display weirdness. Bug? Feature? No idea. I want to resolve the issue with the sometimes-but-not-always-missing GCI too. I am seeing this myself but haven't figured out why. Stay tuned.. -Mike
  4. Not a bad idea, I'll consider it. I just like a clean look, and sometimes making a change causes more confusion than good. I went with the ² because it was small but clean and easy to see. Unless Android introduces some new routines under the hood for developers, I'm not sure how I'm ever going to be able to identify CA. I never said there was nothing that can be done about it, but I haven't figured out why it is happening yet or why some people experience stale data. I've reached out to the LTE Discovery guys and it doesn't sound like they are doing any special voodoo on their end, so I'm really scratching my head. The fact that it only happens on Android 5+ means something changed in the framework (perhaps unintentionally) that SignalCheck is unhappy with. I'm in the early stages of re-writing the core functionality of the app with the hopes that I'll inadvertently do something slightly differently that alleviates the problem. I know the problem exists and I'm working on it whenever I can -- literally dozens of hours each week. I've gotten a lot of PMs and e-mails from many of you; it's not unique to you, but it's not being experienced by every device. I'll get back to your messages one of these days, but I'm trying to spend my free time solving the issue instead of replying to 300 unread messages.. -Mike
  5. SignalCheck shows any LTE information the device is reporting. 1X, EV-DO, and LTE connection information is independent of one other, so it doesn't matter if 1X is appearing or not. In fact, I am fairly certain that your 5X (like nearly all Sprint-supported LTE devices released over the past couple of years) is incapable of maintaining simultaneous 1X and LTE connections. There are many theories as to why some newer devices are showing these connections, but it's generally believed to be an Android glitch. There have been discussions in this thread and others. What you are seeing is not site-specific; your device is reporting that it is connected to the Boost Mobile network, that's why you are not seeing Clearwire information. Did you see my earlier post? Curious if you are in fact a Boost subscriber. I'm seeing your image as a small thumbnail that is too blurry to read. What device/OS? There have been numerous recent reports of the battery stats showing wacky data attributed to apps that are not at fault. -Mike
  6. I've thought the same thing.. but maybe a dynamic instead of a fixed time period. That way, if a particular area doesn't get a lot of data uploaded, it doesn't look like a blank slate (and conversely, an area with a lot of current data can ignore the old stuff). -Mike
  7. Next time you see it, send a diagnostic report for me, that would be most helpful. Does your Note 5 usually report LTE bands correctly? Did it say "B25" or was there no band indicator? SignalCheck sometimes has trouble grabbing the GCI on Samsungs for some reason; if it can't get the GCI, it doesn't indicate a specific band. -Mike
  8. Thank you for those reports, I just got a chance to get to a computer and check them out.. are you a Boost Mobile subscriber? Are you seeing Boost B25 where you expect Clear B41 as Tengen31 is? Or something different? -Mike
  9. I do have another trick up my sleeve.. not sure why that stopped working though. If anyone is seeing this issue, please send a diagnostic report from within the app. I haven't been able to replicate the problem in my Clearwire market. -Mike
  10. The reason you see no updates is because the app is waiting for an update from the cellular radio.. which your device will never receive. Most of the time it's a non-issue, because cellular signals typically change faster (or at least often enough) than the WiFi. I'm halfway done with am overhaul of the WiFi functions so users can choose to allow WiFi changes to display "live". Until your mention of using it on a wifi-only tablet, I only considered this to be an issue when on an airplane! -Mike
  11. Drove by the stealth pole site on Pond Street in Tewksbury near the Billerica town line this morning, a crew was on site with a large crane and most of the pole segments were down on the ground. Hopefully it's Sprint upgrades, that area is a bit lacking in coverage! -Mike
  12. Next time you are seeing it happen, please send a diagnostic report from within the app (About > Send Diagnostics). I'd like to see what's going on behind the scenes. Please be sure to include a brief mention of why you are sending it -- I get hundreds of reports and it's hard to keep track. -Mike
  13. Both Clear and Boost use 311870, so the PLMN is likely correct. I'm guessing that I broke something in the code that determines which one it is when I added the band indicators for Boost. -Mike
  14. You kind of lost me.. but I do understand the part about you telling me not to worry about it.. The lockscreen option is, for lack of a better term, a hack. Android gives developers very little control of what appears there, so I put in a workaround. I'm not surprised if certain specific configurations lead to odd behavior. No, I'm guessing something is wrong with SignalCheck! I will look into that. I forget how I have it determine if it's a Clearwire site or not because I haven't broken that component in awhile.. -Mike
  15. You can get indicators for whatever you want, as long as there's an identifiable GCI pattern! If you're not sure, I can try reaching out to one of the wisest elders of S4GRU who has gotten me all of my AT&T information.. -Mike
  16. Thanks! I'm trying over here.. sometimes it just takes me awhile to learn how to get the app to do what I want to do! If I hit the lottery, I'll go hang out in Aruba for about 6 weeks, go visit every baseball stadium in the country, then work on SignalCheck full-time for you guys.. -Mike
