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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. That is weird.. if you have notes entered for those other sites, I think you should be seeing them. The only reason you might not is if all of those other sites are on a different TAC. Have you ever seen notes on neighbor cells? Maybe I'm crazy and this wasn't implemented at the time of the last public update?? The next update has a lot of changes and might resolve your issue. It should be ready by early next week. The PCI is the only value reported, so the app can't nail down what band you are looking at. -Mike
  2. It's probably easier for me to have them disabled by default (if I can); those who want to see info on their watch would probably go digging through the preferences to see if there was an option for it. If you hadn't thought to look at non-Wear apps like mine, you'd still be wondering why your battery life is terrible. I don't want the app to be a sneaky resource hog like that! I need to learn how to work with a Wear device before doing anything, but if it's possible I'll try to offer multiple options, with some sort of warning about possible battery drain if you use the "regular" notification. -Mike
  3. Are you seeing neighbor cells at all? If not, go to Preferences > Display Settings > Show Neighbor Cells. That's the only option in the current version. Do you see notes for the current LTE site? Does your phone show you LTE PCI and TAC? They should just show up, as long as you had previously entered a note for the site in the neighbor list. Feel free to post a screenshot with neighbor cells visible. -Mike
  4. Aha, that is probably it! Each time there is a change in signal strength detected, the notification is updated (if it didn't, it would be pointless of course). I just did some quick research, and it does look like any notifications that go to the phone are duplicated on a connected watch. I'm sure that this sort of realtime "streaming" notification is not what the watch battery is optimized for. It looks like there might be a way to stop the automatic notifications. I'll look into adding an option within the app so users will have to consciously enable sending to a watch. Maybe I can also adjust it to only update the connection type, not the signal strength; that would significantly reduce the updates. -Mike
  5. Oh it has been asked for! I have not done any work towards it though, plenty of other things to tackle before I will go off and learn something new like that. I just did some quick research, and it does not appear that SignalCheck could have Wear-abled itself without me taking some explicit steps on my end. -Mike
  6. I have not added any Wear functionality to SignalCheck at all.. I'm not terribly familiar with it, but I believe I have to do something on my end to make it work. I don't think I even have any of the Wear components compiled into the app. When that day comes, you would have to update it from Google Play anyway, and I haven't pushed out a public update since October. Any chance you could hint why you thought it was SignalCheck? Maybe it will work on a watch, I really have no idea..? -Mike
  7. Yes you did! Actually, no you didn't, I broke it.. I just didn't realize it until you pointed it out to me. Funny how typing "evdo" where you meant to type "cdma" makes such a big difference. Thanks to your rapid-fire responses to me, another new beta is out.. The good news is I didn't totally mess this update up. Already receiving feedback saying that T-Mobile LTE band identification is working, and GCIs are appearing on Samsung devices that didn't previously show them! -Mike
  8. The latest and greatest beta was just released a few minutes ago, and it marks the end of this round of development.. it will be publicly released once I'm satisfied it has been thoroughly tested. I spent all day on it, but I finally got log importing to work -- and it works well. Users will now be able to import, export (backup), and delete the actual log database from within the app; no root access is needed. Viewing and editing will be more complicated to implement, but the sqlite database program of your choice can be used for this in the meantime. The overall changelog for the next update will be huge.. check it out if you want a tease of what's coming: http://www.bluelinepc.com/signalcheck/change-log/ There are a lot of things remaining that I want to resolve in the near future (I haven't forgotten about new Alerts and issues with Lollipop, or the way-outdated Lite version), but I think this one should make some people happy! -Mike
  9. Haha yes, getting close.. need to finish fixing an issue with log importing, then one last round of beta testing. Hopefully it will be wrapped up Soon™ -Mike
  10. What, you don't like dirty radios? autoprime from xda already updated his archive, it's on there: http://downloads.codefi.re/autoprime/LG/Nexus_5/Modems -Mike
  11. As the minimal version increment indicates, it's a minor update.. seems as if it mostly fixes some bugs that are specific to other devices, but there are some small changes for everyone: http://www.androidpolice.com/2014/12/06/developer-changelog-posted-for-android-5-0-0_r7-lrx21v-to-5-0-1_r1-lrx22c/ EDIT: There is a new radio image, -Mike
  12. I see "Searching for Service" in the system pulldown, which is indicative of no voice access (either no 1X connection or you are in LTE-only mode).. and SignalCheck seems to be confirming that. Send a diagnostic report if it's still happening and I can see what is going on behind the scenes. -Mike
  13. The full LRX22C (5.0.1) image for the Nexus 5 has been posted by Google here: https://dl.google.com/dl/android/aosp/hammerhead-lrx22c-factory-0f9eda1b.tgz -Mike
