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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Interesting. I did not know that a partial SIM unlock was possible. It must still lock out SIMs from other carriers with 310 and 311 MCCs. AJ
  2. HD Voice and CDMA1X Advanced are two separate, unrelated developments. AJ
  3. All that a PRL does is help a device acquire a specific system, band, and/or channel. It does not force the device to use only that system, band, and/or channel. If Sprint does not want subs using CDMA1X 800 right now, Sprint can easily enough redirect devices that land on CDMA1X 800. AJ
  4. You have a lot in your Box. Are you Pandora? AJ
  5. Just an iPad mini? I can offer both of you something even better. Maxipads. My ex girlfriend left behind a whole box here at the house. AJ
  6. MSL unlock and SIM unlock are two different things. AJ
  7. VZ installing T1s for VZW is like a parent cooking dinner for a child. If you catch my drift... AJ
  8. Are you judging that based on performance in NYC, where Verizon is also the Baby Bell? AJ
  9. Yes, that is exactly what the MSL does -- it unlocks the NAM programming menu. AJ
  10. Is the Upper Peninsula currently frozen over? And is it hell? If yes on both counts, then you might have a chance. AJ
  11. Simple. Release 8 is what was available to VZW in 2010, just as WiMAX is what was available to Sprint in 2008. AJ
  12. WiWavelength

    X Phone

    This is le groom, and here comes le bride. AJ
  13. This post basically says, "I have to cheat the system because if I call in too often, Sprint might realize that I am cheating the system another way, too." What a great attitude. AJ
  14. VZW got the jump start on everyone else, but its Release 8 LTE overlay in its Upper 700 MHz spectrum is going to look almost rickety in just a few years. So, with the AWS spectrum that VZW acquired from SpectrumCo-Cox, expect VZW to deploy a Release 10 LTE overlay and shift its subs to that network whenever/wherever possible, particularly because VZW has enough AWS spectrum in many markets to run a 15 MHz FDD or even 20 MHz FDD carrier. AJ
  15. I would not assume that a certain type of backhaul would meet Sprint's requirements just because it met VZW's requirements. Sprint's and VZW's deployments are not really comparable. VZW is not overhauling its network. Rather, VZW is just overlaying a single 10 MHz FDD LTE carrier (using older LTE equipment, I might add). So, VZW requires backhaul to support only that one LTE carrier. Moreover, VZW has never promised to have sufficient backhaul at every one of its LTE sites, so some could even be backhaul limited. AJ
  16. Amarillo again? Robert's home away from home. AJ
  17. The rate of new construction is part of the problem. Las Vegas is an ill advised location for a city of that size. The ecosystem cannot support it without massive man made intervention efforts. AJ
  18. Good. We had a flurry of activity last night, but then nothing. I was disappointed that seemingly no one else had decided to take up the mantle of my challenge. The Sony Ericsson T series is a good guess, but I am looking for something just slightly older. The Motorola RAZR, which was correctly guessed very quickly last night, is the latter of the two that I have in mind. The RAZR came later and basically slammed the door shut on external/extendable antennas AJ
  19. They are gonna flip the switch next Thursday... AJ
  20. That depends on market definition. As of right now, Las Vegas is MSA #30. Because the FCC locked in its Cellular markets in the 1980s, however, Las Vegas is CMA #93. Off the top of my head, no market has sprawled...er, I mean grown a greater percentage than Las Vegas has in the past 30 years. AJ
  21. What if Ergen is protesting the Sprint-SoftBank-Clearwire transactions in an attempt to finagle a trade of his nationwide 40 MHz of S-band/AWS-4 (FDD) spectrum for Clearwire's nationwide but variable BRS/EBS (TDD) spectrum? Would you take that deal? AJ
  22. You can read the just filed Clearwire amendment to the Sprint-SoftBank deal here: http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/ApplicationSearch/applAdminAttachments.jsp?applID=7302868 AJ
  23. Interesting statistic... Cellphones per capita: Detroit, MI: 0.4 El Valle de Arroyo Seco, NM: 7 AJ
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