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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. It's pro-rated though, which is unique as far as I have seen.. if you use less than you prepay for, you get a bill credit for your unused data. And it's not rounded to gigabytes. I wish they had a hotspot option where you could sign up for the same plan without the telephone features. -Mike
  2. Titanium Backup is worth every penny!! I wish there was a way for me to allow rollbacks on Google Play, but alas there is not. That and the inability to do promo codes are my biggest peeves with the system. -Mike
  3. Well then, I guess that was a disaster! Odd that its working fine on all of my devices, but I think I know why. There are some significant changes in the 6.0 SDK that forced a lot of rewriting behind the scenes. This is why I take baby steps with beta testing.. ;-) I most likely will not be able to get an update out until later tonight at the earliest. I saw several logs and bug reports in my inbox so hopefully I can figure it out quickly. -Mike
  4. Yeah SignalCheck is behaving very oddly on some devices running Marshmallow, and to a lesser extent Lollipop. Or perhaps something network-related changed in your area. But I haven't updated the app in awhile. I doubt you'll ever see a signal monitoring app on iOS that doesn't require a jailbreak. Apple has never been open to anything like that, and developers' hands are tied. Apple not only restricts access to the most useful routines needed to develop such an app, but it will also deny any app submission to the App Store that has those sort of features. It's very strange, but it's their policy. Your best bet for now is CellularInfo, but that does require jailbreak: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6791-cellularinfo-for-ios-beta-released-was-coming-soon/ -Mike
  5. There has not been a public SignalCheck update in 5 months (I'm still working on it though, I promise).. did you update your version of Android recently? Some users on Lollipop or Marshmallow are seeing odd things in SignalCheck. I do have some test devices that show LTE connections even though they are not activated, but then others will not connect to LTE. It seems to vary by device/provider/system software. -Mike
  6. I've been fighting to try resolving the 1X+LTE display issue, as well as the new slow/frozen screen updates being reported by some Marshmallow users. I've also been traveling nearly nonstop since early August, and I am not comfortable pushing out a public update unless I know I'll be around. I learned that lesson awhile ago! It bothers me that public updates have become less frequent, but it bothers me more that bugs are becoming more frequent. Newer devices and newer Android versions are making making things worse, not better. I know that some interpret the lack of updates as me letting this project fall aside, but I assure you all that's not it at all. It's just gotten to a point where the bug fixes and new feature additions are much more complicated than things I tackled previously. I've mentioned before, I'm no programmer.. I am learning Java as I go, so some basic things I'm trying to do (like having multiple screens in the app that you can swipe back and forth between) are taking me a long time to figure out. When devices don't react the way the Android spec says they should, that complicates it even more. So nTelos sites do not use the typical PLMN(s) or sector assignments? What if a Sprint customer connects to an nTelos site? This is the first nTelos info I've seen but if there is a thread somewhere, I'll go take a look to educate myself. I'd certainly like to have the app working well for those users. I just saw your post in the N6 thread also. Like I said above, I am battling these quirky new hiccups that are rendering the app useless for some people. It's frustrating because the app will work well as long as the device/OS/ROM is properly reporting data as defined in the Android documentation. Unfortunately I can't change system behavior. Could you clarify this a bit? From what I understand, those who experience this bug are seeing it in whatever signal monitoring app(s) they choose to run. I realize that SignalCheck isn't showing GCI for some folks that do see it in LTE Discovery, but I thought the 1X+LTE glitch was universal. -Mike
  7. As other alluded to, it goes in the "SignalCheck" subfolder in your device's default storage location. The file name is a timestamp. On some phones it might be SD card, on others its internal. SignalCheck uses whatever the default is for your particular configuration. -Mike
  8. I get occasional reports of spikes like this; my only guess is that some external element that SignalCheck relies on (such as GPS) is chewing up battery for some reason, and it is being attributed to SCP because that's the app using it. I really don't know what else it could be. It's running 24/7 on tens of thousands of devices (including mine), and I only hear of issues very sporadically, so its hard for me to nail down. It certainly seems to be a random issue that resolves itself quickly. Have you tried disabling the Location and/or Logger services within the app to see if that helps? -Mike