  14. Both Sprint and T-Mobile updated their support pages this morning to indicate the LRX22C (5.0.1) update is beginning to roll out today, so it's probably imminent. Those of you who want it as soon as possible should keep an eye on the AOSP images page. Share the radio version if you get it! -Mike
  15. Wow, what a great idea! I hadn't even thought of that. I'd like to eventually implement some triangulation to better locate known sites, but your way is foolproof. Awesome use of creativity! Curious -- are you in an area with former Clearwire sites? After doing a lot of drive testing and logging, I've noticed that when signal strength gets weak, my N5 seems to increase what it is scanning for. Even when on Sprint B25, Clear B41 PCIs start appearing. The newest beta option (No-PLMN Neighbor Notes) shows this very well so far for me. This neighbor cell feature is becoming more and more entertaining to watch, especially in more populated areas! I've seen some new PCIs popping up near one of the last few non-LTE towers around here.. I'm hoping it's the new gear in testing. It would be pretty cool if that turned out to be a source of some of our phantom PCIs. -Mike
  16. Robert, update to the newest beta and try out Preferences > Display > Location Neighbor Notes. It will blow your mind. -Mike
  17. Someone asked for that before; I looked into it briefly, and realized I would need to learn several new things before I could tackle it, so it moved down the priority list a bit. I definitely still plan on pursuing it, there are just some other things I'd like to tackle first. I'm literally learning java/Android coding as I go, so some things take me longer to implement than others. I'm also horribly uncreative when it comes to graphics/design if you couldn't tell! Yep, that is already in beta testing.. selecting the "Network Type" status bar icon style will do it. For example, you will be able to see "LTE 41" or "LTE 2500" depending on your preference settings. There is not a lot of real estate in the notification bar, but I tried to maximize font size and clarity as much as I could. I did a LOT of testing with fonts and pixel densities for all of the new icons. I wanted it to be as readable as possible, and I wanted everything as consistent as possible. I didn't want "LTE 2500" to be in a completely different font than "1X" even though each piece of text takes up a very different amount of space. I'd post a screenshot but I don't have one saved right now, and it's tricky to get on another band where I am at the moment. I am working on finishing up the last couple of new features (big strides for Samsung and LG phones, plus log import/export for everyone) and squashing bugs. Hopefully it will be through testing by early next week. -Mike
  18. Sort of.. I tweaked that area of the code to account for when RSRQ is invalid. My N5 doesn't report SNR so I certainly could have broken it and not immediately noticed. I will look into it early next week.. I'm out of state until Monday, so you will have to have a weekend with zero SNR. -Mike
  19. The LG flash tool link you provided has the following disclaimer at the top: "Backup your data! This will format your internal storage, including user apps, SMS/MMS, Call Logs, Pictures etc. So please backup your data" When you downgraded, your device was wiped. -Mike
  20. Hmm, I thought I resolved the incorrect "LTE xxxx" labels (jefbal99 -- "LTE 1900" should only show up if the app is explicitly showing B2 or B25, so your screenshot is wrong too). Were you all definitely running the latest version, 4.264b? It was the second update released today, a few hours ago. EDIT: Nevermind, I found the problem. Another update coming soon! The app uses a combination of the speeds and bandwidth reported by the OS to determine which 802.11 protocol is active. You should only see ac if the reported speed is >150 Mbps. Next time you see it, please send me a screenshot or post it here so I can take a look. Did you wipe your phone's data partition? How did you "revert back to the ZV4"? The notes are saved in /data/data/com.blueline.signalcheck/databases/signalcheck_log.db. You do not need to do anything for the app to "see" that file; if it's there, it will use whatever data is present. If you uninstalled SignalCheck, it would likely delete that file as well, but if the app never disappeared, the file shouldn't have gone anywhere. -Mike
  21. It's a closed invite-only beta, and invites are like unicorns.. so you have to try and contain your excitement and patiently wait for a public release to drop. It's awful, I know I would be far too impatient to wait!! -Mike
  22. Ahh.. Sprint band 25 still isn't explicitly labeled; band 26 and 41 are. Too many devices can't distinguish between any of the bands, so if it's not identified as 26 or 41, it stays generic on purpose. I might tweak it in the future. -Mike
  23. As long as you are running one of the versions released this week, you should see it.. works great on my stock N5 and I haven't heard of any issues from others. Have you updated recently? -Mike
  24. Yeah, I broke something, Sprint did not launch AWS and B26 is not on 1900.. I will get another beta out tonight. No B41 at home to test with so I roll the dice sometimes! -Mike
  25. I'm not looking for anyone at the moment, but thanks anyway. Gotta keep the club exclusive to keep demand high.. Honored Premier Sponsors need to enjoy some perks It's not just HTC devices, there are a few that don't consistently report the PLMN ID properly. A beta update went out this afternoon that implements a second method to grab that ID, hopefully it does the trick. I have a feeling it will resolve the issue for most people, but not everyone. -Mike
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