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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. It needs to be an sqlite database, and the filename needs to have an extension of .db for the app to "see" it. -Mike
  2. SignalCheck Lite has finally been updated and is now current with Pro at version 4.28. Updates are infrequent because a lot of the features are specific to Pro, but I will work on doing a better job of getting relevant bug fixes out! The update should be live on Google Play shortly: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Blue+Line+Computing -Mike
  3. Me too.. but it's worse, because I'm missing calls/texts for hours and not realizing it! The wife and my work have been victimized several times.. the wife is used to it by now, but work is a little less understanding. They don't have quite as much interest in testing new LTE sites as I do. I plan to add an option to have it appear as a notification icon as well, so you don't need to have the app open to realize it. "SignalCheck.. saving wireless nerds' relationships one at a time.." -Mike
  4. A monster update for SignalCheck Pro is finally ready! Version 4.28 will be available on Google Play within the hour. I sincerely apologize that it has taken several months to get this ready. I sound like a broken record, but I just haven't had the time I want to dedicate to the app lately. I'll immediately point out that the duplicate GCI bug still exists, but I'm still working on it and decided to push this out without a fix because there are a lot of other fixes and some great improvements. My sincere thanks to all of you on the beta crew who have been helping to get this stable over the past several weeks! The Lite version is not ready yet, but should be sometime next week. That version was so far behind it is taking me longer than I hoped to get it up to speed. In the interest of full disclosure, I want to point out that I have raised the price to $2.99 for non-US users; I'm keeping the US version at $1.99 for the time being, and if that changes in the future I will announce it well in advance. As always, please reach out to me with comments/questions/concerns, and thank you to everyone for your support. I've been quiet lately, but I'm not going anywhere! The changelog and a list of known issues are below. Enjoy! -Mike Detailed Changelog: Added additional indicators for AT&T LTE bands 2, 4, and 17, including DAS and small cells. Added indicators for Sprint LTE band 25 and most second carriers (labeled with ²). Added indicators for T-Mobile LTE band 12. Added indicators for Verizon LTE bands 2, 4, and 13. AT&T and Verizon LTE band identification is rock-solid. Sprint only has a small issue with a particular second carrier (see below). Sprint B25 will now be labeled as such. T-Mobile band identification is less reliable than I would like, but as good as possible at the moment. If your device cannot report the GCI, no band information is available. Resolved issue with Alerts on all versions of Android except for the L Preview. (Pro) Finally! If you're on the L Preview, Alerts may not work, but nobody should still be running that anyway. Added Logger statistics window. (Pro) New menu option that shows some information. The "Duplicate GCIs" and "Null GCIs" are explained below.. Added option for one-time clean up of duplicate GCI Site Logger entries. (Pro) The most significant bug in the app has been the issue where switching between Sprint and Clearwire sites causes some bogus LTE records to be created with the wrong PLMN. The bug is not fixed, but you can wipe out all of the existing duplicates with one click. This should be used with caution since you will be wiping out any duplicate entries that have valid data, and please understand that this bug is not fixed yet (see the bottom of this post), so they will slowly come back as you use the Site Logger in Clearwire areas. Added option for one-time clean up of null GCI Site Logger entries. (Pro) The dreaded null GCI bug has been fixed! Users will be prompted to clean them up the first time they start the new version, but there is a menu option to do so on demand if you prefer. You shouldn't need to do this more than once. Added icon to indicate when telephone calls are unavailable. (Pro) If you accidentally leave your Nexus 5 in LTE-only mode, you'll know immediately.. Added option to log LTE sites even if the GCI is missing/invalid. (Pro) Samsung users, welcome to logging! Added option to hide CDMA 1X BSL when a Site Note exists. (Pro) Changed exported logs to include leading zero on plain-text dates. (Pro) Improved identification of LTE identity/GCI data. Improved internal diagnostic routines. Improved neighbor cell display. Moved the CDMA 1X Provider display line above the Site Note. Resolved force closes at startup related to the internal provider database. Resolved issue with LTE frequency display sticking when connection was lost. Resolved issue with Site Logger ignoring CDMA 1X sites with a missing/invalid BSL. (Pro) These should be self-explanatory. Significant issues that still remain: Site Logger may record invalid/duplicate LTE entries when switching PLMNs (i.e. Sprint/Clearwire). This bug has been my nemesis for nearly a year, and is the overwhelming reason why this update took nearly 5 months. The most noticeable impact is on the neighbor cell display, where you might see blank entries on the screen despite having site notes saved. I was determined to get this fixed before I sent out another update. I failed. Hopefully in the next one! Lollipop users on newer devices (i.e. Nexus 6) may see invalid LTE GCI information and no LTE neighbor cells. I am trying to figure out why apps like LTE Discovery can see certain information that SignalCheck insists does not exist. Stay tuned. Sprint users in Samsung markets will not see a second carrier indicator when connected to LTE sites with a GCI that end in 03. Flompholph has provided me with the information I need to get this implemented, but I have not gotten it working yet. It should be in the next update. T-Mobile LTE band identification is not 100% reliable. T-Mobile isn't deploying each of its LTE bands in the same manner. SignalCheck does its best to only report what it thinks is accurate, but there may be issues.. time will tell. Invalid data may be shown when Wi-Fi Calling is enabled. Wi-Fi calling is still relatively new and I have not figured out a way to recognize a connection is active. This will take some time to iron out unless Android introduces some Wi-Fi Calling routines. Some icons are nearly invisible in the notification pulldown on Lollipop. Some OS design changes are not playing nice with my icons in the pulldown. It's only cosmetic, but it bugs me.