  9. The "Unknown" sites won't correlate to anything in the national database because there is no PCI. If there is a PCI, you don't see the "Unknown" label in the app. Besides a bug, my best guess would be the phone is seeing the neighbor cell before it finishes identifying it. Hard to know exactly, since most of these methods are not documented well. -Mike
  10. That may be the case, I don't know specifically -- but if someone is aware for certain, then it's a bug in SignalCheck that I will need to fix. -Mike
  11. No.. those just seem to indicate that the device is seeing a neighbor cell that it can't identify anything about. I wonder if its an Android bug but its hard to tell. I will probably have those filtered out in a future release as they have not proven to be useful as far as I know. -Mike
  12. I saw my first extended glimpse of a B41 second carrier last night.. it was while I was at Fenway Park. Primary was 39826, but secondary looks like a new one -- 40024! -Mike
  13. I've been trying to get the damn never-ending "sticky PLMN" bug fixed first, but again, making no progress so I might not wait that long. I wanted to confirm stability on Marshmallow since I knew it was imminent; now that it's out, the new SDK broke half of the app so I'm trying to resolve all of that. Two steps forward, one step back.. Band identification for VZW went live in the public update pushed out in May.. pucker up! -Mike
  14. Yep, that's as close as you can get right now. But that also hides it from the status bar on the lock screen, which was generally disliked by a group I was talking about it with. But I do plan to throw that in as an option as a placeholder until I can find a better solution. -Mike
  15. It's a Lollipop feature.. but you either get the lock screen and status bar notification, or neither. They didn't create an option for developers to allow one or the other. I'm testing a workaround that might solve it, but it needs some more work on my end. It's more of a hack than a workaround. -Mike
  16. Flompholph hit it on the head.. I'll quote him again for good measure since I get similar questions often: Also, could we take the off-topic discussions about WiFi calling/N5/N6/etc elsewhere? There have been several posts in here over the past week or so that have no connection to SignalCheck. This thread is big enough already. Thanks! -Mike
  17. My N5 has been my daily driver since shortly after release, and I've never experienced GPS problems. Perhaps there is something related to the hardware design that causes certain cases to negatively impact GPS performance? I have the smaller Seidio hard case with the kickstand. -Mike
  18. Highly doubtful. I can't speak for any other apps, but I can promise that SignalCheck doesn't do anything to your connection except toggle airplane mode if you hit the Reset button. The only data it ever sends back to the network is requests to geocode 1X BSL addresses, and automated crash data if you get a force close. Nothing that would cause the network to reject your device. "Unregistered" typically shows up when you're connected to a network with a device/SIM that is not activated. -Mike
  19. Anyone with GV Lite (voicemail only) having issues recently? My voicemails are suddenly going to the default Sprint system now, and when I try deactivating or reactivating my N5 with the * dialer code provided by GV (that always worked in the past), it says the feature code is not valid. -Mike
  20. Sorry for not getting back to everyone sooner, but I'm aware of the Site Logger issue in the latest beta. I have been mostly off the grid for the past week because I've been moving.. starting to get settled in now. I'm looking into the issue -- and I'm adding those columns soon, I know it would be a huge benefit to you guys! I might already have it noted somewhere (see above, nearly all of my stuff is still in boxes!), but could you refresh my memory as to when the second carrier indicator might be wrong? -Mike
  21. And a single release for all mobile providers, unlike 5.1.1 where T-Mobile and Fi users received individual branches. Nice and simple. -Mike
  22. Sorry, I made a typo that might have confused things -- I meant BID 0, not SID 0. In any event, any delay in SID/NID/BID display is related to the network or device, not the app. SignalCheck will show it as soon as it has it. If there was a delay related to site notes, it would cause the note field to be delayed (but I don't think you should experience that, regardless of the size of your database). You wouldn't have seen this behavior until this latest build, I just added it. Previously, it would hide the SID/NID/BID/Provider if the BID was 0. It will still hide them if the SID is 0 of course. -Mike
  23. Is the 'bug' the BID 0? That's more of a new feature in the latest beta.. I was noticing that when in areas with poor 1X signal strength, my N5 could get a signal reading (that changes as you move) but the SID/NID/BID/Provider lines were missing. After some testing, I discovered that the reported BID was 0 in these instances. Since it appears to be a valid signal reading, and the SID/NID proved valid in my testing as well, I have the app now display that data. It has become handy for me when traveling in the boonies of NH where I'm often roaming, and I see it hopping between Sprint/Verizon/USCC while it struggles to maintain a stable connection. -Mike
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