  17. Fanfare time.. SignalCheck Pro 4.29 has been released! It will be available shortly on Google Play. The long delay in a public update was mostly because I was trying to resolve some significant bugs; some have been fixed, some have not. There are some nice new features to enjoy though. Here's the scoop with the changelog: Added indicators for Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile LTE bands 25, 26, and 41. Added indicators for Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile LTE second carriers. Added indicators for nTelos LTE band 25 second carriers. Added indicators for nTelos LTE bands 25, 26, and 41. Added indicators for Sprint LTE band 41 second carriers. The titles are fairly self-explanatory here, but these are notable improvements for a lot of users. As a reminder, second carriers are shown as a superscript two (²) within the app. Added option to add color to notification pulldown based on connection type or major US mobile provider on Android 5+. (Pro) Many have been asking for colored icons; while Android design guidelines do not allow color on the status bar, there are new features that allow for limited color in the notification pulldown on Android 5+. This will come in handy for Project Fi users; set it to "provider" and you'll be able to tell very quickly if you are on Sprint (yellow) or T-Mobile (magenta). Non-Fi users will see limited value in the provider option until LTE roaming becomes widespread. Added option to control notification icon visibility on Android 5+ lockscreens. (Pro) Many users asked for the ability to control what is shown on the new Lollipop and Marshmallow lockscreen.. there are now some options to configure this. Improved information display when initially connecting to some CDMA 1X networks. Previously, a valid SID, NID, and BID were required before SignalCheck would display the CDMA 1X provider. The BID is no longer required; some devices do not acquire a BID immediately, especially with a poor signal or in certain roaming situations. Resolved force closes at startup on many Huawei devices. Resolved force closes on Android 6.0+ devices with Alerts or icons enabled. (Pro)Resolved force closes when Location Service is enabled on some devices. (Pro) Resolved issue with BSL displaying in notification pulldown when there was no connection or user preferred to hide it. (Pro) Resolved issue with false CDMA 1X and GSM connections displayed in certain situations. Resolved issue with occasional false alerts/indicators when LTE PLMN changes. (Pro) Hammering out as many bugfixes as I can.. there are still many more in the queue though.. Improved Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) compatibility. Improved crash reporting and diagnostic routines. Updated RootTools library. (Pro) Housekeeping-type stuff. Marshmallow introduced many new changes that required a significant amount of work behind the scenes. I specifically note RootTools in the event that someone suddenly has issues with root-only features. As always, many thanks to my beta crew for all of their help.. and thanks to everyone for their support of the app! I will try and get an update to SignalCheck Lite out within the next couple of weeks. -Mike
  18. Public app update coming Saturday evening, stay tuned! The beta changelog on the website shows what's coming. Unfortunately, some very annoying bugs still aren't resolved, but I'm still trying.. no sense in holding back all of the other goodies though. -Mike
  19. It looks like a great solution, but the new AC products are not in stock anywhere yet; Ubiquiti's own website doesn't even have them listed on its online store yet. Hopefully Soon™.. -Mike
  20. I have been in the hunt as well; I found an article from The Wirecutter, a site I had never come across before.. it was pretty informative, and the Archer C7, C8, and Netgear R6400 are their top picks: http://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-wi-fi-router/ I was tossing around the idea of something a little more robust, like an enterprise access point solution, but that gets pricey and I don't know if the extra coverage would work like I hope; I'm trying to blanket my yard better. The new Ubiquiti gear intrigues me, but it's not easy to find yet: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/10/review-ubiquiti-unifi-made-me-realize-how-terrible-consumer-wi-fi-gear-is/ -Mike
  21. Both methods still work.. thanks for the MMS address, I've been looking for something like that! Going to make my boss very happy.. -Mike
  22. I'm not sure, but it seems like there was an issue with your data activation somewhere along the way. I'd certainly point out to them that your voice, 1X data, and LTE data connections work fine, but EV-DO does not. There isn't much that SignalCheck can help you with other than that mobile data status at the top of the screen. -Mike
  23. I do not believe that there are any Sprint sites in that area these days, 800 or otherwise. Coverage is sparse in the areas west of Manchester unless you're along 101 or 91. -Mike
  24. Yes the yellow did turn out to be pretty obnoxious didn't it! I can only change the background color, and it can only appear in the pulldown. I will find a better shade that is easier on the eyes; that's the default Android 'yellow'. The idea behind this feature was to let Project Fi users quickly see which provider they are connected to -- yellow (Sprint) or magenta (T-Mobile). Other users had asked for a similar feature so I expanded it to AT&T (blue) and Verizon (red) as well. I'll pick a more subtle color and also add an option to disable it in the preferences. I realize it has limited usefulness until LTE roaming spreads, but I try adding what I am asked to add.. "Unregistered" basically means that the network thinks your device has not been activated. Your LTE connection is handled by your SIM and activated with that serial number, so that probably went through fine. Your 3G data connection does not use the SIM, and activation of that is tied to your device's serial number (IMEI/MSID). Check and confirm that you provided Ting with the correct information about your device. Off the top of my head, I'm not sure how it's actually coded, but I agree that it should be hidden in the notifications if it's supposed to be hidden on the main screen. I've been working on a couple glitches that cause an invalid BSL to appear when there shouldn't be one at all, so I'll put this on the list too. The latest beta seems stable, so I plan to make those tweaks to the notification coloring I mentioned above and push out a public update. As usual, I'm not making any promises on timing, but I'll post here when there is some news! -Mike
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