  5. "Rooted" devices are ones in which the user has done something that opens up superuser access to apps that may request it. Since you're not familiar with the term, I'm sure you haven't done this. It's not required, but it provides access to a few more features within SignalCheck. Some devices are unable to be rooted, and it does require some technical expertise. Aha! That is a problem. The "Clear Data" option does not do anything itself; it is supposed to open up a sub-menu that allows you to specify what you are clearing. Since you're not even getting to that point, nothing is being cleared. Unfortunately I haven't received any crash reports that would point to why that is happening. Did you try using that Report option? Please do, and include a brief note about what you had clicked. Also, try doing it again, and then after it crashes immediately go back into the app and go to About > Send Diagnostics and send me one of those reports. I may be able to see the problem there. Please include your username and a brief note so I know what I'm looking for (I get hundreds of those reports). I can promise you that SignalCheck runs all of the appropriate shutdown and cleanup processes, and all background services are terminated. If it is still showing up, that is a decision the Android OS is making. Android manages memory in a much different way than traditional PC OSes do, and explicitly killing apps is seen as counterproductive. Android kills background processes as it needs memory/power, but it leaves some things idling in the background if it doesn't see a need to expend the resources to kill them off. That's probably what you are seeing. No developer (myself included) can change how the OS behaves. Very strange. Lite and Pro are two completely separate apps; I could call one "Peanut Butter" and the other one "Tuna Fish" if I really wanted to -- the installation of one does not affect the other. In any event, I'm glad you were able to get Pro back! -Mike
  6. Which option where you trying on that menu? What error messages did you see or what did you experience? Is your device rooted? What do you mean by a 'trusted' db? Force closing the app would not wipe out the database; are you certain that it had been properly imported in the first place? Also, if you use the "Exit" option from the menu, that shuts down the background service and all SignalCheck-related processes. It's a cleaner shutdown than force closing it, with the same battery impact. -Mike
  7. Yes that is odd. Google handles all of the payment and distribution; once you purchase SignalCheck Pro through Google Play, whatever Google account you used to make the purchase will have access to the app. Make sure you are signed into the correct Google account on your device. You'll have to contact Google for more help, as I have no control over that end of things. Sorry! -Mike
  8. Why is it surprising? It seems above average compared nationally, but seems roughly on par with other NV 1.0 first round markets to me. I agree that it is widespread though. Life is good. -Mike
  9. The report that I was replying about was from a couple versions prior to that. You've got the newest one now though, and I see a newer report from you in the queue. I'll take a peek at it this week. -Mike
  10. Yep, that is the latest one. I'm antsy too, but I don't like pushing out an update that is one step forward, two steps back. Selfishly, that causes my inbox to explode with hate mail demanding an instant fix! I have an update just about ready to go, but I've been away for over a week and didn't want to release it and then fall off the grid in case there was an issue. But.. I will be back home this week and will be pushing it out. I didn't want to tease it too early and up the "antsy". The changelog currently on the website should be accurate. I still do not have a confirmed fix for Alerts on Android 5.0 (5.1 is working) but I may get that done in this update. The duplicate GCI issue that impacts those in Clearwire markets will not be fixed in this version but I hope to push out an update just for that ASAP. That one personally affects me and is driving me crazy. -Mike
  11. Lite is still several updates behind, but an update is imminent.. I've been trying to finish wrapping up updates to both Lite and Pro but my "real" job has been keeping me too busy to give the app any attention over the past couple of weeks. Send a diagnostic report (About > Send Diagnostics) and shoot me a PM or e-mail support@bluelinepc.com with any other details you might have. It should work on any device or network, unless the system software is way out of whack and not reporting anything properly to Android. -Mike
  12. Any improvement in "LTE reliability" that you see after a PRL update is likely by coincidence. It does not change your service or what market your device is provisioned for. You probably saw an improvement because your mobile connection was reset after the PRL update and it forced a rescan of some sort that put you on a better connection. You can simulate the exact same thing by turning on airplane mode, waiting a few seconds, and then turning it back off. -Mike
