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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. No, seriously, the three beeps followed by an automatic disconnect and reacquisition of the network is what *18 is designed to do. It has long since served little purpose with seamless automatic roaming. But it does force a new registration. AJ
  2. You just registered your account for NSA monitoring. AJ
  3. Besides the 5 MHz FDD vs 10 MHz FDD issue, these studies tend to focus exclusively on urban areas. So, T-Mobile rarely gets a big fat zero for data speeds along highways and in more rural areas where Sprint already does or soon will have LTE, while T-Mobile will be lucky to have LTE there in 3-4 years, if ever. AJ
  4. Again, I am not sure how you 'know' that you "have to switch to" T-Mobile fully 15 months in advance. In terms of pricing and strategy, a lot can change in that span of time. What is interesting about T-Mobile's current non subsidy strategy is how it probably bifurcates much of the subscriber base. On one hand, you have the financially well off, cutting edge urban dwellers who like to upgrade devices at least once per year. They do not want to wait for subsidies to trigger upgrade eligibility, so they do not benefit much from subsidies. They can afford to and choose to pay full freight for their devices. On the other hand, you have the financially poor and/or technologically challenged urban dwellers. They are attracted by T-Mobile's low monthly plan costs, but they must also be satisfied in keeping the same devices for 4-5 years -- long after they have become decrepit -- in order to make the lack of subsidies worthwhile. Otherwise, those who want new high end smartphones every 20 months are in for a $700 rude awakening. AJ
  5. That was done years ago in the Kansas market. The Alamosa NIDs are long gone. AJ
  6. I have not noticed any NID changes in my neck of the woods. And our site info, as I recall, does not indicate any MSC assignment changes in the Kansas market. Have you checked to see if NID 308 is on CDMA1X 800? AJ
  7. You mean greater than -85 dBm, which is already a very strong RSRP. AJ
  8. VZW is no different. No "2G." It was all upgraded to at least CDMA1X years ago. AJ
  9. Is it worth flashing onto my wrt-610N router? Been considering it for awhile. Stock firmware sucks. You want to flash PayPal onto your router??? (Next time, you might not want to quote a completely unrelated, year and a half old post.) AJ
  10. Why in the world would you know that you "have to switch to" T-Mobile? AJ
  11. In the PRL 2000, in the PRL 2000... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS9B1qXmHEM AJ
  12. Guys, this is old news. Sadly, we may never know what is up with Sprint marketing's cartography department, but the launched market coverage maps are not accurate initially. We dealt with this issue starting late last summer. In response, Robert created some alternative coverage maps, and I did some field testing to show that our coverage maps were more accurate than were marketing's coverage maps. The issue does not seem to be going away, but harping about it does not make it any better. Instead, focus on the the LTE sites completed maps here. AJ
  13. I do not openly disclose my devices. You are left to your own devices to determine which devices are my devices -- or vices. AJ
  14. You need to become a sponsor to see the proportion of sites in your area that has already gone live with LTE and the proportion that has yet to go live with LTE. Otherwise, you are judging capacity based on incomplete information, probably incomplete deployment, too. Additionally, yes, you need to be offloading to Wi-Fi at home. If not, you are part of the problem, and people like you are just making the problem worse for yourselves, as Sprint LTE is not a home broadband replacement. What you say is flat out false: AT&T U-verse, even AT&T DSL, is more than adequate for web browsing. AJ
  15. The really cool wireless network nerds (oxymoron) know the dialer codes but have home screen shortcuts to both Field Trial and Testing APKs. AJ
  16. No, no, no, the document is relevant only to AT&T, not T-Mobile. You cannot come to the same conclusion about T-Mobile based on that evidence. AT&T already had bought up a vast network of rural sites and treasure chest of sub 1 GHz spectrum. The same cannot be said for T-Mobile. AJ
  17. The Canadian market is small potatoes. I find it difficult to believe that VZW would be interested, especially as it would be competing against Bell/Telus and Rogers -- the Canadian versions of itself and AT&T. VZW wants to be the big dog or stay home. AJ
  18. Yes, I am well aware. That is why I said "once again." AJ
  19. Posting a bare URL with no elaboration does not explain the relevance. That is why I asked. FYI, AT&T LTE devices have always been multi band. So, the AT&T variant reveals nothing regarding any upcoming Sprint variant. Questioning is not the same as being defensive. But Robert has already warned you that your problematic username pegs you as a potential troll. So, expect to have your motives questioned. AJ
  20. SMR 800/900 MHz. It would have to be in order for iDEN devices to work. AJ
  21. Well, if that is indeed true, then AT&T is showing once again that it basically perjured itself by claiming that, without T-Mobile, it would scale back its network expansion goals. Kudos to government regulation forcing capital investment rather than consolidation. AJ
  22. And what is the relevance of this to the Sprint Galaxy S4 variant with tri band LTE? AJ
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