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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. That is great news. Yoda like -- do or do not -- pay any fees upfront and do not complain later. I hope that continues where you are located and elsewhere. AJ
  2. Yeah, I hope that holds true. But I do not hold much hope. People still will complain, wasting time and resources. The old adage that "The customer is always right" has become increasingly wrong. So many modern consumers are insufferable. AJ
  3. Meh. I hope that Sprint maintains the hardline about reducing to $30 yet never comping activation/upgrade fees. Negotiating with front line representatives and managers increases the need for retail or customer service employees and managers. I would rather that most of those unskilled workers go away, especially the brick and mortar versions. Increasing that front line employee usage to haggle over fees increases costs for Sprint and prices for you, me, and all of us. Some trivial one time fees you just accept and move on with life. Seriously. AJ
  4. EmeraldReporter, simmer down. Shouting at people is not going to elicit help. You are like Beavis yelling, "Help! Help, asswipe!" Nobody at S4GRU has a responsibility to instruct you what to do or to tell you anything. Just make your own decision and move on with real life. AJ
  5. Uh, yeah, you can fly over Kamchatka at your own risk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Air_Lines_Flight_007 AJ
  6. No problem, Ryan. I concur on all points. AJ
  7. You need to reboot your sarcasm detector. It must have locked up today. I was making light that poor people who supposedly cannot afford home Internet access frequently have nice gaming systems, TVs, not to mention, cellphones. AJ
  8. But, Ryan, if not for these Mobile Beacon hotspots, how will the poor afford to play their Xbox One online networked games and stream Hulu to their flat panel TVs? AJ
  9. Yes, the dominant Cellular 850 MHz license holders VZW and AT&T are eager to sell off some of that spectrum to Sprint or any other takers. AJ
  10. No, that is not an "article." It is a company/organization press release written by public relations people. There is a difference between that and an "article." AJ
  11. Be technically correct. Bar none, it is 6 MHz FDD. An operator could deploy two 3 MHz FDD carriers in a Lower 700 MHz block -- or disaggregate half of the license block to another operator. AJ
  12. No, all Lower 700 MHz paired spectrum licenses are 6 MHz FDD -- because they correspond exactly with vacated UHF TV channels. AJ
  13. I doubt that this is notable. PhillieCo and WirelessCo -- in some way, shape, or form -- have existed for over 20 years. PhillieCo was Sprint's joint holding company with Comcast for the Philadelphia MTA; Sprint later bought it out in full. And WirelessCo was Sprint's own holding company for most MTA based licenses acquired at the first PCS auction that ended around this time 21 years ago. AJ
  14. mikejeep is the developer, so he gets to make the ultimate call. But I know that I have stumped for months for a switch to a "Bxx#2" and "Bxx#3" type carrier numbering scheme. He is concerned that will increase user confusion. However, user confusion already is rampant. Frequently, we have to remind or educate users that "B41^2" does not necessarily indicate 2x CA -- and that "B25^2" does not indicate 2x CA at all, no way, no how. AJ
  15. No, the Marcelo thread will not be renamed. It has existed for years and has nearly 500,000 views. Renaming it would disrupt past search engine indexing. AJ
  16. You can justify, rationalize, or spin it however you want. But you did not enter that transaction with Project Fi in good faith. And that is an instance of poor ethics. AJ
  17. No, they do not overlap. Look at the center frequencies. Are you missing that they are almost 100 MHz apart? One is in the 2500 MHz range, the other in the 2600 MHz range. AJ
  18. Somebody culturally literate is catching my drift. Bravo, sir. But I think the one armed man is whom they really should be looking for... AJ
  19. Not an excuse, but those classes were abused largely by "student athletes" -- a drop in the bucket among the student populace. As a KU man and a Kansan, I am fond of both Dean Smith and Roy Williams. The state of Kansas has seeded UNC. Dean is from Kansas and played at KU. Roy built his name at KU. This NCAA investigation may not end well for their legacies, though. UNC is a good public institution. However, I agree that it does not quite rank alongside those other public universities. Overall academically, the top state schools (in no particular order) are Michigan, Cal, UCLA, Virginia, and Texas. Some of that is my opinion, but my day job is in higher ed. AJ
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