  13. I think this is proof of Apple ensuring that apps like this do not succeed. My biggest problem with the iOS ecosystem is that the App Store is essentially the only authorized distribution method for apps. Sure, there are alternatives, but they pretty much make it impossible to use anything the App Store would deny in the first place. Somehow I'm guessing that CellularInfo caught the attention of someone at Apple, and they put up the necessary roadblocks to ensure it remains difficult for you. The kicker is none of this information is dangerous or really that special.. Apple just refuses to allow access to it. -Mike
  14. I see that occasionally, but it's because the actual signal may be coming in and out, or the phone is reporting EV-DO for a brief period during the handoff. The app doesn't try to smooth over the data coming from the phone, so if the connection is going wacky, the app will report it as such. If it's something else, please describe what you're seeing.. I don't recall any issues related to this? It gets tricky with custom ROMs; it's up to those developers to include whatever might be necessary for the RIL to report valid data to the OS. I am not certain that it requires TouchWiz to do so, but obviously the Samsung enginerrs would have more access to those features than ROM developers. I believe the CM crew has been able to get Samsung devices to report some information in the past, so perhaps they can get it working eventually. I saw your diagnostic report; it was reporting null values for GCI, PCI, and TAC. Go update your version of SignalCheck, you're a couple versions behind.. then send me another report. I've improved the diagnostics significantly in the last couple of versions. -Mike
  15. I've seen Sprint trucks along Memorial Drive a couple of times, I believe it was for the Head of the Charles and the 4th. I would certainly expect to see some for Monday.. perhaps they're stuck in traffic.. -Mike
  16. I'll butt in here and give my two cents while we're on the topic! I use GSam Battery Monitor Pro and like it very much. So much that I use this notification icon and have disabled the system one (using Xposed and GravityBox). -Mike
  17. Yes, testing it out.. so far in my testing, the "Unknown" values only seem to appear with a 0 dB strength, but I'm hoping that some of those Samsung folks who can't see PCIs might see valid signal readings. I will probably have it hide Unknown/0 dB readings but I wanted to see how it panned out in testing. Exactly.. thanks! Yep, I just haven't finished implementing that yet. I have your messages and it's on my list.. you should see the second carrier indicator on sectors 04 and 05 though. -Mike
  18. Yeah. No clue what happened.. still trying to get it resolved. The phone works, but all of my stuff is gone. I saw you sent me a message the other day but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. In better news, a new beta is out! Slow progress, but progress.. -Mike
  19. Fixed? Alerts are intentionally disabled on Lollipop because they cause non-stop force closes, but if you are referring to something else, please let me know. Lollipop progress has been derailed a bit because somehow when I upgraded my N5 to do some testing, I lost most (but not all) of the files on my N5. No idea what happened. Still working on it as time allows.. -Mike
  20. On Sprint, this has shown to be accurate. Other providers probably do something similar; the last two GCI bits identifying the sector appears to be standard. Sprint B25 and B26 connections from the same site will show the same first 6 GCI characters for most markets. I believe Samsung users do not enjoy this though. B41 connections from the same site are offset from the B25/B26. There are several posts about this scattered around the forum; I believe the offset is 1450 (hex). -Mike
  21. Go to Logs > Backup Log Database on your current device, and that will save a timestamped sqlite .db in the SignalCheck/ folder in your device's default storage location. Copy that file over to your other device. On that other device, go to Logs > Import Log Database, and locate the file. The "Export" option will produce a comma-separated file that you can use as you please, but the "Backup" option is more appropriate if you want to copy the database to another device or back it up. I'm considering renaming some of those options to clarify this. -Mike
  22. I'm a dummy, the information I need is not currently reported on the diagnostic screen. I've made some changes that will be included in the next update. Please send another report after that. Should hopefully be soon, I'm testing out yet another attempt to fix the duplicate GCI mess.. -Mike
  23. Thanks for spreading the word! I believe that Boost uses 311870 (and Virgin Mobile uses 311490); he should see Boost Mobile displayed instead of Clearwire though, the app checks for that. Is the app showing him Clearwire? -Mike
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